The Synod and the Sky is Falling
I am becoming fatigued by the number of Catholics who are fearing that the Church will collapse over the recent synod on the family. Conspiracy theories abound regarding "agendas" and "take-overs." The Church has been through a lot worse times than this. Chicken Little had nothing over these arm-chair blogger/theologians.
I wonder if there were observers at the time of the Council of Nicea (where the entire Church almost split on a not so small matter of whether Jesus was truly God) proclaiming doom and predicting the death knell for the Church? Were folks second-guessing the pope, the bishops and the work of the Holy Spirit? Were they ready to pack it in and join the Montanists who felt they knew what God was saying by manner of prophecy and personal interpretation of scripture?
During WWII, Heinrich Himmler, the chief of Adolph Hitler's security services threatened the Archbishop of Berlin, Cardinal Konrad Graf, with plans to crush the Catholic Church. Cardinal Graf listened politely and then responded: "Well, good luck. We've been trying to do that for 2,000 years, and [the Church is] still here."
My conclusion is we should stop the nay-saying and back-seat driving, divisive gossip, criticism of the pope and the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and allow the Holy Spirit to do what he does best. Like we used to say when I was a protestant " Just trust and obey for there is no other way..."