Protestant Pastor says Why Not Return to Catholicism?

"I feel as if 1,000 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders. Peace. That struggle is done. Of course the journey continues and there will be other struggles, but that's fine. It's always like that. I won't go into all kinds of reasons why this is happening, theological and otherwise, right now. That's not what this post is for. That will come, as a matter of course I'm sure."
A pastor named, Alan, found my "double crossed the tiber" posting and just notified me he is coming home to the Church. Tomorrow he will receive reconciliation and be reconciled to the Catholic Church. He is the pastor of a "home church" and has gotten the green light from friends and family for his return. Check out his blog and let's all send him a Hearty Catholic Blogger's WELCOME HOME! Our prayers are with you and your family as well as the prayers of St. Peter and St. Paul on this great solemnity of the Church.
Check out the photos on his site, he's very good with a camera too! ( the above photo is his)
Oh man - here we go. ha! Thanks for the positive words Tiber. I appreciate the prayers, of you and any in the Church Triumphant who will pray. Thanks for the link - I noticed it linked to the labels section "emerging church" on my blog - you might want to change that to the simple deal. No big deal, just didn't want anyone to get confused.
Thanks again - and that photo is of candles by the statue of Jesus and the Sacred Heart in my old home parish, where I was baptized and confirmed some 27 years ago. Peace to you.
I used to read Alan during his emerging church days but left off when my own journey took me way from the whole emerging thing that seemed only to be yet another Protestant movement that would formalize into a sect and eventually divide and or divide and die. Nothing is really new and timely, ironically except the historic Christian Church, the Catholic Church.
I popped over to Alan's place and left him a Welcome.
Hope u don't mind the link Alan. I fixed it now.
I do get a little excited when I see someone else go through the journey!
You will also need the faith, prayers and encouragement of the church militant and church triumphant in the coming days. I am still freaked that my artist friend(o boy) from the north
was on your blog before he crossed the tiber!
Small world and the universal church makes it all that much smaller!
O boy: remember we always used to say "God is doing a new thing" well, the new thing is the old thing and that is bringing us back to the fold~! Awesome stuff.
Yeah, no problem on the link Tiber man. And I do appreciate the prayers. I'm sure it will be needed - it always is by all of us. It is wild that Onion boy was reading my stuff back when (not too long ago really) - pretty cool. I remember seeing your "name" around the blogosphere too Onion boy, at some point. Interesting days we live in for sure. Peace.
It seems interesting to me, that while our church is becoming poorer right now due to lawsuits and bankruptcies, that it is at the same time becoming so much richer because of the wonderful people who are finding their way in to the church. As always, I am in awe of the Lord's work.
Amen Julie!
Me Too~
A big hearty Catholic welcome Alan, from this former Pentecostal. That's one of the things that stands out for me when I made my decision to come home to Rome; the real peace in my soul I felt.
PS, TJ, you think with all these conversion stories that Tiber swimming is going to become an Olympic event? ;)
Yes, absolutely, the peace was there for me as well the moment I received absolution. I knew I had done the right thing despite much apprehension the weeks before I returned and for a short time right before, almost backing out.
Regarding the "feelins' of peace", there will be detractors who will say that the Tiber cross is just all about emotions!)Despite the hymns that declare it is well with my soul) Yet you and I both realize(especially having escaped charismania) that feelings certainly aren't the justification or proof of the experience, yet it is a great blessing that God has given to us and one that should not be discounted.
Ah yes the olypmic tiber crossing events...I feel a blog comin on.
Julie wrote:
"It seems interesting to me, that while our church is becoming poorer right now due to lawsuits and bankruptcies, that it is at the same time becoming so much richer..."
What an interesting thought. It reminds me of the legendary tale about the Pope, Aquinas and riches.
Noting the trappings of the bascilica, the Pope said to Aquinas, "See Thomas; we no longer say, 'Silver and gold have I none.'"
Aquinas supposedly replied, "That is true, Your Holiness; however, we also no longer say, 'Rise up and walk.'"
Thanks Julie for again reminding me what true treasure is all about.
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