A New Catholic Blog

Just found a new blog by a young Catholic college student. She was a cradle Catholic, poorly catechized like many of us, and on her way to leaving the Church. Her conversion story (which is very long, kinda like mine) is a riot! Man, is this young lady on-fire for Jesus !
Find out how a Lutheran religion professor at a secular college ends up leading her on the path back to Catholicism. See how God uses a devout orthodox priest who is not afraid of preaching about sin and truth to open the eyes of a young women to the beauty of Catholicism. Learn how EWTN's daily Mass and the preaching of Fr. Corapi also helped to turn this soul around. Well, I don't want to give away the whole story but stop bye and
Give a Hearty Catholic Blogger's Welcome to Kim at Bless The Lord My Soul
Please endourage the new blogger to revise her site. It may be a cool thing on MySpace or Facebook, but black text on a blue background makes for a tough read.
Thank you for the recommendation.
Thanks for the publicity! I changed the dark blue to light blue for easier reading.
God bless!
your welcome, I hope anon blogger likes the new color scheme.
God bless you too!
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