Crossed The Tiber

An Evangelical Converts to Catholicism

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I was born into the Catholic faith. At 14, I was "born again" and found Jesus personally but lost His Church. After thirty years as an evangelical protestant, I have come full circle to find that He has been there all the time, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I wish others to find the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith as I have found.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From Father Pavone

This is your FINAL CHANCE to impact the outcome of the 2008 election.

Click here and follow the instructions before it’s too late!

It is literally DO OR DIE in the political arena for the unborn ... for our nation ... and for our entire pro-life movement.

It will be too late for you to make a difference politically for God’s unborn innocents the day after Election Day

If you want to save the babies, you must ACT NOW!!!

Just click here if you want to come to their rescue.

Your immediate action is especially critical because just as we were set to launch our 11th hour “Plan of Action” – the one I told you about in my note from DC – donations to Priests for Life dried up. It was the economy. It’s still reeling.

Making matters worse, the enemy is flush with cash. Planned Parenthood – the nation’s #1 provider of abortions – reported that donations have quintupled since Labor Day.

Your immediate financial help is needed if we are to preserve our pro-life momentum ... end abortion ... and save God’s unborn children!

Please click here and follow the instructions right now!

If abortion zealots win at the polls, they will seek to undo every single pro-life victory we have won over the past twenty years. And I mean everything: The ban on partial birth abortion ... the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act” ... the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act” ... parental consent laws ... informed consent laws ... and more!

Abortion extremists vow they will pass the diabolical Freedom of Choice Act the moment they take power. That one law will undo all your hard work and set back our movement’s entire legislative progress

To make matters worse, they will pack the Supreme Court with like-minded abortion judges who will cement Roe v Wade and keep legalized abortion-on-demand the law of the land for generations to come.

This is why the 2008 Election is a DO OR DIE moment for the babies!

I am convinced that all this is the work of the devil. At this precise moment in time – when our entire pro-life movement is engaged in a struggle to the death – we’re scrambling for funds while the enemies of life have tens of millions of dollars to spend.


In spite of our lack of cash, Priests for Life is going forward in faith. Nothing is going to deter us. We are all that stand between the unborn and certain death. Here’s what Priests for Life is doing:

  • Supporting last-minute nationwide “Get Out the Vote” drives
  • Making sure that in those states that allow citizens to register and vote on the same day, the people of life go to the polls, register, and vote!
  • Printing and distributing thousands of our Voter Guides.
  • Driving people to the “Political Responsible Center” page on our Priests for Life website:
  • Energizing clergy – both Catholic and Protestant – to preach on the life issues in the days left before the election.
  • Providing church leaders with the legal documents that will assure them of all they can do within IRS boundaries.
  • Holding a nationwide teleconference on October 27 from 9 to 10pm ET to give information and inspiration to pro-life activists coast to coast.

As you can see, Priests for Life is pulling out all the stops to implement every single element of our 11th hour “Plan of Action”.

The cost will be enormous. Minimum of $250,000 ... probably more.

I need you to click here and make the largest donation you can to Priests for Life ... and I need you to do this RIGHT NOW ... before you move on to your next email!

Remember. This is a DO OR DIE moment in our nation’s history.

And Priests for Life cannot do anything to influence the election outcome after the votes are counted.

NOW is the moment for ACTION! Tomorrow will be too late!

Hold nothing back. This is your FINAL CHANCE to make a difference. So click here and follow the instructions! Thank you. And I pray that God richly bless you for the sacrifices I know you are making to help Priests for Life save His innocent unborn babies.

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

PS – And please join us Monday night, October 27, for the teleconference from 9 to 10pm ET. See for details.

Note: You may always send us a check, made out to “Priests for Life” at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314.


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