
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our Seekers Group

Tonite, we have another meeting of our Seeker's Group. In this small group at our home, we invite non-Catholics who are interested in learning a little more about Catholicism to come for an open discussion regarding the Catholic Church. Our goal is not to "convert" or proselytize but give a reasoned defense of what it is that Catholics believe (or should believe). We use the Bible, the Catechism and some internet apologetics sites and have a give and take discussion regarding, Mary and the Saints, Where the Bible came from and tonite, Faith and Works.
So far it has been a small group between 3-4 people, but I am thankful that some Protestants have expressed interest in what Catholics actually believe. My greatest regret is leaving the Catholic Church before I ever understood what it is they believed. I am thankful for the opportunity to hopefully dispel the misconceptions that people have about the Catholic faith. It also gives me the opportunity to learn more about my faith! Pray for the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom and understanding to my wife and I as well as all those who attend.

"St. Frances DeSales, you were so instrumental in leading many Protestants back to the Church. Please pray to the Lord for wisdom for us and understanding for the hearers."


  1. This sounds like a great ministry. So many Protestants (and even many Catholics) have no idea what Catholic Teaching really is, nor the beauty and depth of our Tradition. When they reject "catholicism" they are rejecting a caricature of our faith. Let us know how the meetings progress!

  2. God bless you and what you are doing. This is very much-needed. There is so much misinformation out there. I myself have been confronted with much of it myself. These wonderful Protestants who have opened their minds will perhaps continue this teaching ministry of yours. Well done.

  3. Excellent idea! Do you do this with the support of your parish, or did you venture into this on your own?

  4. I'm quite excited that you both have this opportunity to teach the fullness of the truth to Protestants -- this is a very tiring task, but all things are possible with God. I wish I could join you all!

    Some plant the seed, some water it, (but) only the Holy Spirit can convert the hearts. You will be remembered in my prayers (often!) Please keep us informed.

    Your sister in Christ..

  5. I'm quite excited that you both have this opportunity to teach the fullness of the truth to Protestants -- this is a very tiring task, but all things are possible with God. I wish I could join you all!

    Some plant the seed, some water it, (but) only the Holy Spirit can convert the hearts. You will be remembered in my prayers (often!) Please keep us informed.

    Your sister in Christ..

  6. Thanks for the comments and prayers folks. This group was initiated by my wife and I but we received approval by our parish pastor. We invited him to the first meeting, though he couldn't make it. We joined the Coming Home Network affiliates and they send a monthly newsletter with testimonies etc.
    We explained to our Pastor that this is not a renegade RCIA class , but a non threatening group for inquirers to attend and he gave us his blessing.

  7. Thanks for sharing the etiology of your group! Perhaps the only thing I miss from my protestant background is small-group Bible study type things. Your group sounds like it would work well for me since as yet most of my acquaintances are Catholic, and a lot do have questions when I mention I am a convert. :) I'm not so sure my own pastor would be on board, though.

  8. Wow, God bless your brave, creative and caring spirit! I agree with bekah about the one thing I miss from my Prot days. Good on you for this.

  9. Hey Onion Boy!
    Thanks for the comments! Oh, yes the small group Bible studies. Source of much warm fellowship and interesting new doctrines!! :)
    Can you e mail me your address again so I can send that CD out to you?
