
Monday, November 17, 2008

Late I Have Loved You- Studio Version

"Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would have not been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace."
(St Augustine 4th Century)


  1. Love that song, TJ ... lots.

    BTW, how's the album progressing?

  2. Very nice. Your songs make me want to sing.

  3. Better late than never - as they say. Glad to know another who came home late. The Lord be with you and keep you and make his face to smile upon you my friend.

  4. TJ, It's nice but Old Time Religion is still my favorite :) For a redneck Catholic obsessed with the early Church like me.. it don't get much better than that !

  5. Thanks Nancy. It's very slow, I thought it would be done a year ago. keep praying, thanks

  6. thanks habemus. I hope it touches the heart of reverts/converts and all of us who have a tremendous sense of wonder about this discovery , so ancient, yet ever new.

  7. thanks so much owen. I appreciate it.

  8. hey Tim! OTR will hopefully be on the new album .

  9. "Late" is by far my favorite in this collection although all of these are excellent songs. I feel like some of the other songs touch on this theme, but this one is the capstone that says it all... it has a great deal of simplicity and depth. It also has a touch of a norwegian wood vibe, which I love! And this might sound weird, but a touch of Boston with that little lick after "yet ever new". Again, I am begging for a plugged in version of this song too :D Kinda like how Clapton has two different Layla's :)

    Now, who is doing the album art? ;)


  10. Very nice, Russ. I enjoyed all the songs!

  11. thanks George. A plugged in version eh? Funny u say that because sometimes I crank up my old 70's vintage fender tube amp with a strat and have done a little more electrified version!
    Album art...hmmmm. I have used a local graphic designer on my lst CD who used templates down-loadable from the CD dupliation company website. Ever worked with templates?

  12. thanks so much Kim, pray I can get the album completed, I have a few more songs to add and free time is... well, not so free :)
    God bless

  13. Also willing to help out with album art as may be desired and now that I am out of hospital (for the second time in two weeks) and hopefully before I go in again (this time I pray for the operation and not due to another attack) I am about to make that tree drawing for you. I'll send you an email end of the week.

  14. What happened Owen, sorry to hear about the hospitalizations, look forward to getting your e mail

  15. Second gall bladder attack. Surgeon appointment tomorrow.

  16. ah, thank God for something fixable!
    I will say prayers for you.
    God bless

  17. Russ,

    I have indeed worked with templates from companies that press the cds... not a problem. The only thing that they actually do is show the proper grids, measurements and such for laying out the inserts and jacket or booklet... piece of cake :)

    Hey, now there is an idea! Maybe Owen and I could work something together? Maybe we could get some really excellent photos taken then have owen work up some stellar ink work, and I will work them together! I was thinking about the possibility of working with you at some point Owen!

    Blessings to you all... I hope you are feeling better Owen!


  18. Russ, George, I love this idea. The collaboration would be fun.

  19. Owen and George!
    Interesting idea. Now I really got to finish it. Pray I will get the time in the studio as well as inspiration for one or two more new songs.
    thanks guys.
