
Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Bishop and Me

Tonight at the 6 PM Vigil Mass, our bishop, John Barres, came to our parish in Orefield to say Mass. He heard confessions both before and after Mass. His homily was about the link between St Stephen's martyrdom and St Paul's Damascus Road conversion. How we witness by our lives and actions can have major ramifications in other's life "down the road."
We are blessed to have such an awesome shepherd! I suspect we will see many more vocations in the upcoming years because of his priestly and fatherly example.


  1. one of the youngest to be ordained. I think he is 48. He was one of just a handful of bishops nationally who did not have his diocese contribute to the USCCB's CCHD that had contributed to some not so great organizations(acorn etc)

  2. Good for him...being a patsy is not part of the job description.

  3. Yeah! He seems like the real deal!
