
Sunday, February 13, 2011

"I"Pologetics and "I"vangelism

The new social media (Twitter, Facebook,  etc) and the portable devices to access it are major boons to assist the New Evangelization. With the portability of the Iphone and Droid and other smart phones, we are no longer "tied" to a computer and digital camera or video equipment to do blog posts, Tweets, or VLog updates.
      Hopefully this will increase the number of Catholics who harness this media to share the Catholic faith. Let's face it, if we don't evangelize, someone else will. We have already seen the darkest uses of the internet, now we can fight the good faith with these great tools God has given us access to. If Saint Paul and St Peter had access to computers and smart-phones and  facebook type social media, you can be sure they would be getting the word out there with them.
     Yesterday I was looking for information regarding using an external microphone into an iphone for enhanced sound quality when making music videos. I found a  young tech guy's blog called  "Life is a Prayer."
I immediately thought "this sounds kinda' Catholic, and upon reading his bio, it turns out, that Jeff Geerling is a Catholic who spreads the faith not only on Catholic podcasts, websites, but for the St. Louis Archdiocese.
He is a full-time employee of that archdiocese promoting social media and using it for the Church.

May the Lord grant us the wisdom to understand, appreciate and utilize the new media for His glory. 

St. Francis DeSales, intercede for us that we too would be able to share the Catholic faith as you did with as many as God calls us to.

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