
Sunday, February 06, 2011

A New Catholic "New Evangelization" Site

To See Jesus is a Catholic internet apostolate that attempts to show people Jesus through the Gospel of Luke as well as His impact in the lives of those He touches. There are short testimonies posted on their site as well as on u tube.
This is wonderful example of the New Evangelization that our Holy Father, the late John Paul 2 spoke about as well as the great use of the new media to promote the fullness of truth in the Catholic faith.
You can send a link to this site by e mail to your friends through a link on their page .

"An old proverb says: "Success is not one of the names of God." New Evangelization must surrender to the mystery of the grain of mustard seed and not be so pretentious as to believe to immediately produce a large tree. We either live too much in the security of the already existing large tree or in the impatience of having a greater, more vital tree—instead we must accept the mystery that the Church is at the same time a large tree and a very small grain. In the history of salvation it is always Good Friday and Easter Sunday at the same time ...."
Pope Benedict the 16th

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I really needed that quote today."...the Church is at the same time a large tree and a very small grain." Needed to remember it isn't about results, it is about obeying and doing His will regardless of what we "see".
