
Saturday, April 30, 2011

7 Years of Grace

7 years ago on this day, Deborah and I went to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, had our marriage convalidated (canonically recognized and sacramentally blessed) and received the Holy Eucharist!  I truly had no idea how live-changing becoming Catholic would be, as well as how much fun it has been!
Listen to our 11 minute podcast that highlights 7 events over the past 7 years.

The first 3 people to e mail me and say what the last highlight mentioned on the podcast is will receive a free signed Way to Emmaus CD.

God bless you on this weekend which is so full of His grace. Divine Mercy, St. Joseph's feast day and the beatification of our late Holy Father John Paul 2!  So much grace, so little time.

Here's the Podcast which can be downloaded too.


  1. Congratulations. Almost a week ago, on April 24, I received the sacrament of confirmation, also receiving the Eucharist for the first time.

  2. Congrats Jacob!!!!
    You have just gegun a wonderful adventure of faith. It's like going from 2D to #D with High def!
