
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Shrine of the North American Martyrs

Altar in the Coliseum Church at the Shrine

Deborah and I took a road trip this week up to New England for a medical conference and visited the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, NY.
St. Isaac Jogues and his companions were martyred by the Mohawk Indians in their efforts to share the gospel with them in 1646.
St. Isaac Jogues had his fingers chewed and torn off so he was unable to celebrate Mass. Despite this, he eventually escaped after a year of slavery and returned to France. He remained there for only short time, (receiving a dispensation from the Pope to consecrate the Eucharist with just the stubs of his fingers) and returned to the same tribe that had tortured him. Initially things went well, but shortly thereafter he was killed.
The shrine at Auriesville to St. Isaac Jogues and his two companions is a testimony to a faith that is hard to comprehend. St. Jogues knew he would be martyred on his return yet was compelled by love to share the faith with those who had not yet heard the gospel.
Blessed Kateri Tekawitha, a Mohawk Indian, who converted to Christ, was born in the Mohawk Indian village that killed Isaac Jogues 10 years earlier.
Truly Tertullian was correct in the 2nd century when he said "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church."
If you get a chance to, drive to the Shrine of the North American Martyrs to see how the Catholic faith was first heroically shared in the New World.

St. Isaac Jogues, intercede for us that we would have the boldness to share the gospel and live our faith heroically. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I was not aware of St. Jogues until I saw Blackrobe years ago, and followed that up with some research. He's not a saint you hear about in the South; but this Shrine is a place I'd like to visit if I ever find myself in the area.
