2) Do you wish to discover the best and most intimate way to touch God and commune with him?
3) Do you desire to worship as the early church did knowing that they had the teachings of the original apostles still fresh, ringing in their ears, so to speak?
4) Would you be willing to surrender your pre-conceived idea of what true worship is, even if it "felt" foreign to you and was not in your "comfort zone?"
5) Would you spend the time to discover just how the early Christians practiced their faith even if it turned out that their doctrines and beliefs were vastly different from those you hold to currently?
6) How far are you willing to go to surrender to God? Would you be willing to accept that it is within the realm of possibility that you could be wrong about what you have always believed?
7) Is it worth giving up all to follow Christ wherever He leads you? Are you willing to take a leap of faith and go where your flesh doesn't want to go?
If you can answer yes to the above questions, then why not consider learning about the Church that traces its unbroken succession of leaders/pastors/teachers/saint
How far will you go to follow Jesus? Will you go as far as 2000 years through space and time to discover the Truths he gave to His Church?
This should be posted on the home page of every Catholic Church in the world!!