Evangelicals Timothy George and Church Colson posted an open letter to the evangelical community in Christianity Today on 2/8. They use German pastor Martin Niemoller's famous poem which castigated the apathy in Hitler's Germany among the intellectual and religious communities. Thankfully, our Protestant brothers have now joined the fray seeing that this is not a "Catholic only" issue as I mentioned here.
Aside from the obvious infringement of people of faith's constitutional rights, it is my hope and prayer this also will create dialog between Catholics and Protestants regarding the issue of contraception and why Catholics believe that the marital act is both unative and procreative and can't be separated. Also I hope that the Protestant community will be more open to the scientific reality that oral contraception can and does cause abortion as well as breast cancer.
I hope also that all of this media attention to the HHS Mandate will cause contracepting Catholics to re-visit this issue in their own lives. This is a "teachable moment" for the Catholic Church for those both inside and outside the Church.
What Obama meant for evil, God will use for good, ultimately.
It has been fascinating and exhilarating watching the Holy Spirit at work in all this. Even the more liberal Catholics are outraged. It has been so unifying. I pray it keeps up! Obama underestimated the power of the Catholic Church. He was probably bullied by the likes of Planned Parenthood and thought the Church would just lie down and take it. Big mistake!