I recently completed a 6700 mile long solo motorcycle trip camping and traveling around the
country. I never cease to be amazed at the wisdom of God in creating a universal church so that his people can worship and receive the graces in the sacraments everywhere.
On my journey, given that motorcycle riding is an inherently dangerous activity, I made special efforts to "keep accounts short with God" Which essentially means, I wanted to remain without major or minor sins keeping me from Him. As CS Lewis said, I didn't want to show up in the courts of our king, dripping with slime and muck in ratty clothes in the event of a fatal mishap on the bike (which almost happened but that's a story for another day).
So with the use of the free handy app "Masstimes" I was able to always find a nearby Church to worship in and receive the graces of confession and the Eucharist. Regardless, of whether in the deep south, the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, to the shores of the Pacific, the plains of Kansas, the mountains of Colorado, I was always able to find a Catholic Church. Doesn't it just make sense that our Lord desired us to be one, and intended for his people to always have access to a Church? As a Protestant, we would rarely attempt to go to church on vacation or traveling because the likelihood of finding a fellowship with similar doctrines, worship style, format etc was almost nil.
So like Johnny Cash sang," I've been everywhere man, Ive been everywhere" and I found a Catholic Church everywhere too!
God -- never leave home without Him! Welcome back, Russ. Your trip sounds awesome.