
I have been inspired by some other bloggers to lay off the blogging a little bit during Lent. Sometimes I mistakenly start to think it's more important to get my thoughts "out there" which precludes Him getting His thoughts "In here."
I would ask for your prayers as I leave for my almost annual short term medical mission in Port-Au-Prince from March 1-10. It is a great opportunity for penance as well as ministering to Jesus through the poorest of the poor. These folks are truly "the least of these." There's no better season of the year to do this! I am looking forward to this as a great time of renewal. The team always asks us to get ten people to commit to praying for us while we are there. I ask my Catholic/Christian blogospherians to do this for me, if you are led to. I would appreciate it.
Prayer requests:
- That I can be effective in diagnosing and treating many diseases without any tests, labs etc
- That the team is protected from the kidnappings that are rampant where we work
- That I can be an effective witness for Christ and His Church
I refer you to Prodigal Daughter's blog Mystery of Suffering for her posts on the Stations of the Cross
God bless you.
If anything, I may be blogging a little more during Lent, as my primary Lenten fast is from the hell-o-vision. It's already feeling very quiet in my house!
Will be praying for your Haiti trip...
May our Father in heaven keep you safely in His will and bless the efforts of your mission trip.
May you bring the peace of Christ with you, and may it remain long after you leave.
May the Holy Spirit guide your mind in wisdom and your hands in healing.
I'll be praying for you.
God bless you on your journey.
I will pray for you. This is wonderful.
A second round of prayers has been offered. God speed...
Be assured you and your team will be in our prayers here in Omaha. Will look forward to your posts when you return! We'll miss you.
May Mother Mary wrap her mantle of love and protection around you and all your team, and your family while you're away.
Peace of Christ,
Rich and Susie
My prayers are with you...
Prayers for your journey, what a wonderful thing to do! God bless!
God bless you TJ, and may you have a safe and fruitful journey.
I'll keep you in my prayers too!
You're in my prayers, and I just posted a link on my blog to offer something more.
God bless you! I wish I could go...I used to be trained as an EMT and Ski Patrol (similar, OEC training, same level medically). Any use for me? LOL
May God be with you, and the prayers of St. Pantaleon for your work and mission.
Count on my prayers!
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