Crossed The Tiber

An Evangelical Converts to Catholicism

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I was born into the Catholic faith. At 14, I was "born again" and found Jesus personally but lost His Church. After thirty years as an evangelical protestant, I have come full circle to find that He has been there all the time, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I wish others to find the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith as I have found.

Friday, May 04, 2007

More Catholic Mythology

Theo has already "primed the pump" with ideas for the New Mythical Catholic Weblog. I added a few myself (in blue), hope he doesn't mind. He writes:

"One thing's for sure: you'd be hard pressed to run out of material. Think of the extremes from virulent Catholic-bashing propaganda to common misunderstandings held even by many practicing Catholics.

Among the former group (anti-Catholic propaganda) we might find :

1. The Vatican Supercomputer (tm) has a database of all Protestants to be used in the upcoming world-wide attack of 'true Christians' by the eeeevil Roman church. It runs Windows SSPX (home edition) and was inspired by the devil. The frequent bluescreens of death prove this to be so.

2. Catholics worship Mary.

3. Catholics worship Mary

4. Catholics worship Mary

5. Jesuits killed President Lincoln.

4. The Pope created Islam, Nazism, Zionism, Mormonism, Druidism, the New Age movement, the Masonic Lodge and Communism. And yes, Ismism too!

5. The Eucharist celebrates the worship of Egyptian gods.

6. The Vatican controls...... (fill in the industry or organization).

7. Priests and Nuns have secret nookie tunnels built between rectories and convents.

8. Oh yeah, one more.......Catholics worship Mary!

Of the Latter (common misunderstandings by Catholics) we might find:

1. Indulgences forgive sins.

2. Only Catholics go to Heaven.

3. All Catholics go to Heaven.

4. The Church no longer teaches..... (fill in the unpopular dogma) is required of Catholics.

5. A "venial" sin is a sin that doesn't really matter.

6. It does not matter whether Catholics repent, so long as they go to Confession.

7. It does not matter whether Catholics obey the Gospel so long as they go to Mass.

8. Whether or not a Catholic is permitted to use artificial contraception is up to their individual conscience.

Thanks Theo for the post. Your comments regarding the misunderstanding among Catholics make it imperative that the New Evangelism starts in the Church first.

A final thought: One reason that there is no shortage of Catholic myths is the fact that the Catholic Church has been a very un-moving target for 2000 years. I take comfort in that, strangely enough.

*Words in blue added by TJ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget that 70% of the Cardinals have petitioned the Pope to include Mary in the Trinity.

May 04, 2007 10:38 PM  
Blogger Joyful Catholic said...

TJ said: A final thought: One reason that there is no shortage of Catholic myths is the fact that the Catholic Church has been a very un-moving target for 2000 years. I take comfort in that, strangely enough.


Oops that's what Rush fans say. And you know the CC has influenced Rush or vice versa...why, it was Rush that gave one of the most moving and thoughtful replies to on e of his callers after Pope JPII died than I ever heard on Catholic Radio and t.v! So there you have it, the CC is just wacked out conservative, patriarchal, authoritarian, hopelessly a male powered machine to keep us women oppressed and under the thumbs of a man!

Surely I jest! Why , yes I do, for I am a woman who LOVES a male,and who loves priests, and who loves the Pope, and who loves Holy Mother Church and who loves Mary!

I know someone will read that with RRA and report that I not only 'love Mary' I WORSHIP her! Ooooh.

What a great gig! And TJ you are ONE BUSY MALE! You've been posting so much I can hardly keep up with it! Whew! But what fun. I hope to find out if and when Francis Beckwith speaks out about his return to Rome. I know where to come for the updates! : )


May 05, 2007 4:14 PM  

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