Kyrie Litany of Pope Gelasius
The Catholic faithful always pray at each mass for the world, public leaders and for the needs of Church and for the pope especially. This has been part of the Liturgy since the early centuries of the Church. Here's a litany written for the mass by Pope Gelasius, a pope from the late 5th century. He is most known for his Decree which authoritatively listed all the books of the bible to be used as Scripture. This is also known as canonization. (Martin Luther later removed several of these books that were in this canon, proving that Catholics never added books to the bible, but I digress)
Here's the prayer from the 5th century mass, still appropriate for todays turbulent times:
We beseech thee for an abundance of divine goodness upon the spotless Church of the living
God set up throughout the world. Kyrie eleison.
We entreat thee, Christ our Lord, for the holy priests of God the all-powerful, for the ministers
of the sacred altar and for all people who worship before thee the true God. Kyrie eleison.
Especially do we beg the manifold wisdom of Him Who is the Word of God for all who are
right bearers of the word of truth. Kyrie eleison.
We beseech the giver of spiritual gifts for all those who mortify themselves in mind and body
for the Kingdom of heaven and busy themselves with the work of spiritual things. Kyrie eleison.
We call the down the might of the Lord upon holy rulers who hold in high esteem justice and
right judgment and also upon the armies in their service. Kyrie eleison.
We entreat the Lord and Governor of the world for the comfort of good weather and suitable
rains, for the careful tending of the vital winds and the favorable course of the several seasons.
Kyrie eleison.
We beg the mercy of almighty God for those who, by virtue of their initial acknowledgement of
the Christian faith are now numbered among us and in whose hearts has been enkindled the
burning desire for heavenly grace. Kyrie eleison.
We implore the mercy of our redeemer for those caught in the weakness of human infirmity,
who rejoice in spiritual sloth or in any other worldly error. Kyrie eleison.
We pray the Lord our Savior for those undertaking long journeys or whom wicked powers have
oppressed or the hardship of hostilities have afflicted. Kyrie eleison.
We beseech the Lord of truth for those deceived by error...or heretical perversity or steeped in
pagan superstition. Kyrie eleison.
We entreat the Lord of mercies for the doers of pious works who out of fraternal charity care
for the needs of the sick. Kyrie eleison.
We invoke the Lord of glory for all who enter this holy house of the Lord and who gather here
with religious fervor and suppliant devotion. Kyrie eleison.
We beg the most merciful Lord for the strength of our souls and bodies and for the forgiveness
of all our sins. Kyrie eleison.
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