Father Groeschel Returns to the Lehigh Valley

Father Benedict Groeschel, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, renowned clinical psychologist, author and speaker will be coming to Bethlehem, PA March 20th at 7 PM at St. Anne's Church on East Washington Street. Trained in clinical psychology with a PhD from Columbia University he will be speaking on Christian Psychology. I have heard him speak in the past both live and on EWTN and he is always a blessing. If you are near eastern PA, it will be worth the trip. (I have a sneaking suspicion he will be a Saint someday!)
Another Saint Benedict for sure!
I just checked out There Are No Accidents, In All Things Trust God at our parish library today. He's one remarkable and holy soul!
I'm currently reading his latest, The Virtue Driven Life, this Lent. This is one Catholic who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. God bless him!
FFotR is hosting a one-day men's retreat at a Friary in Newark, NJ. I've been contemplating attending.
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