Crossed The Tiber

An Evangelical Converts to Catholicism

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I was born into the Catholic faith. At 14, I was "born again" and found Jesus personally but lost His Church. After thirty years as an evangelical protestant, I have come full circle to find that He has been there all the time, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I wish others to find the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith as I have found.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Incarnation and the Eucharist- A Two Act Christmass Play

The setting: A stable outside the forgotten little town of Bethlehem (House of Bread). Shepherds and their families and kings from the east as well as a few other curious onlookers stare at a newborn wrapped in coarse linen in a feeding trough for animals. A bright star overhead illuminates the otherwise dark night.
Shepherd boy, while yawning, says to his father: “Just looks like a baby boy to me, can’t we go home now?”
Father to boy:Thomas, the angels in the field said something about a Savior. Let’s just stay awhile.”
Boy: How could a Savior and King look and.... yecch!… smell like a little baby? He looks just like any other baby to me!”
King from the Orient, kneeling before the makeshift crib says with a whisper: “Shhh, don’t you know the ancient prophecies? God would come to us, to live among us, through a virgin’s womb.
Balthasar looking at the Child then raising his eyes to heaven says: The God of Israel has chosen this night to redeem us. Our Savior and King has come to us as a little child.
Fast forward 33 years.
Setting: Jerusalem at Passover. The city is buzzing with the noise of pilgrims and bristling under the Roman occupation.
At the meal of the Passover, Jesus surrounded by his companions prays the blessing. As he breaks the bread he stretches out his hand holding the bread saying:
“Take this and eat. This is my body….”
One of the twelve disciples leans over to another and says under his breath;
“How can this be? It looks just like any other piece of bread to me? How can He give us His body to eat?
The disciple whom Jesus loved said to him: "Thomas, don't you remember last year when he told us He would give us his body to eat and His blood to drink?
Then as supper was ended, Jesus took the cup and gave it to his disciples saying:
"This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many…"


Just as Christ came to us in the improbable form of a human baby, He continues to abide with us in the equally preposterous “breaking of the bread.” God chose the common things of this world to reveal Himself. First a baby born in Bethlehem* and then bread and common table wine. As we approach the Lord’s Table at Midnight Mass this Christmas Eve, our mind says, it just looks like a piece of bread but our heart says, "Jesus, bread of life, you have come to abide with me this night."

Check this link for scriptural references on the Eucharist.
*Bethlehem means House of Bread. This is no coincidence.


Blogger Warren said...

Jesus Christ is Born Today! Alleluia!

Merry Christmas!


December 25, 2007 12:05 AM  
Blogger MMajor Fan said...

Interesting! However, out of delicacy, part of the true story was omitted from the Gospel. When the little boy said that baby Jesus smelled bad the angel Gabriel flew down from heaven, put that boy over his knee and gave him a spanking the likes of which he never forgot! Angels know how to handle a serving of sass from little boys via some judicious whoop @$$.

heh heh heh

(Luke decided not to include that part in the Gospel. Mary told him lots of things that he didn't write ha ha, but nothing of Biblical Proportions :-)

Merry Christmas to you both and your entire family (and readers of your blog).

December 25, 2007 1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was just meditating on how the choice of God to send His Son as incarnate and born of a woman helps illustrate the true universality, the Catholicity, if you will, of the Gospel. I was beginning to compose another coment to add "amens" to your article, when I realized that I just finished writing a Christmas greeting to our very dear Reformed Christian friend PA that applies here without the need to "translate" a single word for the sake of audience.

"We have seen the fullness of the Advent of Christ. What joy to bless God the Father who sent His only begotten Son! What joy to bless the Father and the Son who send the Holy Spirit! What joy to bless the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete: the Lord and giver of life!

"Therefore, let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

"Christ is born! Emmanuel is come!
Hodie! Christus natus est! Hosanna to God in the highest; and on earth, peace to men of good will!

"Let us seek Him that we may find Him and knock that the door shall be opened; even while we know that it is He who stands at the door and knocks.

"As did wise Simeon of old, may we seek God for the epiphany of His presence; and with The Christ revealed, may we with penitent hearts turn to Him, receive Him, dwell in Him and He in us this Christmas season and forever.

"May our reception of the Holy Child into our very selves proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

"This I pray as your servant in Him,

December 26, 2007 8:27 AM  

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