The Incarnation and the Eucharist.

The setting: A stable outside the forgotten little backwater town of
Shepherd boy, while yawning, says to his father: “Just looks like a new born baby to me. Can’t we go home now?”
Father to boy: “ Thomas, the angels in the field said something about a savior and king coming to us tonight. Let’s just stay awhile.”
Boy: How could a Savior and King look and.... yecch!… smell like a little baby? He looks just like any other baby to me!”
King from the Orient, kneeling before the makeshift crib says in a whisper: “Shhh, don’t you know the ancient prophecies? God would come to us through a virgin’s womb?
Balthasar looking at the Child then raising his eyes to heaven says: The God of Israel has chosen this night to redeem us. Our Savior and King has come to us as a little child.
Fast forward 33 years.
At the Seder Meal of the Passover, Jesus surrounded by his companions prays the blessing. As he breaks the bread he stretches out his hand holding the bread saying:
“Take this and eat. This is my body….”
One of the twelve disciples leans over to another and says under his breath;
“How can this be? It looks just like any other piece of bread to me? How can He give us His body to eat?
The disciple whom Jesus loved said to him: "Thomas, don't you remember last year when he told us He would give us his body to eat and His blood to drink?
Then as supper was ended, Jesus took the cup and gave it to his disciples saying:
"This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many…"
Curtain closes .
I have often thought about this myself - "equally improbable." Good way to put it. Thanks.
Very good, TJ! Love the "Thomas" name for the little boy. I wrote a one man play once, but never did anything with it, except send it to my friend at the AADA (American Academy of Dramatic Arts) in NY. He said it was really good, too, but I don't know who or how to expose it. I think I still have it in some file somewhere.? It's about the Centurion who stabbed his lance through our Savior's heart. And also interestingly, when I went to Canton OH. this past April, to see Dorothy Myers, in her late sons' room, on the nightstand (Fr. Kevin Fete's room, where I was so blessed to sleep)was a silvery/pewter-type finish cross, a gift for his ordination, of the Centurion, collapsed at the feet of Jesus in agonizing and sorrowful repentance... Hmm.
This little play is excellent, TJ. You should send to Jeremy Stanbury in Minneapolis,at Ephiphany Studios. I think you have something special here to share with the world. God bless.
Reminds a bit of Anne Rice's 'Out of Egypt.'
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