Benefit Concert for Haiti April 17th

This Saturday at 7 PM I will be doing a concert at my home parish of St. Joseph the Worker in Orefield, PA.
We are hoping to raise money to purchase medicine and supplies to bring to Sts. Simon and Jude Parish in Port-Au-Prince this upcoming September. I will be highlighting songs from the new CD Way to Emmaus as well as some tunes from my last 2 CDs.
There will be an opportunity to give a free will offering or purchase my music CD's, and perhaps get some fresh roasted Haitian coffee if I get the time to roast some before the end of the week. Please pray for a nice turnout and that we will be able to safely navigate through the rest of the preparations still to be worked out this week. Prodigal Daughter is the main promoter and organizer but the folks of St. Joe's have been wonderful in volunteering to help this effort.
Hopefully, pics will be posted and perhaps some live video Lord, willing.
Also, there is a rumor afoot that my brother will join me on stage for a few tunes, which will be very cool if that works out. He plays bass, penny whistle, guitar and bagpipes and it will be the first time the Rentler Brothers have played in a Catholic Church together for many moons.
So any of you folks who read the blog and are in eastern PA or Jersey, C'mon out. Those in Canada and the Midwest and down south are exempted :)
Sorry, Russ, but I can't make this one. I'll be down in Virginia for the Confirmation of my niece (whom I am sponsoring).
I'm sure your concert will go well. St. Augustine will pray for you! :)
Did you make that image with some software?
No problem Jeff, thanks for being so faithful on the other ones. God bless
I had some Cartoon maker software on one of the free software packages that came with the computer a few years ago. Now I can't find the software! But I saved this pic which I thought was cool.
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