We Have a New Bishop! Praise God!

Today Bishop John Barres was ordained as the fourth bishop in the diocese of Allentown. There were bishops and priests from all over the country as well as the Apostolic Nuncio from the Vatican to the US, Archbishop Pietro Sambi who read the mandate of ordination from Pope Benedict. During the ordination rite, Bishop Barres layed face down on the floor of the sanctuary as the Litany of Saints was prayed. The process involved 3 bishops who layed their hands on Bishop-elect Barres after he declared his faithfulness to the Church and the Gospel. The Book of the gospels was held over his head as a sign that he would be infused with the Gospel of Christ as Bishop.
After the ordination he then celebrated the Eucharistic liturgy for the first time as bishop and concluded the Mass with a few remarks.
He said in this year of the priest he will take his cues from St John Vianney, the Cure of Ars, who made confession and eucharistic adoration the cornerstones of his ministry. He said he will be hearing confessions in the cathedral as well as in Churches throughout the diocese! He said:
"The diocese of Allentown is not and will not be resigned to empty confessionals."
His motto on his coat of arms is "Mission and Holiness"
I think we are in for some exciting times in the next several years in the diocese of Allentown.
Say a prayer for Bishop Barres that God will continue to give him grace as shepherd as he leads this part of the flock here in Eastern PA.