
The youngest one left for college in a city about an hour away and the oldest son moved out. In the midst of all this, our house sold and we have started the major move to our new home and new parish, St Joseph the Worker.
We are leaving the town of Emmaus where Jesus revealed himself to us in the breaking of the bread. Our first parish, St Ann's will remain in our hearts as a special place but the beauty of the Catholic faith is that the Mass remains the same no matter where you go. One priest doesn't confect the Eucharist any better than another, and our spiritual life is not dependent on the personality of the pastor or his homiles (sermons).
We are sad to see our children go, but thankful to God for this new era in their lives. The day my youngest went to college, I was seeking the intercession of St. Monica for him. I opened my
e mail and saw that the "Saint of The Day" was St Monica! It was very comforting to celebrate the feast day of St Monica on the day my son left home. As many of you know, St. Monica was St. Augustine's mum and prayed for him to reconcile to God and come to faith. She actually followed him to Rome where he met St. Ambrose who eventually baptised him into the Catholic faith.
Never underestimate, the power of the intercession of the saints. Today I spoke with my youngest and he told me he went to Mass! He's not even Catholic, but the Newman Center on campus is directly across from his dorm. Thank you God for hearing the prayers of your saints! His late Mom is in heaven praying for him I know. This college was her alma mater.