Crossed The Tiber

An Evangelical Converts to Catholicism

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I was born into the Catholic faith. At 14, I was "born again" and found Jesus personally but lost His Church. After thirty years as an evangelical protestant, I have come full circle to find that He has been there all the time, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I wish others to find the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith as I have found.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I Thank My God Upon Every Remembrance of You Phil 1:3

Thank all my brethren and sistrens who have committed to pray for me for this upcoming medical mission to Haiti. Please keep my family here at home in prayer as well. I really covet and appreciate your prayers. It is so wonderful to be a part of the Universal Church and experiencing the communion of saints in action.

On that same note, I am also asking my blogger friends to intercede for a frequent commentor named "Theo". He had a "massive" heart attack and is still in the hospital. He is not yet 50, has two young children and a wife at home. Please keep Theo in your prayers.
Thanks and God bless, I will post pics from the trip when I get back. Let's all grow in grace this Lenten season.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I have been inspired by some other bloggers to lay off the blogging a little bit during Lent. Sometimes I mistakenly start to think it's more important to get my thoughts "out there" which precludes Him getting His thoughts "In here."
I would ask for your prayers as I leave for my almost annual short term medical mission in Port-Au-Prince from March 1-10. It is a great opportunity for penance as well as ministering to Jesus through the poorest of the poor. These folks are truly "the least of these." There's no better season of the year to do this! I am looking forward to this as a great time of renewal. The team always asks us to get ten people to commit to praying for us while we are there. I ask my Catholic/Christian blogospherians to do this for me, if you are led to. I would appreciate it.

Prayer requests:
  • That I can be effective in diagnosing and treating many diseases without any tests, labs etc
  • That the team is protected from the kidnappings that are rampant where we work
  • That I can be an effective witness for Christ and His Church
Thanks so much!
I refer you to Prodigal Daughter's blog Mystery of Suffering for her posts on the Stations of the Cross
God bless you.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Forty Days to Get Closer To God

Here's a great Link on Praying Lent which starts today.

Let us pray

for the grace to keep Lent faithfully.

protect us in the struggle against evil.
As we begin the discipline of Lent,
make this season holy by our self-denial.
Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Daily Meditation:
A very special day.

The ashes we use are the burnt palms from last year's celebration of Passion Sunday.
We begin our Lenten journey aware of where we are going.

We want to enter into the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus for us more fully.

That is the purpose of our journey. It is why we mark our heads with his cross.

It is why we fast today and abstain from meat.

Our Lenten program is not an effort to save ourselves.
We have been saved by his sacrifice.

Our self-denial helps us, in the darkness that surrounds us,

to prepare ourselves to receive his light.

For this is a journey to the Easter font,

where we will renew the promises of our Baptism,

remembering that in dying with him in the waters of Baptism,

we are re-born with him to everlasting life.

This year's journey begins today.

Yet even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
with fasting, and weeping, and mourning;

Rend your hearts, not your garments,
and return to the LORD, your God.
For gracious and merciful is he,
slow to anger, rich in kindness,
and relenting in punishment.
- Joel 2:12-13

(From Creighton University Collaborative Ministry Website.)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mortification, Schmortification, Who Needs Lent?

I do for one. I need anything that Jesus offers me through His Church that will help me to die to myself and live for Him. But,

"Many of my Protestant friends are uncomfortable with Lent. "It's all about mortification and self-discipline when we know that the Risen Jesus is joyful and alive!" they say. "We don't need to mortify ourselves to please God. That's why Jesus died for us, so we don't have be 'good enough'. Moreover, Catholics call it a 'holy season' and Paul says in Colossians 2:16-17 that we shouldn't observe any day as special. So hasn't the Church disobeyed the Bible by doing the Lenten thing?" ....... For Lent is not anti-scriptural. It is not something we give to God to earn his love, but rather his gift of love to us which he wants us to share. It is not primarily about fasting. Or abstaining. Or dryness. Or doing without. To be sure, it involves these indispensable things, but it does so as health involves exercise."

The above is from an article by Mark Shear discussing the season of Lent from a convert's perspective. Good reading.

I am so thankful for the seasons that are set aside for us by the Church to grow holier and closer to Jesus. Again, it's another tool that I did not avail myself of as an evangelical. There was truly a tendency to think that these special times and seasons were "works-oriented" Christianity and there was no "grace" in these practices. The Bible talks about fasting in prayer often, so far be it from me to decide: "I am free from the Law and am a child of the New Covenant so these things don't apply."

Lord Jesus, I ask that you would use these next forty days in a special way in my life. Grant me a desire to let go of the things that keep me from you. Give me the strength to take hold of the things that will transform me to your likeness and image.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Tiber Jumper Studios announces the release of its latest offering:


from RECON wrote the lyrics with some inspiration from Prodigal Daughter who placed a verse on my post about God Fearin' Fiddler's conversion to Catholicism back in November.
Hope you enjoy. Nice work Susie!

Here's the link for your free download: TiberJumperMusik

Yeah, I admit it. Converts get pretty jazzed about the Church, but only because it enhances our love for Christ. If your best friend is the bridegroom, it follows that you start to love the bride too!

"...I Would Hate the Church More Than They Do."

"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church—which is, of course, quite a different thing. These millions can hardly be blamed for hating Catholics because Catholics “adore statues;” because they “put the Blessed Mother on the same level with God;” because they “say indulgence is a permission to commit sin;” because the Pope “is a Fascist;” because the Church “is the defender of Capitalism.” If the Church taught or believed any one of these things, it should be hated, but the fact is that the Church does not believe nor teach any one of them. It follows then that the hatred of the millions is directed against error and not against truth. As a matter of fact, if we Catholics believed all of the untruths and lies which were said against the Church, we probably would hate the Church a thousand times more than they do.

If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates. My reason for doing this would be, that if Christ is in any one of the churches of the world today, He must still be hated as He was when He was on earth in the flesh. If you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get along with the world. Look for the Church that is hated by the world, as Christ was hated by the world. Look for the Church which is accused of being behind the times, as Our Lord was accused of being ignorant and never having learned. Look for the Church which men sneer at as socially inferior, as they sneered at Our Lord because He came from Nazareth. Look for the Church which is accused of having a devil, as Our Lord was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils. Look for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is infallible, as Pilate rejected Christ because he called Himself the Truth. Look for the Church which amid the confusion of conflicting opinions, its members love as they love Christ, and respect its voice as the very voice of its Founder, and the suspicion will grow, that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the world, then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly, it is other-worldly. Since it is other-worldly, it is infinitely loved and infinitely hated as was Christ Himself. ... the Catholic Church is the only Church existing today which goes back to the time of Christ. History is so very clear on this point, it is curious how many miss its obviousness..."

Bishop Fulton Sheen

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My Catholic Credentials

I blogged on this issue a long time ago and want to re-emphasize it: Getting to know what Catholicism is, as opposed to getting to know what many others have said about it. I am embarrassed to summarize the extent of my Catholic learning up until 3 years ago: These are my credentials for what I knew of Catholicism. When I read them, I weep!

  • 1 year of Catholic school as a first-grader. I had a crush on Sister Michael. Don't remember much else. Helped carry her books to the convent on Fridays. She was kind.
  • 14 years of weekly Mass. I didn't have warm memories, but I can't remember much else. I did like the incense and to this day I get kind of choked up :)
  • 8 years of confession a few times a year. I always felt good when I left the confessional.
  • 10 years of CCD classes. I remember a devout Dominican brother, Jude, who "may have known the Lord". I remember a married couple came in and taught NFP and explained why they don't use artifical contraception. Very embarrassing at the time for a 16 yr old.
  • 100's of Jack T. Chick tracks read cover to cover as a 14 year old. God never had a face and Catholics were always balding, pot-bellied and poorly-shaven!(with smell lines too!) Who could forget "This Was Your Life" or "Why No Revival?" (Wino Revival as we called it) or most forgettably "The Death Cookie"
  • Hours and hours of long discussions with anti-Catholic fundamentalists teaching me the "essentials" of false Catholic doctrines (from 14-20 years old.) The entire time my "teacher" was quaffing Budweiser and smoking Marlboro. (Oops! I forgot my own lesson, can't judge a religion by those who don't practice it)
  • Hours of listening to Open Forum on the radio and the Teachings of Brother Harold Camping. He has since gone further into heresy and believes we shouldn't go to church anymore. Go figure. Pray for him. My brother and I loved him.
  • Sitting under the teachings of a "Pastor" who was extremely anti-Catholic for many years, who himself never had more than the equivalent of a high school diploma. He told me my banjo playing didn't glorify the Lord. He had never studied theology or church history. Not surprising, this little church he pastored eventually split and slowly disappeared. My banjo playing got better.
  • Arguing With My Mom for 100's of hours as a teenager. She said "Once a Catholic always a Catholic and "It's not up to you to interpret the Bible." Well, turns out she was correct!

Based on the above, one can safely conclude I didn't really have a proper understanding of Catholicism before I chose to reject it. One could argue that the years in Mass and CCD should have given me a strong background but let's face it: Those aren't always the best places to get solid Catholic teaching, sadly enough. But the other fact is that many folks go through years of Bible camp, VBS, and Sunday school in Protestant churches and don't end up knowing the fundamentals of their faith either. The old saw still applies "Going to a Chicken Coop doesn't make you a good chicken" so going to a Catholic Church once a week for many years didn't make me a devout Catholic.

In retrospect, I realize my rejection of Catholicism was based on my assessment of my dysfunctional upbringing. How could Catholicism be true if my parents were so messed up? This uses the incorrect paradigm of judging the veracity of a religion by those who don't practice it, which seems to be the way most of us, if we are honest, decide which church we will belong to.(Or won't belong to as in my case)

If I had to do it over again, (but there are no "undo" buttons in this life) I would have put much more time and effort into learning about what I was rejecting and starting to rail against. I spent 11 years after high school learning about the field of internal medicine before I actually was able to go out and practice it. Hours and hours, days and days, year after year memorizing, studying taking certifying and re-certifying and licensing exams to become a doctor.
I wish that I had spent more than 5 minutes reading about Catholicism from a Catholic perspective instead of spending years being taught Catholic doctrine from anti-Catholics! The enormity of this incongruity still haunts me and my penance (making restitution for my actions, I am already forgiven) will be lifelong.

I should have gone to the source materials from the Catholic Church and not what others misrepresented about her. The word "Catechism" brings to mind boring Saturday mornings listening to a teacher who may not have known the faith herself. Was this reason enough for me to not open a Catholic Catechism myself or study the history of Christianity from a Catholic perspective? After all, I learned medicine from board-certified medical doctors in nationally-accredited universities and hospitals. Imagine how my ability to practice medicine would have been affected had I obtained my degree from The Official University of Voodoo Medicine ? Should a person learn math from an English teacher? English from a person who speaks only German? American history from a textbook produced in the Soviet Union? Capitalism from a Communist?*

Before you decide against Catholicism, pick up a catechism and give it a good long and thorough read, and get your "Catholic Credentials." If your short on time, the newly released Compendium is an excellent summary of the major points from the full Catechism. This link is to an on-line version right from across the Tiber River itself!

*Thanks to Rick L. from CHN for these thoughts.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"You Gotta Eat The Lamb"

Jesus said I have come not to abolish the Law but fulfill it. His incarnate entry into our salvation history was not intended to subjugate all of Judaism prior to His advent and re-invent a completely disparate religion called "New Testament Christianity." To be sure, Jesus instituted a New Covenant through His blood, shed once and for all, for sin. But did establishing a New Covenant mean that all of Jewish history and God's dealings with His people needed to be cast aside? Through the "retrospectacles" of history we tend to view Christianity as this completely innovative movement which is the anti-thesis of Judaism. However, when we cut the Jewish roots from Christianity, we lose a perspective and historical way of thinking that was intended to inform our theology and help us understand our faith.
The doctrines of Catholicism have become easier for me to understand when I look to the Jewish roots of this religion. Note John the Baptist's first words regarding Jesus:
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."
This was such a vitally important statement to his Jewish followers because it distilled the concept of salvation from the past to the present and onto the future. His proclamation immediately connects all of Jewish history and the importance of the Passover to Jesus entry into our world. At the same time, John's announcement foreshadowed the Last Supper (and therefore the Mass) when Jesus gave us His body to eat.

Every Jew knew that to escape the angel of death they needed to "eat the lamb." It was a core belief of historical Judaism. The Passover was part of who they were as a people. It would follow then, that Jesus, when he commanded us to "take and eat for this is my body" was doing nothing less than continuing the pattern that God had instituted from the beginning of salvation history.
So I need to ask again, why is the sacrament of the Eucharist a human invention? Christ came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. If you can accept the ancient Jewish paradigm that God required a spotless Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, why not bring it to its logical completion? Bottom line: You Gotta Eat the Lamb!

ADDENDUM: This is what the Church historically has taught and practiced since 33 AD. The term "sacrifice of the altar" was used repeatedly by the early founders of Christianity to describe what transpired in the Mass. Just ask Emperor Diocletian why he slaughtered so many Christians in the early fourth century. He would tell you that the Christians were cannibals because they ate the flesh and drank the blood of the Son of Man.

"The Masterworks of God"

The further in time and distance one gets from the Early Church, the more the sacraments are one by one jettisoned from the Barc of Peter by the post-reformation churches. They believe they are setting themselves free of what they see as "encumbrances and weights" that beset them. In my evangelical experience, I don't believe we had any sacraments left that we spoke of. Baptism was symbolic, communion was a memorial only and there was no confirmation, unless you consider the baptism in the Holy Spirit to be analogous to that.
The loss of sacraments over the generations has left a void in the churches that has to be filled by something. In medical school they told us that nature abhors a vacuum and I have thirty years of experience observing how this vacuum was filled in our non-Catholic churches. The "worship and praise" segment of evangelical services could be considered an unspoken sacrament in a sense, because this was considered the time when God was reaching down and touching us in the service. It doesn't exactly meet the Catholic definition of a Sacrament but you get the picture. In other churches, the expositing of Scripture for 45- 50 minutes is their "unspoken Sacrament." Some churches have both in one service. So with the vacancy left by no longer having the true sacraments ordained by Christ, other things must take their place.

True sacraments are not a burden, but a joy. They are the way we get closer to Jesus and experience His wonder working power in our lives. Would you be free from your burden of sin? Yes I would!
Through the wonder working power of the blood of Christ applied through the sacrament of Baptism, Confession, and the Eucharist. (interestingly, the Catholic Church accepts the validity of any baptism from any other Christian faith as long it was done with the proper form and matter)

The most powerful thing I have seen is in the Easter Vigil when the Church takes in the new catechumens. There is so much grace flowing that, as we used to say in the olden days "the Holy Spirit is all over the place." On that evening some folks are getting baptized, confirmed and receiving the Eucharist all in one evening!

The riches of Christ are communicated to all the members of the body through the sacraments! (to paraphrase the Catechism)(947) Sacraments are "powers that comes forth" from the Body of Christ,33 which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church. They are "the masterworks of God" in the new and everlasting covenant (1116)

So the sacraments don't supplant Christ's work, they are the very way in which He applies His grace to us.

BTW, I found a new blog that has some points that recently came up in the comments on my post about the Pillar and Foundation of Truth. Check out Saint Under Construction
Saint has an excellent post describing how we come to salvation. He makes the excellent point that Catholics have the ability to see things in a both/and manner vs either/or. This was one of the first turning points for me when I saw this important paradigm for understanding Catholicism.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


The other day I posted the lyrics to my new version of "Old Time Religion." Today was a snow day, couldn't get the car out of the driveway here in Eastern PA, so I went down to the basement studio and threw together this little tune for all my readers.

The instruments used are 000-15S Martin guitar, FlatIron F 5 mandolin, Carvin fretless bass and vox. I hope you like it.

Please give a listen and feel free to Rip It, Burn it, Share it and Learn It!
Here's the Link: TiberJumperMusik

A Little Water....Another Lap on the Treadmill

We "Sacramentalists" in agreement with the writings of the Early Church and Sacred Scripture insist that "a little water" does indeed regenerate a person. This belief does not negate faith in Jesus' work on the Cross. We believe, as did most of Christendom for 1500 years, that the Holy Spirit works through the sign in an efficacious manner to the person who is rightly disposed to the reception of the Sacrament, be it Baptism, the Eucharist, Marriage etc. Why does God work this way you ask? Because it is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe this quote can clarify it a bit for those non-sacramentalists.

"So then we must ever come to this point, that the Sacraments are effectual and that they are not trifling signs that vanish away in the air, but that the truth is always matched with them, because God who is faithful shows that he has not ordained anything in vain. And that is the reason why in Baptism we truly receive the forgiveness of sins, we are washed and cleansed with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are renewed by the operation of his Holy Spirit.

And how so? Does a little water have such power when it is cast upon the head of a child? No. But because it is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that the water should be a visible sign of his blood and of the Holy Spirit. Therefore baptism has that power and whatsoever is there set forth to the eye is forthwith accomplished in very deed."

John Calvin, Sermons on Deuteronomy, p. 1244.

One could almost imagine that John Calvin himself contributed to this entry in the Cathechism:

"The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are
necessary for salvation.51 "Sacramental grace" is the grace of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ and proper to each sacrament. The Spirit heals and transforms those who receive him by conforming them to the Son of God. The fruit of the sacramental life is that the Spirit of adoption makes the faithful partakers in the divine nature52 by uniting them in a living union with the only Son, the Savior."

So why do some insist on sacramentalism as "cheap human inventions that are endless treadmills?"

Am I missing something here?

Deus Caritas Happy St. Valentines Day

There is no better day than today to read the Holy Father's first encyclical from Dec 2005. Deus Caritas/God is Love.
Here is a condensed form from St. Anthony's messenger Website.
Here is the full version straight from the Vatican Website

Here is snippet:
"Nowadays Christianity of the past is often criticized as having been opposed to the body; and it is quite true that tendencies of this sort have always existed. Yet the contemporary way of exalting the body is deceptive. Eros, reduced to pure “sex”, has become a commodity, a mere “thing” to be bought and sold, or rather, man himself becomes a commodity. This is hardly man's great “yes” to the body. On the contrary, he now considers his body and his sexuality as the purely material part of himself, to be used and exploited at will. Nor does he see it as an arena for the exercise of his freedom, but as a mere object that he attempts, as he pleases, to make both enjoyable and harmless. Here we are actually dealing with a debasement of the human body: no longer is it integrated into our overall existential freedom; no longer is it a vital expression of our whole being, but it is more or less relegated to the purely biological sphere. The apparent exaltation of the body can quickly turn into a hatred of bodiliness. Christian faith, on the other hand, has always considered man a unity in duality, a reality in which spirit and matter compenetrate, and in which each is brought to a new nobility. True, eros tends to rise “in ecstasy” towards the Divine, to lead us beyond ourselves; yet for this very reason it calls for a path of ascent, renunciation, purification and healing."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Worship and Praise

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God!
It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, we give you thanks and praise
through your beloved Son Jesus Christ,
your living Word through whom you have created all things;

Who was sent by you, in your great goodness, to be our Saviour;
by the power of the Holy Spirit he took flesh
and, as your Son, born of the blessed Virgin,
was seen on earth
and went about among us.

He opened wide his arms for us on the cross;
he put an end to death by dying for us
and revealed the resurrection by rising to new life;
so he fulfilled your will and won for you a holy people.

Therefore with angels and archangels,
and with all the company of heaven,
we proclaim your great and glorious name,
for ever praising you and saying:

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

Isn't that a beautiful prayer to our Lord? When we pray it slowly with our hearts engaged towards the heavens, it can be a most powerful prayer of praise and worship to the Lord. Even more amazing to me is that we here on earth join with all the company of heaven in worshiping our God and King.

Before I came back home to the Church, I believed that the highest form of praise and worship was through praise songs and scripture put to music, or personal heartfelt songs sung to God.

In Mass this evening, as the priest prayed this Eucharistic prayer , I suddenly realized how much worship and praise the Mass really is. It's all about glorifying the risen Lord. I don't know how I ever missed this as a young person. Truly it is as if the scales of blindness have fallen from my eyes. This same Mass I participated in tonight has been celebrated by the faithful for nearly 2000 years .

From the Catechism:

As early as the second century we have the witness of St. Justin Martyr for the basic lines of the order of the Eucharistic celebration. They have stayed the same until our own day for all the great liturgical families. St. Justin wrote to the pagan emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161) around the year 155, explaining what Christians did:

On the day we call the day of the sun, all who dwell in the city or country gather in the same place. (Gathering together to worship on Sunday, a new Tradition)*

The memoirs of the apostles and the writings of the prophets are read, as much as time permits. (Liturgy of the Word)*

When the reader has finished, he who presides over those gathered admonishes and challenges them to imitate these beautiful things. (The Sermon or Homily)*

Then we all rise together and offer prayers for ourselves . . .and for all others, wherever they may be, so that we may be found righteous by our life and actions, and faithful to the commandments, so as to obtain eternal salvation. (Prayers of the Faithful)*

When the prayers are concluded we exchange the kiss. (Kiss of Peace)*

Then someone brings bread and a cup of water and wine mixed together to him who presides over the brethren. (Offering of the gifts)*

He takes them and offers praise and glory to the Father of the universe, through the name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and for a considerable time he gives thanks (in Greek: eucharistian) that we have been judged worthy of these gifts. (Eucharistic Prayer)*

When he has concluded the prayers and thanksgivings, all present give voice to an acclamation by saying: 'Amen.' (The Great Amen)*

When he who presides has given thanks and the people have responded, those whom we call deacons give to those present the "eucharisted" bread, wine and water and take them to those who are absent.1 (The distribution of the Body and Precious blood of the Lord)*

*These are mine own comments inserted
The Mass is a sacrifice but at the same time the highest form of praise and worship to our God as we offer Jesus' re-presented sacrifice to the Father.

Give Me That Old Time Religion!

When I used to sing this song, it would conjure images of Paul and Silas at sawdust revival meetings, Bible studies, altar calls, etc. When I started to read about the Church fathers, (the early Christians who were direct descendants of the apostles), a different image of the Church started to emerge. I now see this Church as it truly was in the first centuries through the writings of the Christians who were actually there. When I sing about the Old Time Religion now, I think of the Eucharist, baptism for the forgiveness of sins, and yes, the historical fact these Christians referred to themselves as the Catholic Church. Yes, they did have "altar calls" in which the faithful went forward in the worship service and received Christ as Lord and Savior. (Only for them, as Catholics do now, they believed they were literally eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his blood in the appearance of bread and wine.)

I prefer now to sing this version of Old Time Religion:

Give me that Old time Religion
Give me that Old time Religion
Give me that Old time Religion
‘Cause it’s good enough for me!

Jesus built his Church on Peter
He was it’s first bishop and leader
The gates of hell would not defeat her
So she’s good enough for me

It was good for Paul and Silas
When the jailer asked “how to revive us”
“For forgiveness please baptize us”
So it’s good enough for me

It was good enough for Justin Martyr
When he described the Mass’s order
He wrote about the Sacrifice of the Altar
So it’s good enough for me

It was good for St. Ignatius
In the Catholic Church, he said, you’ll find Jesus
In the year of 110 he did preach this
So it’s good enough for me.

Even before they had the Bible
There was a Holy Ghost revival
The Martyrs died for its survival
So it’s good enough for me

It was good for St. Augustine
In the Catholic Church he was a trustin’
Those Pelagians he was a bustin’
It’s good enough for me

Jesus said He’d never leave us
And with His flesh He said he'd feed us
Some still do not believe thus
But it’s good enough for me.

So give me that Old Time Religion
Yep the Old Catholic Tradition
it was good enough for the early Church
So it's good enough for me

Thanks to GFF's post today that inspired this. (A Roundabout Road to Rome)

Monday, February 12, 2007

2007 Catholic Blog Awards

I appreciate the nominations for the 2007 Catholic Blog Awards. I thank you and appreciate the encouragement to keep at it. God bless!

Best Apologetic Blog, Best Indivdual Catholic Blog, Best New Catholic Blog, Best Written Catholic Blog, Most Spiritual Blog, Smartest Catholic Blog

The Pillar and Foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15)

How can we know that what we believe as Christians is correct? How do we know for sure that the doctrines and dogma of Christianity are what God intended for us? Could there be doctrinal errors in our creeds and interpretations of Scripture?

A non-Catholic commenter recently posited on my re-worded CS Lewis Trilemma:

"When it comes to the church though (made of mortal, non-divine men), we as a body can always get something wrong. In fact we have, MANY times over the last 2000 years. Therefore, there is a fourth element to the argument, which is that we could be mistaken. This goes for any doctrine we may have: we are either correct, mistaken, lying or crazy."

Following this logic, therefore any truths that we currently hold to be self-evident could be wrong because we could be mistaken.
The church, from the time of the apostles, who unequivocally believed in the sacrifice of the altar (The real presence of Christ being present on the altar) was the same church that wrote the Creed beginning with the doctrine of the Trinity in 325 AD.
The Arian heresy that was threatening to divide the Roman Empire both politically and spiritually, was spreading rapidly. The question of who Jesus really was needed to be authoritatively answered. The end result of this doctrinal conflict was a "white paper" of the early church regarding the nature of God and his Church and was called the Nicean Creed.
This early church not only said that Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one in being with the Father, but some other controversial things as well. They believed in baptism for the forgiveness of sins and believed that the Church should be one (undivided) holy(sanctified by God's grace) catholic (universal) and apostolic (a continuous and direct succession from the original apostles).

This same early church about 57 years later sat down at yet another council with much debate, prayer and deliberation to discern which letters and gospels should be included in the Canon of Sacred Scripture. The New Testament we hold in our hands today is the product of this Council of Rome in 382 AD.

In following the logic of my commenter, this current canon of Sacred Scripture could be mistaken since it was given to us from the same church that may have been mistaken regarding its belief in the Sacrifice of the Altar (Eucharist)

Is it possible that this church that was perhaps mistaken about the meaning of Jesus words "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood..." also got it wrong when it spelled out the doctrine of the Trinity? Were they mistaken regarding that statement about worshiping and glorifying the Holy Spirit, since that is not found in theBible? Were they mistaken when they said we believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins? Ultimately, following this logic, the basic tenets of our salvation believed for 2000 years could be wrong!

Furthermore, how do we know that our individual church creeds and position statements are not mistaken? What if some of our own personally held interpretations of the Bible are mistaken? This goes for any doctrine we might have.

I really don't think my commenter in his heart of hearts believes that any doctrine we believe could be mistaken, because that would cast him as a theological relativist of which I know he is not. (He is a devout Christian) However, his statement ultimately leads to the conclusion that there is no absolute Truth, because just when you think you have acquired a belief system that "works for you", it could be "mistaken."

The Catholic Church believes as stated in the Catechism that "the Church is both visible and spiritual, a hierarchical society and the Mystical body of Christ. She is one, yet formed of two components, human and divine. That is her mystery, which only faith can accept."

We trust that Christ started this Church and therefore we do not accept that the truths passed down from Christ to the apostles could possibly be mistaken.

The Church, as Sacred Scripture states, "the pillar and bulwark of the truth", faithfully guards "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints". She guards the memory of Christ's words; it is she who from generation to generation hands on the apostles' confession of faith.57 As a mother who teaches her children to speak and so to understand and communicate, the Church our Mother teaches us the language of faith in order to introduce us to the understanding and the life of faith.

172 Through the centuries, in so many languages, cultures, peoples and nations, the Church has constantly confessed this one faith, received from the one Lord, transmitted by one Baptism, and grounded in the conviction that all people have only one God and Father.58 St. Irenaeus of Lyons, a witness of this faith, declared:

173 "Indeed, the Church, though scattered throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, having received the faith from the apostles and their disciples. . . guards [this preaching and faith] with care, as dwelling in but a single house, and similarly believes as if having but one soul and a single heart, and preaches, teaches and hands on this faith with a unanimous voice, as if possessing only one mouth."59

174 "For though languages differ throughout the world, the content of the Tradition is one and the same. The Churches established in Germany have no other faith or Tradition, nor do those of the Iberians, nor those of the Celts, nor those of the East, of Egypt, of Libya, nor those established at the center of the world. . ."60 The Church's message "is true and solid, in which one and the same way of salvation appears throughout the whole world."61

175 "We guard with care the faith that we have received from the Church, for without ceasing, under the action of God's Spirit, this deposit of great price, as if in an excellent vessel, is constantly being renewed and causes the very vessel that contains it to be renewed."62

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jack T. Chick Works for Edwards?

I normally attempt to stick to more devotional posts but this post on Curt Jester is too outrageous. I learned all my theology, as a 14 year old, from the volumes of Chick tracts I read and crammed my skull full of mush with. I guess I wasn't the only one so schooled in such anti-Catholic rants. What is surprising and disturbing was the degree of vitriol and profanity leveled at Catholic/Christian belief.

Despite the perhaps "humorous" and "blogadacious" aspect of this recent early campaign gaff of a possible contender for the 2008 White House, it points to the reality that Catholic bashing is the last acceptable prejudice left in America. Somehow though, I am encouraged that Catholicism does not become mainstream as many denominations have. I take comfort in the reality that Catholicism lived out as it was intended will always be counter-cultural and the target for derision, abuse and out right persecution. Perhaps, we need to take heart in the Sacred Scripture that says all who live Godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, and corporately, His Church as well.

Now should we just move on and ignore this recent attack on the Church and Christianity?
I suggest writing to John Edwards here and encouraging him to take the path of righteousness
and make restitution for his campaign staff comments. (Something Catholics call Penance)

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Thermometer of Suffering

From St Faustina's Diary for February 8:

True love is measured by the thermometer of suffering, Jesus. I thank You for the little daily crosses, for opposition to my endeavors, for the hardships of communal life, for the misinterpretations of my intentions, for humiliations at the hands of others, for the harsh way in which we are treated, for false suspicions, for poor health and loss of strength, for self-denial, for dying to myself, for lack of recognition in everything, for the upsetting of all my plans.

Thank You, Jesus, for interior sufferings, for dryness of spirit, for terrors, fears, and incertitudes, for the darkness and the deep interior night, for temptations and various ordeals, for torments too difficult to describe, especially for those which no one will understand, for the hour of death with its fierce struggle and all its bitterness.

I thank You, Jesus, You who first drank the cup of bitterness before You gave it to me, in a much milder form. I put my lips to this cup of Your holy will. Let all be done according to Your good pleasure; let that which Your wisdom ordained before the ages be done to me. I want to drink the cup to its last drop, and seek not to know the reason why. In bitterness is my joy, in hopelessness is my trust. In You, O Lord, all is good, all is a gift of Your paternal Heart. I do not prefer consolations over bitterness or bitterness over consolations, but thank You, O Jesus, for everything! It is my delight to fix my gaze upon You, O incomprehensible God. . . .

O Uncreated Beauty, whoever comes to know You once cannot love anything else. I can feel the bottomless abyss of my soul, and nothing will fill it but God Himself. I feel that I am drowned in Him like a single grain of sand in a bottomless ocean.

St. Faustina, pray for me that Jesus will help me to see my sufferings in the same light in which you did during your short life.

Christian Holiness

From the Catechism

God's Three Steps (2012-2013)

Paul explains the three steps of God's plan: "Those whom he predestined, he also called; those whom he called, he also justified; those whom he justified, he also glorified" (Rom 8:28-30).

All Christians are called to this perfection of charity. "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt 5:48). "In order to reach this perfection the faithful should use the strength given them by Christ's gift. Thus the holiness of the People of God will grow in fruitful abundance" (Second Vatican Council).

Mystical Union (2014-2015)

Spiritual progress which leads to union with God is called mystical. God calls all to this intimate union. Some receive extraordinary mystical signs which manifest the gift which is given to all.

Holiness comes only by the way of the cross. Progress comes through discipline and mortification(dying to self) which lead to peace and joy. "He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end" (St. Gregory of Nyssa).

Final Perseverance (2016)

The Church's children rightly hope for the grace of final perseverance and recompense from God (Council of Trent). Believers share in the "blessed hope" that they will be gathered into "the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven" (Rev 21:2).

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Christ's Church, Lunatics or a Bunch of Liars?

Not to beat a dead horse once again but I keep wondering what to do with the early church writings about the sacrifice of the altar (among other things). My post about sacramentalism was excoriated on a couple of non- Catholic blogs but they never commented about the early church father's quotes that I posted regarding the sacrament of the altar, the Eucharist.
My reason for continuing to return to this is because of the integral part it played in my conversion/reversion to the Church. As I have said before, when I read Steve Ray's book about the Church Father's Eucharistic beliefs, a chill went through me when I realized the Catholic/Orthodox faith continues to believe in the Real Presence almost 2000 years after these writings.

Using CS Lewis' construct of Lord, Lunatic or Liar, I propose a similar analogy and submit that the early Christians were either truly Christ's Church, lunatics or liars! The early writings make it evident that they believed that Christ's sacrifice was truly re- presented on the altar in an un-bloodied fashion during their worship services. So either they were totally delusional or in error, or they had it right, especially since Christ said that the Spirit of Truth would guide this fledgling church. The Church Father's quotes on the sacrament of the Altar are here.

"A Church that was merely a man-made institution and said the sort of things they said (The writings of the Church Fathers) would not be a great moral teacher. It would either be lunatic - on the level with men who say they are a poached egg - or else they would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is the Church that the the Son of God established, or else a group of madmen or something worse. You can shut them up for a bunch of fools or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God and believe in the Church He started. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about this early Church being devoid of sacraments and protestant in theology . He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

(Tiber Jumper's paraphrased analogy of CS Lewis Trilemma.)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Right Knee, Left Knee: Stuff They Don't Tell You in RCIA

I was Catholic for 14 years and remained in the Church until I was 23 to please my Catholic parents (though fully Protestant at heart since being "born again") and never knew any of these "Helpful Hints." After returning to the Church 30 years later, I sat in with RCIA and none of this posted below was covered. The RCIA process used to take the catechumen three long years! I think I can now understand why. The beauty of the Church for me is that every day there is new discoveries of: new prayers, devotions, saints, sacramentals, etc. The blogosphere too has been an aid to my discovery, though at times what we read must be taken with a grain of holy salt!

Thanks to Ma Beck for these:

1) That motion with your right hand before the reading of theGospel is making three small crosses, with your thumb, on your forehead, lips, and heart. I was taught that it meant, "I will remember it with my head, proclaim it with my lips, and carry it in my heart."

2) If the Blessed Sacrament is exposed (at Communion, after Mass if someone from the choir is receiving Communion, during Adoration) you kneel on both knees. If you are genuflecting to the Tabernacle, it's on your right knee. If you're genuflecting to a Bishop, Cardinal, or Pope, it's on the left knee. (Update: This only applies to Bishops or Cardinals with jurisdiction over you - for instance, I would genuflect to Cdl. George, but not to Cdl. Mahony. For multiple reasons.)

3) Old habits die hard, and this is perhaps a leftover from Catholic school, but except in familiar conversation over dinner (and only then occasionally), it's better to say, "Yes, Father" or "No, Father" than "Yeah", "Yep"*, or anything like that. And while we're on the subject, standing up briefly when a priest (or a woman) enters the room is always appreciated.

4) In the Tridentine Mass, the priest will say something to you before you receive Holy Communion. No response is necessary. (You might notice it ends with him saying "Amen.")In the new Mass, no matter if it's in Latin (11AM) or English (9AM), you respond "Amen."

5) Seriously, stick that tongue on out there. Waaaay out there. Don't be afraid. But for his sake, brush your teeth before Mass and go to Mass before you drink coffee.

6) In the new Mass, you kneel AFTER the Angus Dei and AFTER the Sanctus, unlike the Tridentine Mass. This applies to the new Mass no matter if it's in English, French, Latin, or Vulcan.

7) Often, during the announcements, the priest or deacon will say "Today's Mass is offered for the repose of the soul of Stanislaus Sczweszjszweski. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord."The response of the people is "And let perpetual light shine upon him." Then we make the Sign of the Cross while the priest says "May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace" and we say "Amen."

8) But most of all, if there's something you don't understand or can't quite figure out, just ask. Someone will be happy to answer your question, and you aren't expected to know everything.

Thanks Ma!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Feast of St. Paul Miki of Nagasaki

In 1597, a Japanese missionary Franciscan brother was martyred for his faith along with 25 other Catholic believers on a hill overlooking Nagasaki. As he hung on the cross, Paul Miki found the grace to forgive his murderers as His Lord did 1500 years before him.

"The only reason for my being killed is that I have taught the doctrine of Christ. I certainly did teach the doctrine of Christ. I thank God it is for this reason I die. I believe that I am telling only the truth before I die. I know you believe me and I want to say to you all once again: Ask Christ to help you to become happy. I obey Christ. After Christ’s example I forgive my persecutors. I do not hate them. I ask God to have pity on all, and I hope my blood will fall on my fellow men as a fruitful rain.”

Many thought that this was the end of Christianity in Japan, but 300 years later when the way for missionaries was opened again in the East, they found a Catholic faith, still alive, without an ordained priesthood! Apparently God answered this martyr's prayers and his blood did fall as a "fruitful rain."

St Paul Miki, please ask Jesus to grant me the boldness and faith to share the gospel as you did so fearlessly. Pray for me that at the hour of my death, I too would have the same mind.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Welcome Home!

I found this beautiful comment posted on a new convert's blog. I thought it was a wonderful encouragement. It's from Susie on RECON.

"When you receive our Lord in the Eucharist, when the Bread of Heaven fills your hungry, famished soul, the pain of these losses will not be nearly as great as the pure Joy which will flood your entire being!

As in the Gospel today, we're called to "go deep." There's no religion or institution on earth deeper than the Catholic Church, where our "nets" can be filled to overflowing daily with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Whole Truth. Then He will show us how to spread Truth to others, and be equipped for reception as well as rejection, just as He was while on this earth.

We found that Mother Church had/has always left a light on for us - the flickering candle flame behind red glass, near our Lord's tabernacle. It's always "on" welcoming all of us weary pilgrims, us dusty, dirty prodigals no matter the time, day or night. Isn't She a lovely dwelling place and the most safe refuge?

Your story has brightened and warmed this sub-zero and very cold day we're having in Omaha. Thank you for your honest, Truth-seeking heart.

Welcome Home! "

Christian Prayer

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about the rhythm our devotional lives has taken on since becoming Catholic. (I am not just referring to Natural Family Planning )
One of the most beautiful devotions that the Church has for us is the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office. The Liturgy of the Hours is truly the prayer of the Church for all the people of God: bishops, priests, deacons, religious and the laity (us). From New Testament times, the faithful of the Church have prayed at specific times of the day as seen in the Old Testament as well as the book of Acts and the LOTH has its roots in that ancient practice.

The mystery of Christ, his Incarnation and Passover, which we celebrate in the Eucharist especially at the Sunday assembly, permeates and transfigures the time of each day, through the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, "the divine office."46 This celebration, faithful to the apostolic exhortations to "pray constantly," is "so devised that the whole course of the day and night is made holy by the praise of God."47 In this "public prayer of the Church,"48 the faithful (clergy, religious, and lay people) exercise the royal priesthood of the baptized. Celebrated in "the form approved" by the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours "is truly the voice of the Bride herself addressed to her Bridegroom. It is the very prayer which Christ himself together with his Body addresses to the Father. (Catholic Catechism)

So practically speaking, what does the Liturgy of the Hours look like? It is a prayer book that can be purchased as a four volume set (more often used by clergy and religious) or a more compacted version called Christian Prayer (more often used by the laity). I purchased mine used on and it is pictured above. When it arrived and I unwrapped it, it gave off such a beautiful scent of incense !
Do they all do that? At any rate, it is a collection of Scripture, prayers, antiphons, hymns and readings about the lives of the saints that correspond with particular feast days. There is a particular order to the way in which it is prayed and it is broken down into morning, noon, evening and night prayers. Sacred Scripture is the backbone, particularly the Psalms and the antiphons are often from the Psalms.
It is meant to be prayed communally but can be prayed alone as well. It is an awesome reality that as I pray the prayers in this book at the appointed times, I am communing with Christ along with hundreds of thousands of other believers simultaneously across the globe. Talk about a "communion of saints!"

Though most priests and religious are required to pray the Divine Office for morning, noon, evening and nightly prayer, I am not so devout or ambitious. I am hoping to pray the office for the evening prayer and readings as part of my devotional time . I am so tickled that the Church provides for us a way to remain focused on him throughout the day. I can't see how our devout non-Catholic brethren couldn't get into this too!
It is a bit daunting at first and I am having a bit of trouble getting the knack of the order. I had my pastor bless the prayer book after Mass tonite and he gave me a few pointers. If any of you have some pointers regarding its use or how it has blessed you, feel free to post.

In The World You Will Have Tribulations....

People who change their way of life and begin to think about spiritual progress also begin to suffer from the tongues of detractors. Whoever has not yet suffered this trial has not yet made progress, and whoever is not ready to suffer it does not even endeavor to progress.
– St. Augustine

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Meandering Home

Another young Christian takes the plunge across the Tiber. Wish her well and pray that things go swimmingly and give her the good old Catholic bloggers warm welcome. Check out her story here.

St. Blase- On Fire For the Lord!

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St Blase. He was one very onfire Christian!

Very few facts are known about Saint Blaise. It is believed he was a bishop of Sebastea in Armenia who was martyred under the reign of Licinius in the early fourth century.
The legend of St. Blaise tells us that he was born into a rich and noble family who raised him as a Christian. He became a bishop. Later, a new persecution of Christians began. He received a message from God to go into the hills to escape persecution. Hunters discovered a cave surrounded by wild animals who were sick. Blaise walked among them unafraid, curing them of their illnesses. The hunters recognized Blaise as a Bishop, so they captured him to take him back for trial. On the way back, he talked a wolf into releasing a pig that belonged to a poor woman. When Blaise was sentenced to be starved to death, the woman, in gratitude, sneaked into the prison with food and candles. Finally, the governor had Blaise killed.
Saint Blase is the patron of physicians, sick cattle, wax- chandlers, woolcombers, and of wild animals because of his care for them and of those with throat maladies. He is invoked against afflictions of the throat .

At the end of Mass today, we went forward and had our throats blessed. This is an ancient tradition of the Church and I am thankful that it is still carried out. Is it superstition, witchcraft or pagan practice? No, it is trusting in the grace and love of Jesus Christ as he continues to hear the prayers of his saints for our benefit! Very cool! I want to avail myself of every possible blessing I can have since I missed so many years of this grace being poured out through the Church. Wonder if I will start to sing better? Hope so! :)

"Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may you be freed of ailments of the throat and every other disease. + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Seven Disguises In Which God Frequently Sends His Graces

In the disguise of ingratitude from friends.
In the disguise of being misunderstood.
In the disguise of failure.
In the disguise of being dishonored.
In the disguise of sickness.
In the disguise of poverty.
In the disguise of our daily work.

Our Lord isn’t anxious for us to suffer so let’s not complain to Him any more than is necessary! He sees us in our misery and looks forward to our final victory. If we could only appreciate the great work He’s doing in preparing these crosses for us. - St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Thanks to Father Gonzales for this.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

"Heck, I Feel Like Becoming Catholic Today!"

"Those who know me, or who have read my writings over the past few years, are well aware of the bitter hatred I had for the Roman Catholic Church. As far as I was concerned, they were idolatrous apostates whose Mass was nothing short of witchcraft.....

Fast forward to this:

.... I believe with all my heart that joining the Catholic Church is the right thing to do."

This is an interesting conversion story I originally found on James Swan's reformed blog.
This young man was a proponent of reformed theology and ardent anti-Catholic by his own admission. Keep him in prayer as he loses much to gain more.

Jeremiah, you will lose friends and family near to you, but are gaining the communion of almost 1.5 billion souls throughout the world. Not a bad consolation prize for Crossing The Tiber.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Nameless Faithful

In regards to yesterday's post about a cloud of witnesses that we can look to as examples and models for holiness, I forgot to mention the millions of unknown and unnamed Catholics who quietly and prayerfully live out their faith without fanfare, notice or Blogification. I have been told I got a little carried away on the list of saints,(I added to Prod Daughter's short list) but once I started, it was so much fun, I had to keep going!
When others attempt to discredit Catholicism because of the 4% or less of abuser priests, we seemed to forget about the 96 percent who aren't. (The Nameless Faithful)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Show Me a Perfect Church

I often see the Church criticized because of the sex-abuse scandals, bad bishops and priests. I myself in 2002 (2 years before my jump across the Tiber) at the height of the scandals, told my wife that this can't possibly be the Church Jesus started. I was basing my beliefs on a false paradigm: a religion is only as good as the people who practice it.

Prodigal Daughter
sent me this after a recent discussion about a friend who continues to malign the Church because of the scandals.

Tell me a story about a bad Catholic priest and I’ll tell you a story about a bad Protestant pastor. Tell me a story about a bad Catholic bishop and I’ll tell you a story about a bad Episcopal bishop. Tell me a story about a bad Catholic pope and I can probably find a worse Catholic pope.

Someone once said “You cannot judge the truth of a religion by its members who do not practice it.” If that were the case, the disciples would have taken one look at Judas and run the other way. If Catholicism is true at its very core, meaning from the beginning without error passed down through 2000 years until today, then Catholicism is worth dying for.

So let us not look to those who have cloaked themselves with the beauty of the Church and then twisted it to hurt the most innocent among us. Let us discover the truth and beauty of what this Church teaches and live it ourselves until that day we stand before the Lord of all lords and answer for every word and deed which we freely chose to say or do.

Let us look instead at the people through the ages who have embraced the truth of Catholicism and lived it to the full, to people like:

St. Aaron
St. Abban
St. Abban
St. Abban of Murnevin
St. Abbo
St. Abbo
St. Abdas
St. Abdiesus
St. Abdon
St. Abel
St. Abercius Marcellus
St. Abibas
St. Abibus
St. Abilius
St. Abra
St. Abraham
St. Abraham
St. Abraham
Sts. Abrahamites
St. Abraham Kidunaja
St. Abraham of Carrhae
St. Abraham of Kratia
St. Abraham of Rostov
St. Abraham of Smolensk
St. Abraham the Poor
St. Abran
St. Abudimus
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Acacius
St. Acacius
St. Acacius
St. Acca
St. Aceolus
St. Acepsimas
St. Acepsimas
St. Acestes
St. Acharius
St. Achatius
St. Achillas
St. Achillas
St. Achillas
Sts. Nereus & Achilleus
St. Achilleus Kewanuka
St. Acisclus
St. Acius
St. Acyndinus
St. Ada
St. Adalar
St. Adalard
St. Adalbald of Ostrevant
St. Adalbero
Bl. Adalbero
St. Adalbert
St. Adalbert of Magdeburg
St. Adalbert of Prague
St. Adalgis
St. Adalgis
St. Adalgott
St. Adalsindis
St. Adalsindis
St. Adam
St. Adamnan
St. Adamnan of Coldingham
St. Adauctus
St. Adaucus
St. Addal
St. Adela
St. Adela
St. Adela
St. Adelaide
St. Adelaide
St. Adelaide of Bellich
St. Adelard
St. Adele
St. Adelelmus
St. Adelina
Blessed Adeline
St. Adeloga
St. Adelphus
St. Adelphus
St. Adeodatus
St. Adeodatus II
St. Aderald
St. Adheritus
St. Adjutor
St. Adolf of Osnabruck
Sts. Adolphus and John
St. Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa
St. Ado of Vienne
St. Adrian
Bl. Adrian
St. Adrian II
Adrian III
St. Adrian IV
St. Adrian V
St. Adrian
St. Adrian
St. Adrian
St. Adrian, Abbot
Bl. Adrian Fortescue
St. Adrian III
St. Adrian Van Hilvarenbeek
St. Adrio
St. Adulf
Sts. Adulph and John
St. Aedesius
St. Aedh MacBricc
St. Aelred of Rievaulx
St. Aengus
St. Aetherius
St. Afan
St. Afra
St. Afra
St. Africus
St. Agabius
St. Agabus
St. Aganus
St. Agape
St. Agape
St. Agapitus
St. Agapitus
St. Agapitus
St. Agapius
St. Agapius
St. Agatha
St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i
St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i
St. Agatha
St. Agatha Lin
St. Agathangelo Noury
St. Agathangelus
St. Agatho
St. Agatho
St. Agathoclia
St. Agathopus
St. Ageranus
St. Agericus
St. Agia
St. Agia
St. Agilbert
St. Agilberta
St. Agileus
St. Agilulfus
St. Agilus
Bl. Agnello of Pisa
St. Agnellus
St. Agnellus of Pisa
St. Agnes
St. Agnes of Assisi
St. Agnes of Bohemia
St. Agnes De
St. Agnes of Assisi
St. Agnes of Boheinia
St. Agnes of Montepulciano
St. Agnes of Poitiers
St. Agnes of Rome
Bl. Agnes Takea
Bl. Agnes Tsao-Kouy
St. Agobard
St. Agofredus
St. Agrecius
St. Agricola
St. Agricola
St. Agricolus
St. Agrippina
St. Agrippinus
St. AIban of Mainz
St. Aibert
St. Aichardus
St. Aidan
St. Aidan of Lindisfarne
St. Aidan of Ferns
St. Aidric
St. Aigulf
St. Aigulf
St. Ailbhe
St. Aileran
St. Aimo
St. Ajuture
Bl. Alan de la Roche
St. Alban
St. Alban Bartholomew Roe
St. Alban of Britain
St. Alberic
St. Alberic
St. Alberic Crescitelli
Bl. Albert of Bergamo
Bl. Albert of Clatina
St. Albert the Great
St. Albertinus
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Albert of Magdeburg
Bl. Alberto Marvelli
Bl. Albert of Bergamo
St. Albert of Cashel
St. Albert of Como
St. Albert of Gambron
St. Albert of Genoa
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Albert of Louvain
St. Albert of Montecorvino
St. Albert of Trapani
St. Albina
St. Albinus
St. Albinus
St. Alburga
St. Alcmund
Bl. Alcuin
St. Aldate
St. Aldebrandus
St. Aldegunais
St. Aldemar
St. Aldericus
St. Aldhelm
St. Aldo
St. Aleaunie
St. Alena
St. Alexander
St. Alexander I
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander II
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander III
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander IV
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander Akimetes
Bl. Alexander Briant
Sts. Alexander, Heraclins, and Companions
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander Nevski
St. Alexander of Alexandria
St. Alexander of Comana
St. Alexander of Constantinople
Bl. Alexander of Lugo
Bl. Alexander Rawlins
St. Alexander Sauli

St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexandra and Companions
Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa
St. Alexis
St. Alexis Falconieri
Bl. Alexius
Bl. Alexius Nakamura
St. Aleydis
St. Alfanus
St. Alfreda
St. Alfred the Great
St. Alfrick
St. Alfwold
St. Alice
St. Alipius
Bl. Alix Le Clercq
St. Alkeld
St. Allerius
St. Allucio
St. Almachius
St. Almedha
St. Almirus
St. Almus
St. Alnoth
St. Alodia
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Alphaeus
St. Alphaeus
St. Alphege
St. Alphege (Elphege)
St. Alphege
St. Alphius
St. Alphonsus
Bls. Alphonsus Navarette, Ferdinand Ayala, and Leo Tanaca
Bl. Alphonsus de Mena
Bl. Alphonsus de Orozco
Bl. Alphonsus de Vaena
St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
St. Airick
St. Altfrid
Sts. Altigianus and Hilarinus
St. Altinus
St. Altman
St. Alto
St. Alvarez
St. Alvarez of Corova
Bl. Alvarez of Córdoba
St. Alvitus
St. Alypius
St. Amabilis
St. Amabilis
Bl. Amadeus IX of Savoy
Bl. Amadeus of Lausanne
St. Amadour
St. Amaethlu
St. Amalberga
St. Amalberga
St. Amand
St. Amandus
St. Amantius
St. Amantius
St. Amantius
St. Amarand
St. Amaranthus
St. Amarinus
ST. Amasius
St. Amaswinthus
St. Amata
Bl. Amata
St. Amator
St. Amator
St. Amator
St. Amatus
St. Amatus
St. Amatus
St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose Aut-pert
St. Ambrose Edward Barlow
Bl. Ambrose Fernandez
St. Ambrose Kibuka
St. Ambrose Kibuka
St. Amedeus
St. Amelberga
St. Amelberga
St. Amelberga
St. Amicus
St. Amicus
St. Ammon
St. Ammon
St. Ammon
St. Ammon
St. Ammonaria
St. Ammonius
St. Amo
St. Amor
St. Amor of Amorbach
St. Amor of Aquitaine
Bls. Amparo Rosat Balasch and Maria del Calvario Romero Clariana
St. Ampelius
St. Ampelus
St. Amphianus
St. Amphibalus
St. Amphilocus
St. Amphion
St. Ampliatus
St. Amulwinus
St. Amunia
St. Anacharius
Blessed Anacleto González Flores and 8 Companions
St. Anacletus
St. Anacletus II
St. Ananias
St. Ananias II
St. Ananias III
St. Anastasia
St. Anastasia II
St. Anastasia III
St. Anastasia Patricia
St. Anastasia the Patrician
St. Anastasius
Anastasius I
St. Anastasius X
St. Anastasius XI
St. Anastasius XII
St. Anastasius XIII
St. Anastasius XIV
St. Anastasius XV
St. Anastasius XVI
St. Anastasius XVII
St. Anastasius XVIII
St. Anastasius XIX
Anastasius II
St. Anastasius XX
St. Anastasius
Anastasius III
Anastasius IV
St. Anastasius V
St. Anastasius VI
St. Anastasius VII
St. Anastasius VIII
St. Anastasius IX
St. Anastasius Cornicularius
St. Anastasius the Fuller
St. Anastasius the Sinaite
St. Anathalon
St. Anatole Kiriggwajjo
St. Anatolia
St. Anatolius
St. Anatolius
St. Anatolius
St. Anatolius
St. Andeolus
St. Andochius
Bl. Andre Bessette
Blessed Andrés Solá Molist
St. Andrew
St. Andrew Chong Hwa-Gyong
St. Andrew Chong Hwa-Gyong
Bl. Andrew Hibernon
Bl. Andrew of Strumi
Bl. Andrew Segni (of Anagni)
St. Andrew Thong Kim Nguyen
St. Andrew Trong Van Tran
St. Andrew
St. Andrew
St. Andrew
St. Andrew and Companions
St. Andrew Avellino
St. Andrew Bobola
St. Andrew Corsini
St. Andrew Dotti
St. Andrew Dun-Lac
St. Andrew Dung Lac
St. Andrew Kagwa
Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions
St. Andrew Nam-Thuong
Bl. Andrew Oexner of Riun
St. Andrew of Crete
Bl. Andrew of Segni
St. Andrew of Trier
Bl. Andrew Sushinda
St. Andrew the Scot
St. Andrew theTribune
Bl. Andrew Tokuan
St. Andrew Trong
St. Andrew Wouters
St. Andrew Zorard
St. Andronicus
St. Anectus
St. Angadresma
Blessed Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita
St. Angela Merici
Bl. Angela of Foligno
St. Angelelmus
Beato Angelico
St. Angelo
Bl. Angelo Augustine of Florence
Bl. Angelo of Borgo San Sepolcro
Bl. Angelo of Chivasso
Bl. Angelus of Acri
Bl. Angelus Orsucci
St. Angilbert
St. Angilbert
St. Anglinus
St. Angus MacNisse
St. Anianas
St. Anianus
St. Anianus
St. Anicetus
St. Anicetus
St. Aninus
St. Anna the Prophetess
Sts. Joachim and Anne
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick
Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew
St. Anne
St. Anne
Bl. Anne Jahouvey
St. Anne Line
Bl. Anne Mary Taigi
St. Annemund
St. Anno
St. Annobert
Bl. Annunciata Cocchetti
St. Ansanus
St. Ansbald
St. Ansbert
St. Ansegisus
St. Anselm
St. Anselm of Lucca
St. Anselm
St. Anselm of Lucca
St. Anselm of Nonantola
St. Ansfrid
St. Ansgar
St. Ansillo
St. Anskar
St. Ansovinus
St. Anstrudis
St. Ansueris
St. Ansuinus
St. Ansurius
St. Anterus
St. Anthelm
St. Anthimus
St. Antholian
St. Anthony

Bl. Anthony Baldinucci
Bl. Anthony of Amandola
Bl. Anthony of Hungary
Bl. Anthony of Stroncone
St. Anthony, Merulus, and John
St. Anthony, Merulus, and John
Bl. Anthony
St. Anthony the Abbot
Bl. Anthony Baldinucci
St. Anthony Dainan
St. Anthony Daniel
Bl. Anthony della Chiesa
Bl. Anthony Fantosat
Bl. Anthony Francisco
St. Anthony the Hermit
St. Anthony Ishida
St. Anthony Kauleas
Bl. Anthony Kimura
Bl. Anthony Kiun
Bl. Anthony Manzi
St. Anthony Mary Claret
St. Anthony Mary Gianelli
St. Anthony Mary Pucci
St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria
Bl. Anthony Middleton
St. Anthony Nam-Quynh
Bl. Anthony Neyrot
Bl. Anthony of Korea
St. Anthony of Saxony
Bl. Anthony of St. Bonaventure
Bl. Anthony of Tuy
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony Pechersky
St. Anthony Peter Dich
St. Anthony Primaldi
Bl. Anthony Sanga
Bl. Anthony Turner
Bl. Anthony Vom
St. Anthusa
St. Anthusa the Younger
St. Antidius
St. Antilnus
St. Antiochus
St. Antipas
Bl. Antoinette Roussel
Bl. Anton Maria Schwartz
St. Antoninus
St. Antoninus
St. Antoninus
St. Antoninus of Sorrento
St. Anysia
St. Anysius
St. Apelles
St. Aphraates
St. Aphrodisius
St. Aphrodisius
St. Apollinaris
St. Apollinaris
St. Apollinaris
St. Apollinaris
St. Apollinaris
St. Apollinaris Franco
St. Apollinaris Sidonius
St. Apollinaris Syncletica
St. Apollo
St. Apollo and Companions
St. Apollonia
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius the Apologist
St. Aponius
Apostle of the Gentiles
The Apostles
Apostles of England
Apostles of Erin (Ireland)
Apostles of Rome
St. Appian
St. Appian
St. Apronia
St. Apronian
St. Aprus
St. Apuleius
St. Aquila
St. Aquila
St. Aquilina
St. Aquilina
St. Aquilinus
St. Aquilinus
St. Aquilinus
St. Arator
St. Arator
St. Arbogast
St. Arcadius
St. Arcadius
St. Arcadius and Companions
Bl. Archangela Girlani
St. Archelais and Companions
St. Archelaus
St. Archippus
St. Arcontius
St. Ardalion
St. Ardanus
St. Ardo
St. Arduinus
St. Arduinus
St. Aredius
St. Aresius and Companions
St. Aretas and Companions
St. Arethas and Companions
St. Aretius
St. Argeus
St. Argymirus
St. Ariadne
St. Arialdus
St. Arian and Companions
St. Arigius
St. Arilda
St. Aristarchus
St. Aristides
St. Aristion
St. Aristobulus
St. Ariston and Companions
St. Armagillus
St. Armentarius
St. Armentarius
St. Armogastes and Companions
Bl. Arnaldo Catani
St. Arnold
Bl. Arnold Jansen
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arnulf
St. Arsacius
St. Arsenius
St. Arsenius the Great
St. Artaldus
St. Artaxus
St. Artemas
St. Artemas
St. Artemius
St. Artemius
St. Artemius
St. Arthelais
St. Arwald
St. Asaph
St. Ascelina
Bl. Ascension of the Heart of Jesus Nicol Goni
St. Asclas
St. Asclepiades
St. Asella
St. Ashley
St. Asicus
St. Aspasius
St. Aspren
St. Asteria
St. Astericus
St. Astericus
St. Astericus and Companions
St. Astericus
St. Astius
St. Athanasia
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius Badzekuketta
St. Athanasius the Athonite
St. Athelm
St. Athenodorus
St. Athenodorus
St. Athenogenes
St. Atilano Cruz Alvarado
St. Attala
St. Attalas
St. Attalia
St. Atticus
St. Atticus
St. Attilanus
St. Atto
St. Atto
St. Atto
St. Attracta
St. Aubin
St. Auctus
St. Augulus
St. Augusta
St. Augustalus
St. Augustine of Canterbury
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine Moi
St. Augustine of Huy
Bl. Augustine Ota
St. Augustine Webster
Bl. Augusto Czartoryski
St. Augustus
St. Augustus Chapdelaine
St. Augustus Schoffler
St. Aurea
St. Aurea
St. Aurea
St. Aurea
St. Aurea
St. Aurelia
St. Aurelian
St. Aurelian
St. Aurelian
St. Aurelius
St. Aureus
St. Ausonius
St. Auspicius
St. Austell
St. Austindus
St. Austreberta
St. Austregisilus
St. Austremonius
St. Autbert
St. Autbert
St. Autbod (Aubeu)
St. Autbodus
St. Authaire
St. Autonomous
St. Autor
St. Auxanus
St. Auxentius
St. Auxentius
St. Auxibius
St. Ava
St. Aventanus
St. Aventine of Troyes
St. Aventinus
St. Aventinus of Chartres
Bls. Avertanus and Romaeus
St. Avitus
St. Avitus
St. Avitus I of Clermont
St. Avitus II of Clermont
St. Avitus of Vienne
St. Aymard
St. Azas and Compa

St. Babylas
St. Badilo
St. Badulfus
St. Baglan
St. Bagne
St. Baithin
St. Balbina
St. Balda
St. Baldegundis
St. Balderic
St. Baldomerus
St. Baldred
St. Baldwin
St. Baldwin
St. Balin
Bl. Balthasar de Torres
St. Balther
St. Bandaridus
St. Baradates
St. Barbara
St. Barbasymas
St. Barbatian
St. Barbatus
St. Bardo
St. Barhadbesciabas
St. Barlaam
St. Barlaam
St. Barnabas
St. Barnard
St. Barrfoin
St. Barrog
St. Barsabas
St. Barsabas
St. Barsanuphius
St. Barsimaeus
St. Bartholomea Capitanjo
St. Bartholomew
Bl. Bartholomew of Cervere
St. Bartholomew Alvarez
St. Bartholomew Buonpedoni
Bl. Bartholomew Gutierrez
Bl. Bartholomew
Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore
St. Bartholomew of Fame
St. Bartholomew of Rossano
Bl. Bartholomew Sheki
Bl. Bartholomew Shikiemon
Bl. Bartolo (Bartholomew) of San Gimignano
St. Barypsabas
St. Basil
St. Basil
St. Basil and Companions
St. Basileus
St. Basileus and Companions
St. Basil the Great
St. Basilides
St. Basilides and Companions
St. Basilides and Companions
St. Basiliscus
St. Basilissa
St. Basilissa
St. Basilla
St. Basilla
St. Basil of Ancyra
St. Basil the Younger
St. Basinus
St. Basolus
St. Bassa and Companions
St. Bassian
St. Bassus
St. Bassus and Companions
St. Bathildis
St. Bathus and Companions
St. Baudacarius
St. Baudacarius
St. Baudelius
St. Bavo
St. Bean
St. Beatrice da Silva Meneses
St. Beatrix da Silva
St. Beatus
St. Beatus
St. Beatus of Vendome
St. Becan
St. Becan
Venerable Bede
St. Bega
St. Begga
St. Belina
St. Bellinus
St. Benedict
Benedict I
Benedict X
Bl. Benedict X
Benedict XII
St. Benedict II
Benedict III
Benedict IV

Benedict V
Benedict VI
Benedict VII
Benedict VIII
St. Benedict
Benedict IX
St. Benedicta
St. Benedicta
St. Benedicta
St. Benedict and Companions
St. Benedict Biscop
St. Benedict the Black
St. Benedict Crispus
St. Benedict Joseph Labré
St. Benedict of Nursia
St. Benedict of Aniane
St. Benedict of Cagliari
St. Benedict of Campania
St. Benedict of Macerac
St. Benedict of Sebaste
St. Benedict of Szkalka
St. Benedict Revelli
St. Benedict the Moor
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Benilde
St. Benilde Romancon
St. Benildis
St. Benjamin
St. Benno
Bl. Benno
Bl. Benvenuto of Gubbio
St. Benvenutus Scotivoli
St. Beoadh
St. Beoadh
St. Beoc
St. Beocca
St. Berach
St. Berarius
St. Bercharius
St. Bercthun
St. Beregisius
St. Berencardus
Bl. Berka Zdislava
St. Berlinda
St. Bernadette
St. Bernadette Soubirous
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard degli Uberti
St. Bernard Due
St. Bernardine of Siena
St. Bernardino Realino
St. Bernard of Montjoux
St. Bernard of Arce
St. Bernard of Bagnorea
St. Bernard of Calvo
St. Bernard of Carinola
St. Bernard of Valdeiglesias
St. Bernard Valeara
St. Berno
St. Bernward
St. Beronicus
St. Bertha
St. Bertha
St. Bertha
St. Bertha
St. Berthaldus
St. Berthane
St. Bertharius
St. Berthoald
St. Berthold
St. Berthold
St. Bertilia
St. Bertilia
St. Bertilla Boscardin
St. Bertin
St. Bertinus
St. Bertoara
St. Bertrand
St. Bertrand
St. Bertrand
St. Bertrand of Comminges
St. Bertuin
St. Bertulf
St. Bessarion
St. Betharius
St. Bettelin
St. Betto
St. Beuno
St. Bibiana
St. Bichier
St. Bicor
St. Bieuzy
St. Bilfrid

St. Bilhild
St. Birillus
St. Birinus
St. Birrstan
St. Bladus
St. Blaesilla
St. Blaise
St. Blaithmaic
St. Blandina
St. Blane
St. Blath
St. Blidulf
St. Blinlivet
St. Blitharius
St. Blitmund
St. Boadin
St. Bobinus
St. Bobo
St. Bodagisil
St. Bodfan
St. Bodo
St. Boetharius
St. Boethian
St. Bogumilus
St. Bogumilus
St. Bolcan
St. Bonaventure
St. Bonaventure of Miako
St. Bond
St. Bonfilius
St. Boniface I
Boniface II
St. Boniface
Boniface III
St. Boniface IV
Boniface V
Boniface VI
St. Boniface
Boniface VII
Boniface VIII
Boniface IX
St. Boniface Curitan
St. Boniface of Mainz
St. Boniface of Lausanne
Bl. Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro
St. Bonitus
St. Bonitus
Bl. Bonne d’Armagnac
St. Bononius
St. Bosa
St. Boswell
St. Botuid
St. Botulph
St. Brandan
St. Brannock
St. Branwallader
St. Braulio
St. Breaca
St. Bregwin
St. Brendan
St. Brendan of Birr
St. Bretannion
Bl. Brian
St. Briarch
St. Briavel
St. Brice
St. Brictus
St. Bridget
St. Bridget of Sweden
St. Brieuc
St. Brigid
St. Brigid
St. Brigid of Ireland
St. Brithwald
St. Brithwald
St. Brito
St. Britwin
St. Brocard
St. Brogan
St. Bron
St. Bronach
St. Bruno
St. Bruno
St. Bruno of Segni
St. Bruno Seronkuma
St. Brychan
St. Brynach
St. Brynoth
St. Budoc
St. Buonfiglio Monaldo
St. Burchard
St. Buriana
St. Burkard
St. Byblig

St. Cadfan
St. Cadfarch
St. Cadoc
St. Cadog
St. Cadroe
St. Cadwallader
St. Caecilius
St. Caedmon
St. Caellainn
St. Caerealis
St. Caerealis & Sallustia
St. Caesarea
St. Caesaria
St. Caesarius
St. Caesarius
St. Caesarius
St. Caesarius & Companions
St. Caesarius & Julian
St. Caesarius of Arles
St. Caesarius of Nazianzus
St. Caesarn
St. Caesidius
St. Cagnoald
St. Caian
St. Caidoc & Fricor
St. Caillin
St. Caimin
St. Cairlon
St. Cajetan
St. Cajetan
St. Calepodius
St. Caletricus
St. Calimerius
St. Calimerlus
St. Calixtus
St. Callinica & Basilissa
St. Callinicus
St. Calliope
St. Calliopus
St. Callistratus
St. Callistus
St. Callistus I
Callistus II
Callistus III
St. Callistus & Charisius
St. Callistus, Felix & Boniface
St. Calminius
St. Calocerus
St. Calocerus
St. Calocerus & Parthenius
St. Calogerus
St. Calupan
St. Camelian
St. Camilla
Bl. Camillus Constanzi
St. Camillus de Lellis
St. Candida
St. Candida
St. Candida
St. Candida
St. Candida the Elder
St. Candida the Younger
St. Candidus
St. Candidus
St. Candres
St. Canice
St. Canice (Kenneth)
St. Cannatus
St. Cannera
St. Canog
St. Cantidius
St. Cantius, Cantianus, Cantianilla, & Protus
St. Canute IV
St. Canute Lavard
St. Capitolina
St. Caprasius
St. Caprasius
St. Caradoc
St. Carantac
St. Carantoc
St. Caranus
St. Caraunus
St. Carilefus
St. Carissima
Bl. Caritas Brader
Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne
St. Carmen
St. Caron
St. Carponius
St. Carpophorus
St. Carpophorus & Abundius
St. Carpus
St. Carpus
St. Carterius
St. Carterius
St. Carthach
St. Carthach the Younger
Bl. Carthusian Martyrs
St. Casilda
St. Casimir
St. Casimir of Poland
Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz
St. Caspar del Bufalo
Bl. Caspar Fisogiro
Bl. Caspar Kotenda
Bl. Caspar Sadamazu
St. Cassian
St. Cassian of Autun
St. Cassian of Benevento
St. Cassian of Imola
St. Cassian of Todi
St. Cassius
St. Cassius
St. Cassius
St. Castor
St. Castor
St. Castor & Dorotheus
St. Castor & Stephen
St. Castorius
St. Castritian
St. Castulus
St. Castus & Emilius
St. Castus & Secundinus
St. Catald
St. Cataldus
St. Catellus
Bl. Caterina Cittadini
Bl. Caterina Volpicelli
Bl. Caterina Volpicelli
St. Cathan
Bl. Catherine of Pallanza
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Bologna

St. Catherine de Ricci
St. Catherine Laboure
St. Catherine of Sweden
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catulinus
St. Cawrdaf
St. Ceallach
St. Cearan
St. Cecilia
St. Cedd
St. Ceitho
St. Cele-Christ
St. Celerinus
St. Celestine
St. Celestine I
Celestine II
Celestine III
Celestine IV
St. Celine
St. Cellach
St. Cellach
St. Celsus
St. Censurius
St. Centolla & Helen
St. Ceolfrid
St. Ceollach
St. Ceolwulf
St. Cera
St. Ceratius
St. Ceraunus
St. Cerbonius
St. Cerneuf
Bl. Ceslaus
St. Cettin
St. Cewydd
St. Chad
St. Chaeromon
St. Chainaldus
St. Charalampias
St. Charbel
St. Charbel
St. Charitina
St. Charity
St. Charles Hyon Song-mun
St. Charles Borromeo
Venerable Charles de Faucauld
Venerable Charles de Foucauld
St. Charles Garnier
Bl. Charles the Good
St. Charles Joseph Eugene de Mazenod
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
St. Charles of Sezze
Sts. Chastan & Imbert
Sts. Chastan & Imbert
St. Chelidonia
St. Chillien
St. Chirstian
Bl. Christian
St. Christian
St. Christina
Bl. Christina Visconti
St. Christopher
Bl. Christopher Bales
St. Chromatius
St. Chromatius
St. Chrysanthus
St. Chrysogonus
St. Chrysolius
St. Chuniald & Gislar
St. Cian
St. Cianan
St. Cilinia
St. Cillene
St. Cindeus
St. Cinnia
St. Cissa
St. Clare
St. Clare of Montefalco
Bl. Clare of Rimini
St. Clarus
St. Clarus
St. Clateus
St. Claud
St. Claudia
St. Claudine Thevenet
Pope St. Clement I
Clement II
Clement III
Clement IV
Clement V
Clement VI
St. Clementinus
St. Clement Maria Hofbauer
St. Clement of Alexandria
St. Clement of Okhrida
St. Clement of Rome
St. Cleonicus
St. Cleopatra
St. Cleophas
St. Clerus
St. Clether
St. Cletus
St. Clicerius
St. Clinius
St. Clodoald
St. Clodulf
St. Clotilde
St. Clotsindis
St. Cloud
St. Cocca
St. Cocha
St. Codratus of Corinth
St. Cogitosus
St. Cointha
St. Colette
St. Colga (Coelchu)
St. Colgan
St. Colman of Cloyne
St. Colman McRhoi
St. Colman of Armagh
St. Colman of Dromore
St. Colman of Elo
St. Colman of Glendalough
St. Colman of Kilmacduagh
St. Colman of Kilroot
St. Colman of Lindisfarne
St. Colman of Lismore
St. Colman of Stockerau
St. Columba
St. Columba Kim Hyo-im
St. Columba
St. Columba
St. Columba

St. Columban
St. Columbanus
St. Columba of Sens
St. Columbinus
St. Comgall
St. Comgall
St. Comgan
St. Cominus
St. Cominus
St. Conall
St. Conan
St. Concessa
St. Concordius
St. Condedus
St. Conleth
St. Conleth
St. Connat
St. Conogon
St. Conon
St. Conon
St. Conon
St. Conon
Bl. Conor O’Devany
St. Conrad
Bl. Conrad of Seldenburen
St. Conrad of Parzham
St. Conrad of Trier
St. Conran
St. Consortia
St. Constabilis
St. Constantian
St. Constantianus
St. Constantianus
St. Constantine
St. Constantine
St. Constantine the Great
Bl. Constantius
St. Constantius
St. Constantius
St. Constantius
St. Contardo
St. Contentius
St. Conus
St. Convoyon
St. Conwall
St. Corbican
St. Corbinian
St. Corbmac
St. Corebus
St. Corentin
St. Corentius
St. Cormac
St. Cornelius
St. Cornelius
St. Cornelius
St. Cornelius
St. Cosmas
St. Cosmas
St. Cosmas
Sts. Cosmas & Damian
Sts. Cosmos & Damian
St. Cottidus, Eugene, & Companions
St. Craton
St. Credan
St. Crescens
St. Crescentia
St. Crescentian
St. Crescentian
St. Crescentian
St. Crescentian
St. Crescentiana
St. Crescentius
St. Crescentius
St. Crewanna
St. Crispin
St. Crispin
St. Crispina
Sts. Crispin & Crispinian
St. Crispin of Viterbo
St. Crispulus & Restitutus
St. Crispus & Gaius
St. Cristiolus
St. Croidan
St. Croix
St. Cronan
St. Cronan of Roscrea
St. Cronan Beg
St. Cronan of Roscrea
St. Cronan the Wise
St. Crummine
St. Cuan

St. Cuaran
St. Cucuphas
St. Culen
St. Cumgar
St. Cumine
St. Cummian
St. Cummian Fada
St. Cunegundes
St. Cunera
St. Cuniald & Geslar
St. Curcodomus
St. Curig
St. Curomotus
St. Cuthbert
St. Cuthbert
St. Cuthbert Mayne
St. Cuthburga
St. Cuthman
St. Cybi
St. Cybi (Cuby)
St. Cynfran
St. Cynibild
St. Cynllo
St. Cynwl
St. Cyprian
St. Cyprian
St. Cyprian
St. Cyrenia & Juliana
St. Cyriaca
St. Cyriaca & Companions
St. Cyriaca & Companions
St. Cyriacus
Sts. Cyril and Methodius
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Cyrinus
St. Cyrinus
St. Cyrus
St. Cyrus of Carthage

St. Dabius
St. Dadas
St. Dafrosa
St. Dagobert II
St. Daig Maccairaill
St. Dallan
St. Dalmatius
St. Dalmatius
St. Dalmatius
St. Damasus
Pope Saint Damasus I
Damasus II
St. Damhnade
St. Damian
St. Damian
Bl. Damien de Veuster
Bl. Damien Yamiki
St. Daniel
St. Daniel
St. Daniel
St. Daniel
St. Daniel
St. Daniel
St. Daniel the Stylite
St. Darerca
St. Daria
St. Darius
St. Darulagdach
St. Dasius
St. Dasius
St. Dathus
St. Datius
St. Datius
St. Dativus
St. David
St. David I of Scotland
St. David
Bl. David Gonson
St. David I
St. David of Sweden
St. Davinus
St. Day
St. Declan
St. Decorosus
St. Decuman
St. Deicola
St. Deifer
St. Deiniol
Bl. Delphina
St. Delphinus
St. Demetria
St. Demetrian
St. Demetrius
St. Demetrius
St. Demetrius
St. Demetrius
St. Demetrius
St. Demetrius
St. Democritus
Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius
St. Dentlin
St. Deochar
St. Deodatus
St. Deodatus
St. Deodatus
St. Deodatus
St. Deodatus
St. Deodatus
Bl. Deogracias Palacios and Companions
St. Deogratius
St. Derferl-Gadarn
St. Dermot
St. Desideratus
St. Desideratus
St. Desideratus
St. Desideratus
St. Desiderius
St. Desiderius
St. Desiderius
St. Desiderius
St. Desiderius
St. Deusdedit

St. Deusdedit
St. Deusdedit
St. Deusdedit
St. Deusdedit
St. Pope Deusdedit
St. Devinicus
St. Devniolin
St. Devota
St. Diaconus
Bl. Diana
St. Diarmaid
St. Dichu
St. Dictinus
St. Didacus
Bl. Didacus Carvalho
St. Didier
St. Didier
Bl. Diego De Avezedo
St. Digain
St. Digna
St. Digna & Emerita
St. Diman
St. Dingad
St. Diodorus
St. Diodorus
St. Diodorus & Marianus
St. Diomedes
St. Diomedes
St. Diomma
St. Dionysia
St. Dionysia
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
Bl. Dionysius
Bl. Dionysius Fugishima
St. Dionysius of Alexandria
St. Dionysius of Augsburg
St. Dionysius of Corinth
St. Dionysius of Milan
St. Pope Dionysius
St. Dionysius Sebuggwao
St. Dioscorides
St. Dioscorus
St. Dioscurus
St. Disibod
St. Dismas
St. Diuma
St. Dochow
St. Dodo
St. Dodolinus
St. Dogfan
St. Dogmael
Bl. Dolores Rodriguez Sopena
Bl. Dolores Rodriguez Sopena
St. Domangard
St. Dominator
St. Domingo Hanh Van Nguyen
St. Domingo Nicolas Dat Dinh
St. Dominic
St. Dominic Mao Trong Ha and Companions
St. Dominic
St. Dominica
Dominican Martyrs of Vietnam
St. Dominic de la Calzada
St. Dominic del Val
St. Dominic Doan Xuyen
St. Dominic Henares
Bl. Dominic Jorjes
Bl. Dominic Lentini
St. Dominic Loricatus
Bl. Dominic Nakano
St. Dominic Nicholas Dat
Bl. Dominic Nifaki
St. Dominic of Brescia
Bl. Dominic of Fiunga
Bl.Dominic of Nagasaki

St. Dominic of Silos
St. Dominic of Sora
Bl. Dominic of the Holy Rosary
St. Dominic Savio
St. Dominic Shamada
Bl. Dominic Shibioge
Bl. Dominic Tomaki
St. Dominic Trach
St. Dominic Tuoc
St. Dominic Uy
St. Dominic Van Honh Dieu
St. Domitian
St. Domitian
St. Domitian & Hadelin
St. Domitian of Chalons
St. Domitius
St. Domitius
St. Domitius
St. Domnina
St. Domnina
St. Domnina
St. Domninus
St. Domninus
St. Domninus
St. Domninus
St. Domnio
St. Domnio
St. Domnio
St. Domnolus
St. Domnus of Vienne
St. Donald
St. Donan
St. Donat
St. Donata
St. Donatian
St. Donatian
St. Donatian
St. Donatian & Rogatian
St. Donatus
St. Donatus
St. Donatus
St. Donatus
St. Donatus
St. Donatus
St. Donatus & Hilarinus
St. Donatus of Besancon
St. Donatus of Corfu
St. Donatus of Fiesole
St. Dorothy
St. Dorothy of Montau
St. Dositheus
St. Dositheus
St. Dotto
Douai Martyrs
St. Drausinus
St. Drithelm
St. Drithelm
St. Droctoveus
St. Drogo
St. Drostan
St. Drusus
St. Druthmar
St. Dubricus
St. Dubtach
St. Dula
St. Dulas
St. Dulcardus
St. Dulcidius
St. Dulcissima
St. Dunchadh
St. Dunchaid O'Braoin
St. Dunstan
St. Duthac
St. Dwynwen
St. Dyfan
St. Dyfnan
St. Dyfnog
St. Dymphna

St. Eadbert
St. Eadfrid
St. Eadnot
St. Eadsin
St. Eanfleda
St. Eanswida
St. Eata
St. Ebba
St. Ebba
St. Ebba
St. Ebbo
St. Eberbard
St. Ebontius
St. Ebrulf
St. Ebrulf
Ebsdorf Martyrs
St. Ecclesius
St. Echa
St. Edana
St. Edbert
St. Edburga
St. Edburga
St. Edburga of Bicester
St. Edburga of Winchester
St. Edeyrn

St. Edgar the Peaceful
St. Edistius
St. Edith of Polesworth
Bl. Edith Stein
St. Edith of Wilton
St. Edmund Campion
St. Edmund Campion
St. Edmund Arrowsmith
St. Edmund Campion
St. Edmund Genings
Bl. Edmund Ignatius Rice
St. Edmund Rich
St. Edmund the Martyr
Bl. Edward Burden
Bl. Edward Osbaldeston
Bl. Edward Thwing (Thweng)
Bl. Edward Campion
Bl. Edward Catheriek
Bl. Edward Coleman
St. Edward the Confessor
Bl. Edward Fulthrop
Bl. Edward James
Bl. Edward Jones
St. Edward the Martyr
Bl. Edward Oldcorne
Bl. Edward Powell
Bl. Edward Shelley
Bl. Edward Stransham
Bl. Edward Waterson
St. Edwen
St. Edwin
St. Edwin
St. Edwold
St. Efflam
St. Egbert
St. Egdunus
St. Egelred
St. Egelwine
St. Egilhard
St. Egilo
St. Egino
St. Egwin
St. Eigil
St. Eigrad
St. Eingan
St. Einhildis & Roswinda
St. Elaeth
St. Elaphius
St. Elerius
St. Elesbaan
St. Eleuchadius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eletherius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eleutherius
St. Eleutherius & Anthia
St. Eleutherius & Leonides
St. Eleutherius of Tournai
St. Elfleda
St. Elfleda
St. Elfleda
St. Elgar
St. Elgiva
St. Elian
St. Elian ap Erbin
St. Elias
St. Elias, Jeremy, and Companions
St. Elias
St. Elias
St. Elias & Companions
St. Eligius
St. Elined
St. Eliphius
St. Elizabeth
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth of Schonau
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Elizabeth Rose
St. Ellidius
St. Eloque
St. Elpidius
St. Elpidius
St. Elpidius
St. Elsiar
St. Elstan
St. Elvan & Mydwyn
St. Elwin
St. Elzear
St. Emebert
St. Emerentiana
St. Emeric
St. Emerius
St. Emilas & Jeremiah

St. Emilian
St. Emilian
St. Emilian
St. Emilian
St. Emilian

St. Emiliana
St. Emiliana
St. Emilian Cucullatus
St. Emilius
Bl. Emily Bicchieri
St. Emily de Rodat
St. Emily de Vialar
St. Emma
Bl. Emmanuel d'Abreu
St. Emmanuel Phung
Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz
St. Emmanuel Trieu
St. Emmeramus
St. Emygdius
St. Encratia
St. Enda
St. Endellion
St. Eneco
St. Engelbert
St. Engelmer
St. Engelmund
St. Enghenedl
St. Englatius
St. Ennodius
St. Enoder
St. Enodoch
St. Enogatus
St. Eoban
St. Eochod
St. Epagaphras
St. Epaphroditus
St. Eparchius
St. Eparchius (Cybard)
Ephesus Martyrs
St. Ephrem
St. Ephysius
St. Epicharis
St. Epimachus
St. Epimachus
St. Epiphanius and Alexander
St. Epiphanius and Basileus
St.Epiphanius of Salamis
Era of the Martyrs
St. Erasmus
St. Erastus
St. Erbin
St. Ercongotha
St. Erembert
St. Eremberta
St. Erentrude
St. Erentrudis
St. Erfyl
St. Ergnad

St. Erhard
St. Eric IX of Sweden
St. Erkemboden
St. Erlafrid
St. Erluph
St. Ermelinda
St. Ermenberga
St. Ermenfridus
St. Ermengild
St. Ermengytha
St. Erminold
St. Erminold
St. Erminus
St. Ernest
St. Erotis
St. Erth
St. Eskill
St. Esternus
St. Esterwine
St. Ethbin
St. Etheidreda
St. Etheidwitha
St. Etheihard
St. Ethelbert
St. Ethelbert
St. Ethelbert and Etheired
St.Ethelbert of Kent
St. Ethelburga
Sts. Ethelburga, Ercongota, and Sethrida
St. Ethelburga
St. Ethelburga
St. Ethelgiva
St. Ethelnoth
St. Ethelred
Saint Ethelreda (Audrey)
St. Ethelwald
St. Ethelwald
St. Ethelwin
St. Ethelwold
St. Ethenea and Fidelmia
St. Etherius
St. Etherius
St. Etherius
St. Etherius
St. Ethernan
St. Etienne-Theodore Cuenot
St. Etto
St. Eucharius
St. Eucherius
St. Eucherius
St. Eudo
St. Eudocia
St. Eudoxius
Sts. Eudoxius, Zeno, and Companions
St. Eufridus
St. Eugendus
St. Eugene
Eugene II
Eugene III
Eugene IV
St. Eugene
St. Eugene
St. Eugene
St. Eugene
St. Eugene de Mazenod

St. Eugenia
Bl. Eugenia Ravasco
Bl. Eugenia Ravasco
St. Eugenia
St. Eugenian
St. Eugyppius
St. Eulalia of Merida
Sts. Eulampius and Eulampia
St. Eulogius and Companions
St. Eulogius of Alexandria
St. Eulogius of Cordoba
St. Eulogius of Edessa
St. Eumenes
St. Euphebius
St. Euphemia
St. Euphemia
St. Euphrasia
St. Euphrasia Pelletier
St. Euphrasius
St. Euphronius
St. Euphronius
St. Euphrosyne
St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk
St. Euplius
St. Euprepius
St. Euprepius
St. Eupsychius
St. Eupsychius
St. Eurgain
St. Eurosia
St. Eusebia
St. Eusebia
Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes
St. Eusebia
St. Eusebia
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius
St. Eusebius of Bologna
St. Eusebius of Cremona
St. Eusebius of Milan
St. Eusebius of Rome
St. Eusebius of Samosata
St. Eusebius of Vercelli
St. Euseus
St. Euseus
St. Eusignius
St. Eusignius
St. Eustace
St. Eustace
St. Eustace
St. Eustace
St. Eustace
St. Eustace
St. Eustace White
St. Eustachius
St. Eustadiola
St. Eusterius
St. Eustochins
Bl. Eustochium
St. Eustochium
St. Eustochium Calafato
St. Eustolia & Soprata
St. Eustorgius II
St. Eustratius and Companions
St. Euthalia
St. Euthymius
St. Euthymius
St. Euthymius
St. Euthymius
St. Euthymius of Sardis
St. Euthymius the Younger
St. Eutropia
St. Eutropia
St. Eutropius
St. Eutropius
St. Eutropius
St. Eutropius
St. Eutychian
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius (Eustathius) and Companions
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius & Domitian
St. Eutychius & Florentius
St. Eutychius of Alexandria
St. Evagrius
St. Evagrius
St. Evagrius & Benignus
St. Eval
Bl. Eva of Liege
St. Evan
St. Evaristus
St. Evasius
St. Evasius
St. Evellius
Bl. Everard Hanse
St. Evergislus
St. Everild
St. Evermarus
St. Evermod
St. Evermund
St. Evodius
St. Evodius
St. Evodius
St. Evodius
St. Evortius
St. Evrard
Sts. Ewald the Dark and Ewald the Fair
St. Ewald & Ewald
St. Expeditus
St. Exuperantia
St. Exuperantius
St. Exuperantius
St. Exuperius
St. Exuperius
St. Exuperius

St. Fabian
St. Fabiola
St. Fabius
St. Fabrician and Philibert
St. Fachanan
St. Facio
St. Faciolus
St. Facundius
St. Facundus
St. Faith
St. Faith (Foy, Fides)
St. Famianw
St. Fanchea
St. Fandila
St. Fara
St. Farannan
St. Faro
St. Fausta
St. Fausta and Evilasius
St. Faustina
St. Faustinian
St. Faustinus
St. Faustinus
St. Faustinus
St. Faustinus
St. Faustinus
St. Faustinus & Companions
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus
St. Faustus and Companions
St. Fazzio
Bl. Fazzio
St. Febronia
St. Fechin
St. Felician
St. Felician
St. Felicissimus
St. Felicissimus
St. Felicitas
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
St. Felicula
St. Felinus and Gratian
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix I
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix III
St. Felix IV
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix and Adauctus
St. Felix and Augebert
St. Felix and Constantia
St. Felix and Cyprian
St. Felix and Eusebius
St. Felix & Gennadius
St. Felix & Januarius
St. Felix & Maurus
St. Felix & Regula
Sts. Felix, Fortunatus, & Achilleus
St. Felix of Bologna
St. Felix of Bourges
St. Felix of Brescia
St. Felix of Cantalice
St. Felix of Como
St. Felix of Fondi
St. Felix of Fritzlar
St. Felix of Metz
St. Felix of Nantes
St. Felix of Nola
St. Felix of Pavia
St. Felix of Pistoia
St. Felix of Rhuys
St. Felix of Seville
St. Felix of Spoleto
St. Felix of Thynissa
St. Felix of Valois
St. Felix of Verona
St. Feock
Bl. Ferdinand Ayala
St. Ferdinand III of Castile
St. Ferdinand of Aragon
St. Feredarius
St. Fergna

St. Fergus
St. Fergus
St. Ferreolus
St. Ferreolus
St. Ferreolus
St. Ferreolus & Ferrutio
St. Ferrutius
St. Fiace
St. Fiachan
St. Fiacre
St. Fibitius
St. Fidelis
St. Fidelis
St. Fidelis of Como
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
St. Fidentius
St. Fidentius and Terence
St. Fidharleus
St. Fidouls
St. Fidweten
St. Fillan
St. Fina
St. Finan
St. Finan
St. Finan of Lindisfarne
St. Finbar
St. Findan
St. Fingar
St. Finian
St. Finian Lobhar
St. Finian Munnu
St. Finian of Clonard
St. Finlugh
St. Fintan
St. Fintan
St. Fionnchu
St. Firmatus & Flaviana
St. Firmian
St. Firmina
St. Firminus
St. Firminus
St. Firminus
St. Firminus of Amiens
St. Firminus of Metz
St. Firminus of Uzes
St. Firmus
St. Firmus & Rusticus
St. Firmus of Tagaste
First Martyrs of the See of Rome
St. Flannan
St. Flavia
St. Flavia Domitilla
St. Flavian
St. Flavian
St. Flavian & Elias
St. Flavian of Autun
St. Flavian of Constantinople
St. Flavius
St. Flavius Clemens
St. Flocellus
St. Flora
St. Flora & Mary
St. Florentina
St. Florentinus of Trier
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius
St. Florentius & Felix
St. Florentius of Carracedo
St. Florentius of Strasbourg
St. Florentius of Vienne
St. Florian
St. Florian
St. Floribert
St. Floribert
St. Florus
St. Florus & Laurus
St. Flosculus
St. Foellan
St. Foila
St. Forannan
St. Forannan
St. Fortchern
St. Fortunata
St. Fortunatus
St. Fortunatus
St. Fortunatus
St. Fortunatus
St. Fortunatus
St. Fortunatus

St. Fortunatus & Lucian
St. Fortunatus & Marcian
St. Fortunatus of Todi
Martyrs Four Anonymous
Four Crowned Martyrs
Fourteen Holy Helpers
St. Fragan & Gwen
St. Franca Visalta
St. Frances Bizzocca
Bl. Frances Brideau
Bl. Frances de Capillas
St. Frances de Croissy
St. Frances of Rome
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
St. Francis Ch’oe Kyong-Hwan
Bl. Francis of Durazzo
Bl. Francis of Pesaro
Bl. Francis of Siena
St. Francis Trung Van Tran
St. Francis Xavier Bianchi
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Borgia
Bl. Franciscan Martyrs of China
St. Francis Caracciolo
Bl. Francis Chakichi
Bl. Francisco Palau
St. Francis de Morales
St. Francis de Sales
Bl. Francis Dickenson
St. Francis Fasani
St. Francis Galvez
St. Francis Gil de Frederich
St. Francis Isidore Gagelin
St. Francis Jaccard
St. Francis Jerome
Bl. Francis Kuloi
Bl. Francis Kurobiove
Bl. Francis Man
St. Francis Nagasaki
St. Francis of Paola
St. Francis of Pesaro
St. Francis of St. Bonaventure
St. Francis of St. Mary
St. Francis of St. Michael
St. Francis Pacheco
St. Francis Page
Bl. Francis Patrizzi
St. Francis Rod
Bl. Francis Serrano
St. Francis Solano
Bl. Francis Takea
St. Francis Trung
St. Francis Xavier
St. Francis Xavier Bianchi
St. Francis Xavier Can
St. Francis Xavier Mau
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
St. Francois Gagelin
St. Fraternus
St. Fredegand
St. Frederick
St. Frederick
St. Frediano
St. Friard
St. Frideswide
St. Fridolin
St. Frithestan
St. Frodobert
St. Frodobert
St. Froduiphus
St. Fromundus
St. Fronto and George
St. Fronto
St. Fronto and George
St. Fructuosus
St. Fructuosus
St. Fructus
St. Frugentius
St. Frumentius
St. Fugatius and Damian
St. Fulbert
St. Fulco
Bl. Fulco of Neuilly
St. Fulcran
St. Fulgentius
St. Fulgentius
St. Fulk
St. Fulk
St. Fulk
St. Fulrad
St. Fursey
St. Fusca and Marura
St. Fymbert
St. Fyncana

St. Gabinus
St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
St. Gabriel, the Archangel
St. Gabriel du Fresse, Blessed
St. Gabriel Francis of our Lady of Sorrows
St. Gabriel Jusuke
St. Gabriella
St. Gabriel Lalement
St. Gabriel of St. Magdalen, Blessed
St. Gagericus
St. Gaius
St. Gaius Francis
St. Gaius of Korea
St. Galagnus
St. Galation
St. Galdinus
St. Gall
St. Gall
St. Galla
St. Gallgo
St. Gallicanus
St. Gamaliel
St. Gamelbert
St. Gamo
St. Gangulphus

St. Garbhan
St. Garcia
St. Garibaldus
St. Gaspar
St. Gatian
St. Gaucherius
St. Gaudentia
St. Gaudentius
St. Gaudiosus
St. Gebetrude
St. Gebhard
St. Gebizo
St. Gebuinus
St. Gedeon
St. Gelasius
St. Gelasius I
Gelasius II
St. Gemellus
St. Geminian
St. Geminus
St. Gemma Galgani
St. Gemus
St. Generosus
St. Genesius
St. Genesius of Arles
St. Genevieve
St. Genistus
St. Gennadius
St. Gennard
St. Genulfus and Genitus
St. George
Bl. George Douglas
St. George Gervase
St. George Liminotes
St. George Napper
St. George of Amastris
St. George of Antioch
St. George of Lodeve
St. George of Vienne
St. George Swallowell
St. Georgia
St. Georgia
St. Gerald
St. Gerald of Sauve-Majeure
St. Gerard of Saint-Wandrille
St. Gerard of Saint-Wandrille
St. Gerard de Lunel
St. Gerard Majella
St. Gerard Miles
St. Gerard Miles

St. Gerasimus
St. Gerbold
St. Gercon
St. Gerebald
St. Gerebrand
St. Gerintius of Italica
St. Gerinus
St. Gerlac
St. Gerland
St. Germaine Cousin
St. Germana Cousin
St. Germanicus
St. Germanicus
St. Germanus
St. Germerius
St. Germoc
St. Gerold
St. Gerontius
St. Gertrude
St. Gertrude of Hamage
St. Gertrude the Great
St. Gertrude of Nivelles
St. Gerulph
St. Gervase
St. Getulius
St. Gezelin
St. Ghislain
St. Gibardus
St. Gibitrudis
St. Gibrian
St. Gilbert of Sempringham
St. Gildard
St. Gilduin
St. Giles
St. Giles, Abbot
St. Giles of Assisi
St. Gilstlian
Bl. Giuseppe Maria Tommasi
St. Gladys
St. Glaphyra
St. Glastian
St. Glodesind
St. Glushallaich
St. Gluvias
St. Glyceria
St. Glycerius
St. Glycerius
St. Glycerius
St. Goar
St. Goban
St. Gobnata
St. Gobrain
St. Godebertha
St. Godfrey
Bl. Godfrey II (Geoffroy II) de Loudon
St. Godo
St. Godwin
St. Goeric
St. Goeznoveus
St. Gohardus
St. Gollen
St. Golvinus
St. Gonclaco Garcia
St. Goneri
St. Gonzaga Gonza
Bl. Gonzalo de Amarante
St. Goran
St. Gordian and Epimachus
St. Gorfor
St. Gorgonia
St. Gorman
St. Gormcal
St. Gosbert
St. Goswin

St. Gottschalk
St. Govan
St. Grata
St. Gratia
Bl. Gratia
St. Gratus
St. Gredifael
St. Gregory of Ostia
Bl. Gregory of Verucchio
Bl. Gregory X
Gregory XI
Gregory XII
St. Gregory II
Pope Saint Gregory III
Gregory IV
Gregory V
Gregory VI
St. Gregory VII
Gregory VIII
Gregory IX
St. Gregory Barbarigo
St. Gregory the Enlightener
Pope Saint Gregory the Great
St. Gregory Nazianzus
St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Gregory Palamas
St. Gregory the Sinaite
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus
St. Grimbald
St. Grimoaldus
St. Grimonia
St. Grwst
Our Lady of Guadalupe
St. Guasacht
St. Gudelia
St. Gudula
St. Gudwal
St. Guenhael
St. Guenninus
St. Guerembaldus
St. Guesnoveus
St. Guevrock
St. Guier
St. Guinizo
St. Guitmarus
St. Gulstan
St. Gumbert (Gondebert)
St. Gumesindus
St. Gummarus
St. Gundebert
Bl. Gundechar II
St. Gundelindis
St. Gundenis
St. Gundisalvus Garcia
St. Gundislavus Fusai, Blessed
St. Gundulphus
St. Gunifort
St. Gunioc
Bl. Gunther
St. Gunthiern
St. Gurloes
St. Guthagon
St. Guthlac
St. Guy
St. Guy of Anderlecht
St. Guy of Pomposa
Blessed Guy Vignotelli
St. Gwen
St. Gwerir
St. Gwynllyw
St. Gyavi

St. Habet Deus
St. Hadelin
St. Haduin
St. Hadulph
St. Hallvard
Bl. Hans Wagner
St. Hardoin
St. Hardulph
Sts. Harlindis and Relindis
St. Harold
St. Harvey
Bl. Haseka (Hazeka)
Bl. Haseka (Hazeka)
St. Hatebrand
St. Hedda
St. Hedwig
St. Hedwig, Blessed
St. Hegesippus
St. Heimrad
St. Heimrad (Haimerad)
St. Helanus
St. Heldrad
St. Helen
St. Helena
St. Helena
St. Helen of Skovde
St. Helen of Skovde
St. Heliconis
Bl. Helie de Bourdeille
St. Helier
St. Heliodorus
St. Heliodorus
St. Heliodorus
St. Heliodorus
St. Helladius
St. Helladius of Auxerre
St. Hemiterius and Cheledonius
St. Henry
St. Henry
St. Henry Abbot, Blessed
St. Henry II
St. Henry of Cocket
St. Henry of Uppsala
St. Henry Suso, Blessed
St. Henry of Sweden
St. Henry of Uppsala
St. Henry Walpole
St. Heraclas
St. Heraclius and Zosimus
St. Heraclius of Sens
St. Heradius
St. Herbert
St. Herbert
St. Herbert Hoscam
St. Herculafilis
St. Herculaflus
St. Herculanils
St. Herebald
St. Hereswitha
St. Heribert
Bl. Herman the Cripple
St. Herman Joseph
St. Hermas
St. Hermengaudis
St. Hermengild
St. Hermenland
St. Hermes
St. Hermes

St. Hermes
St. Hermes and Adrian
St. Hermias
St. Hermione
St. Hermogenes
St. Hermogenes
St. Hermogius
St. Hermolaus
St. Hermylus
St. Hernan
St. Herodion
St. Heron
St. Herulph
St. Herve
St. Herve
St. Hesychius
St. Hesychius
St. Hesychius of Antioch
St. Hiduiphus
St. Hidulphus
St. Hiero
St. Hieron
St. Hieronides
St. Hierotheus
St. Hieu
St. Hilaria
St. Hilarion
St. Hilarius
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary
St. Hilary of Poitiers
St. Hilary, Pope
St. Hilda
St. Hilda
St. Hildebert
St. Hildegarde
St. Hildegard of Bingen
St. Hildegrin
St. Hildegund
St. Hildelitba
St. Hildemar
St. Hildemar
Bl. Hildemar
St. Hildemarca
St. Hilduard
St. Hiltrude
St. Himelin
St. Himelin
St. Himerius
St. Hipparchus and Companions
St. Hippolytus
St. Hippolytus
St. Hippolytus
St. Hippolytus of Porto
St. Homobonus
St. Honestus
St. Honorata
St. Honoratus
St. Honoratus
St. Honoratus
St. Honoratus
St. HonoratusSt. Honoratus of Amiens
St. Honoratus of Toulouse
St. Honoratus of Vercelli
St. Honorina
St. Honorius
St. Honorius
Honorius II
Honorius III
Honorius IV
St. Honorius of Brescia
St. Honorius of Canterbury
St. Hope
St. Hormisdas
St. Hormisdas
St. Hormisdas Pope
St. Hubert
St. Hubert
St. Hugh
St. Hugh of Lincoln
St. Hugh dei Lippi Uggucioni
St. Hugh Faringdon, Blessed
St. Hugh Green, Blessed
St. Hugh of Lincoln
St. Hugh More, Blessed
St. Hugh of Ambronay
St. Hugh of Anzy le Duc
St. Hugh of Grenoble
St. Hugh of Lincoln
St. Hugh of Noara
St. Hugh of Rouen
St. Hugh the Great
St. Hugh the Little
Bl. Humbald
St. Humbeline
St. Humbert
Bl. Humbert III of Savoy
Bl. Humbert of Romans
Bl. Humbert
Bl. Humbert
St. Humilitas
St. Humphrey
St. Humphrey Lawrence
St. Humphrey Middlemore, Blessed
St. Hunegund
St. Hunger
St. Hunna
St. Huno
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth Castaneda
St. Hyacinth Orfanel, Blessed
St. Hydroc
St. Hygbald
St. Hyginius
St. Hyginus, Pope
St. Hypatius
St. Hypatius
St. Hypatius and Andrew
St. Hyperdulia
St. Hyperechios
St. Hywyn

St. Ia
St. Ia
St. Ibar
Bl. Ida of Louvain
St. Idus
St. Ignacio Delgado y Cebrian
St. Ignatius de Azevado and Companions
St. Ignatius Jorjes, Blessed
St. Ignatius Loyola
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. IIIadan
St. IIIidius
St. IIItyd
St. IIIuminata
St. IIIuminatus
St. Isadore, the Farmer
St. Ildephonsus
Blessed Imelda
St. Imma
St. Indes
St. Indract
St. Ine
Bl. Inez
St. Ingrid of Sweden
St. Inigo
St. Injuriosus and Scholastica

St. Innocent
St. Innocent
St. Innocent
Innocent II
Innocent III
Innocent IV
Innocent V
Innocent VI
Innocent VII
Innocent VIII
St. Innocent I
St. Innocent I
St. Innocent of Tortuna
St. Iphigenia
St. Irais
St. Irenaeus
St. Irenaeus of Sirmium
St. Irenaeus and Abundius
St. Irenaeus and Mustiola
St. Irenaeus of Sirmium
St. Irene
St. Irene
St. Irene
St. Irmina
St. Isaac
St. Isaac of Spoleto

St. Isaac
St. Isaac
St. Isaac the Great
Sts.Isaac Jogues and Rene Goupil
St. Isaac of Cordoba
St. Isidore of Seville
St. Isarnus of Toulouse
St. Isaurus
St. Isabel of France
St. Isberga
St. Ischyrion
St. Isabel Fernandez, Blessed
St. Isidora
St. Isidora the Simple
St. Isidore
St. Isidore of Seville
St. Isadore, the Farmer
St. Ita
St. Ithamar
St. Ivan
St. Ivo
St. Ivo (Yves) of Kermartin

Bls. Jacinto de los Angeles and Juan Bautista
Bl. Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo
St. Jacob of Nisibis
Bl. Jacopino de’Canepacci
St. Jacques Fremin
St. Jacut and Guethenoc
Bl. Jakob Gapp
St. Jambert
Bl. James Bertoni
Sts. James Nam, Anthony Dich Nguyen, and Michael My Huy Nguyen
St. James Andrade, Blessed
St. James Bird, Blessed
St. James Buzabalio
St. James Claxton, Blessed
St. James Denshi, Blessed
St. James Duckett, Blessed
St. James Fayashida, Blessed
St. James Feun, Blessed
St. James the Greater
St. James Guengoro, Blessed
St. James Intercisus
St. James Kisai
St. James Lacop
St. James the Lesser
St. James Nam

St. James of Sasseau
St. James of Tarentaise
St. James of the Marches
St. James of Toul
St. James the Deacon
St. James the Hermit
St. James the Less
St. James the Syrian
St. James Thompson, Blessed
St. Jane Antide Thouret
St. Jeanne de Lestonnac
St. Jane Elizabeth Bichier des Ages
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
St. Jane Gerald, Blessed
St. Jane Louise Barre and Jane Reine Prin, Blessed
St. Jan Sarkander
St. Januarius
St. Januarius and Pelagia
St. Januarius, Marinus, Nabor, and Felix
St. Januarius, Maxima, and Macaria
St. Jarlath
St. Jarlath
St. Jarlath
St. Jason
Bl. Jean-Nicolas Cordier
St. Jean de Brebeuf
Bl. Jeanne Jugan
St. Jeremy
St. Jerome
St. Jerome de Angelis, Blessed
St. Jerome de Torres
St. Jerome Emiliani
St. Jerome Hermosilla
St. Jerome Lu, Blessed
St. Jerome of Pavia
St. Jerome of Werden
St. Jessica
St. Mary of Egypt
Sts. Joachim and Anne
St. Joachim Firayama Diz, Blessed
St. Joachim Ho, Blessed
St. Joachim Royo, Blessed
St. Joachim Sakachibara
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joan de Lestonnac
St. Joanna
St. Joannicus
Bl. Joanninus de San Juan
St. Joan of Valois
St. Jodoc
St. John
St. John Baptist Chon Chang-Un
St. John Baptist Nam Chong-Sam
St. John Baptist Scalabrini
Bl. John de Barastre
Bl. John Duckett
St. John Grove
St. John Grove
Bl. John Hambley
St. John of Matera
St. John of Monte Marano
Bl. John Rainuzzi
St. John the Hermit
Martyrs John Thules and Roger Wrenno
Sts. John, Anthony, and Eustace
John I
John II
St. John
John III
John IV
John V
John VI
John VII
John IX
Bl. John Alcober
St. John Almond
St. John the Almsgiver
Bl. John Amias
St. John & Benignus
St. John & Crispus
St. John & Festus
St. John & James
St. John & Paul
St. John Angeloptes
St. John the Apostle
St. John the Baptist
St. John Baptist Con
St. John Baptist de la Salle
Bl. John Baptist Lo
St. John Baptist Machado
St. John Baptist Rossi
St. John Baptist Thanh
St. John Baptist Vianney
Bl. John Baptist Zola
Bl. John Beche
St. John Berchmans
Bl. John Bodey
St. John Bosco
St. John Boste
Bl. John Cacciafronte
St. John Calabytes
St. John Camillus the Good
St. John Cantius
Bl. John Carey
St. John Cassian
St. John Charles Cornay
St. John Chrysostom
St. John Climacus
Bl. John Cornelius
St. John of the Cross
St. John of Damascus
St. John Dat
BL. John Davy
St. John de Atares
St. John de Brebeuf & Companions
St. John de Britto

St. John del Prado
St. John de Massias
St. John de Ortega
St. John de Ribera
Bl. John Duckett
St. John Eudes
St. John the Evangelist
Bl. John Eynon
Bl. John Felton
Bl. John Fenwick & John Gavan
Bl. John Fernandez
Bl. John Finch
St. John Fisher
Bl. John Forest
Bl. John Foyamon
St. John Francis Regis
Bl. John-Gabriel Perboyre
Bl. John Gaspard Cratz
St. John Gaulbert, Abbot
St. John of God
Bl. John Grove
Bl. John Haile
St. John Hoan
St. John Houghton
Bl. John Inamura
Bl. John Ingram
Bl. John Ireland
Bl. John Ivanango & John Montajana
St. John Jones
St. John Joseph of the Cross
St. John-Joseph of the Cross
St. John of Kanty
St. John Kemble
Bl. John Kingoku
Bl. John Kinsako
St. John Kokumbuko
Bl. John Lantrua of Triora
Bl. John Larke
St. John Leonardi
Bl. John Lockwood
St. John-Louis Bonnard
Bl. John Maid
St. John Maria Muzeyi
St. John Mark
St. John Mary Mzec
Bl. John Mason
Bl. John Naisen
Bl. John Nangata
Bl. John Nelson
St. John Nepomucene
St. John Nepomucene Neumann
St. John Neumann
St. John of Nicomedia
St. John of Autun
St. John of Avila
St. John of Bergamo
St. John of Beverly
St. John of Bridlington
St. John of Capistrano
Bl. John of Cetina

St. John of Chalons
St. John of Chinon
St. John of Cologne
St. John of Constantinople
St. John of Edessa
St. John of Egypt
St. John of Gorze
Bl. John of Korea
St. John of Lodi
St. John of Martha
St. John of Meda
St. John of Monte Marano
St. John of Nicomedia
St. John of Osterwick
Bl. John of Parma
St. John of Perugia & Peter of Sassoferrato
St. John of Pulsano
St. John of Ratzeburg
St. John of Ravenna
St. John of Reomay
Bl. John of Rochester
St. John of Sahagun
Bl. John of Saint Martha
St. John of Syracuse
St. John of the Goths
St. John of the Grating
St. John of Tuy
St. John of Verona
St. John Ogilvie
St. John Payne
Bl. John Pibush
St. John Plessington
St. John Rigby
St. John of Rila
St. John Roberts
Bl. John Robinson
Bl. John Roche & Margaret Ward
Bl. John Rugg
St. John of Ruysbroeck
St. John Serapion
St. John, Sergius, & Companions
Bl. John Shert
Bl. John Shoun
Bl. John Slade
St. John Soan de Goto
St. John Southworth
Bl. John Speed
St. John Stone
Bl. John Storey
Bl. John Tanaka
St. John the Almoner
St. John the Dwarf
St. John the Iberian
St. John Theristus
Bl. John the Saxon
St. John the Silent
St. John the Syrian of Pinna
St. John the Wonder-Worker
Bl. John Thorne
Bl. John Tomaki
St. John Vianney
St. John Vincent
St. John Wall
John X
John XI
John XII
John XIV
John XIX
John XV
John XXI
St. John Yano
St. Jonas
St. Jonas
St. Jonatus
St. Jorandus
St. Jordan
Bl. Josaphat Chichov
Bl. Josaphata Michaelina Hordashevska

St. Josaphat of Polotsk
Bl. Jose Aparicio Sanz, Enrique Juan Requena, and Jose Perpina Nacher
Bls. Jose Aparicio Sanz, Enrique Juan Requena, and Jose Perpina Nacher
St. Jose Thi Dang Le
Blessed José Trinidad Rangel
St. Jose Uyen Dinh Nguyen
St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer
St. Joseph
St. Joseph Chang Song-jib
Bl. Joseph Freinademetz
Bl. Joseph-Marie Cassant
St. Joseph Abibos
St. Joseph Cafasso
St. Joseph Calasanctius
St. Joseph Canh
St. Joseph Cottolengo
St. Joseph of Cupertino
Venerable Joseph de Veuster
Bl. Joseph Fernandez
St. Joseph Hien
St. Joseph Khang
Bl. Joseph Leroux
St. Joseph Luu
St. Joseph Marchand
St. Joseph Mary Tommasi
St. Joseph Moscati
St. Joseph Mukasa
St. Joseph Nghi
St. Joseph Nien Vien
St. Joseph of Antioch
St. Joseph of Arimathea
St. Joseph of Barsabas
St. Joseph of Cupertino
St. Joseph of Leonissa
St. Joseph of Palestine
St. Joseph of Persia
St. Joseph of St. Hyacinth
St. Joseph of Volokolamsk
St. Joseph Oriol
St. Joseph Peter Uyen
St. Joseph Pignatelli
St. Joseph the Hymnographer
St. Joseph Thi
Bl. Joseph Tshang
Bl. Joseph Tshang-ta-Pong
Bl. Joseph Yuen
St. Joshua
St. Jovinian
St. Jovinus & Basileus
St. Jovita
St. Jozef Sebastian Pelczar
Bl. Juan Bautista Ferreres Boluda
Bl. Juan Nepomuceno Zegri Y Moreno
Bl. Juana Maria Condesa Lluch
St. Juan Diego
St. Jucunda
St. Jucundian
St. Jucundus
St. Jucundus of Bologna
St. Judas Cyriacus
St. Jude Thaddaeus
St. Julia
Bl. Julia Salzano
St. Julia Maria Ledóchowska
St. Julian
St. Julian of Le Mans
St. Julian of Le Mans
St. Julian
St. Julian
St. Julian
St. Julian
St. Julian
St. Julian
St. Juliana of Nicomedia
St. Juliana Falconieri
St. Julian and Companions
St. Julian of Bologna
St. Juliana of Cumae
St. Juliana of Norwich
St. Juliana of Pavilly
St. Julian of Anazarbus
St. Julian of Apamea
St. Julian of Auvergne
St. Julian of Caesarea
St. Julian of Cagliari
St. Julian of Cuenca
St. Julian of Egypt
St. Julian of Le Mans
St. Julian of Lyons
St. Julian of Sora
St. Julian of Toledo
St. Julian Sabas the Elder
St. Julian the Hospitaler
St. Julia of Billiart
St. Julia of Merida
St. Julia of Troyes
St. Julie Billiart
Bl. Juliette Verolot
Bl. Julio Junyer Padern
St. Julitta
St. Julius
St. Julius
St. Julius
St. Julius
St. Julius and Anron
St. Julius of Dorostorum
St. Julius of Novara
St. Junian
St. Junian
Bl. Junipero Serra
St. Jurmin
St. Just
St. Just
St. Justa and Rufina
Saint Justin
St. Justin
St. Justin
St. Justina of Antioch
St. Justina of Padua
St. Justin de Jacobis
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justino Orona Madrigal
St. Justin of Chieti
St. Justus
St. Justus & Abundius
St. Justus of Beauvais
Justus of Canterbury
St. Justus of Lyons
St. Justus of Poland
St. Justus of Trieste
St. Justus of Urgel
St. Juthware
St. Jutta
St. Juvenal of Benevento
St. Juvenal of Narni
St. Juventius
St. Juventius & Maximus
St. Juventius of Pavia

Bl. Kamen Vitchev
St. Kanten
Bl. Karl Leisner
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Katharine Drexel
St. Kea
St. Kenan
St. Kenelm
St. Kennera
St. Kenneth
St. Kennocha
St. Kentigerna

St. Kentigern Mungo
St. Kessag
St. Keverne
St. Kevin
St. Kevoca
St. Kevoca
St. Keyne
St. Kiara
St. Kieran
St. Kieran
St. Kigwe
St. Kilian

St. Kilian
St. Kinga
St. Kingsmark
St. Kinnia
Bl. Kizito
St. Kundegunda
Bl. Kuriakos Elias Chavara
Bl. Kuriakos Elias Chavara
St. Kyneburga, Kyneswide, & Tibba

St. Lactali
Bl. Ladislaus Batthyany-Strattmann
St. Laetus
St. Lamalisse
St. Lambert & Valerius
St. Lambert of Lyon
St. Lambert of Maastricht
St. Lambert of Saragossa
St. Landeilnus
St. Lancericus
St. Landericus
St. Landoald
St. Landrada
St. Landry (Landericus)
St. Landulf of Yariglia
St. Lantfrid
St. Lasar
St. Laserian
St. Laszlo
St. Latinus
St. Laura
Bl. Laura Montoya Upegui
St. Laura
Bl. Laura Vicuna
St. Laurentinus

St. Laurianus
St. Laurus
St. Lauto
St. Lawdog
St. Lawrence
St. Lawrence Huong Van Nguyen
Bl. Lawrence Nerucci and Companions
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
St. Lawrence Giustiniani
Bl. Lawrence Humphrey
St. Lawrence Huong
St. Lawrence Imbert
Bl. Lawrence Jamada
St. Lawrence martyr
Bl. Lawrence Nerucci
St. Lawrence of Canterbury
St. Lawrence of Novara
St. Lawrence of Siponto
St. Lawrence of Spoleto
St. Lawrence O'Toole
Bl. Lawrence PeMan
Bl. Lawrence Richardson
Bl. Lawrence Rokuyemon
St. Lawrence Ruiz
Bl. Lawrence Shizu
Bl. Lawrence Wang
St. Lazarus
St. Lazarus
St. Lazarus Zographos
St. Lea
St. Leander of Seville
St. Lebuin
St. Leger
St. Lelia
St. Leo & Juliana
St. Leobald
St. Leobard
St. Leobinus
St. Leocadia
St. Leocrita
St. Leodegarius
St. Leo the Great
Leo II
Leo IV
Leo IX
St. Leo Karasuma
Bl. Leo Kombiogi
St. Leo Luke
Bl. Leo Nakanishi
St. Leonard
St. Leonard Kimura
St. Leonard Muraildo
Blessed Leonardo Pérez Larios
St. Leonard of Noblac
St. Leonard of Port Maurice
St. Leonard of Reresby
St. Leonard Vandoeuvre
St. Leonard Wegel
St. Leonianus
St. Leonides of Alexandria

St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius
St. Leontius of Cuesaren
St. Leontius the Elder
St. Leontius the Younger
St. Leo of Catania
St. Leo of Lucca
St. Leo of Melun
St. Leo of Nonantula
St. Leo of Rouen
St. Leo of Sens
St. Leo of Troyes
St. Leopardinus
St. Leopardus
St. Leopold
Bl. Leopold of Gaiche
St. Leo Satsuma
St. Leo & Paregorius
Bl. Leo Suchiemon
St. Leo Tanaka
St. Leothade
Leo V
Leo VI
St. Leovigild and Christopher
St. Leucius of Brindisi
St. Leudomer
St. Leus
St. Leutfridus
St. Levan
St. Lewina
St. Lezin
St. Liafdag
St. Libentius
St. Liberalis
St. Liberalis
St. Liberata
St. Liberata
St. Liberatus
St. Liberatus and Family
Bl. Liberatus of Lauro
St. Liberatus & Bajulus
St. Liberius
St. Libert
St. Libert
St. Liborius
St. Licerius
St. Licinius
St. Lidanus
St. Liephard
St. Liewellyn & Gwrnerth
St. Ligorius
St. Limbania
St. Linus

St. Lioba
St. Liphardus
St. Liudhard
St. Liutwin
St. Livinus
St. Lleudadd
St. Llibio
St. Loaran
St. Lolanus
St. Loman
St. Lomer
St. Longinus
St. Longis & Agnofleda
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
St. Lotharius
Bl. Louis Beltran (Bertrand) and Companions
Bl. Louis Baba
Bl. Louis Bertran
St. Louis Bertrand
St. Louis de Montfort
St. Louise de Marillac
Bl. Louis Flores
St. Louis Ibachi
St. Louis IX
Bl. Louis Kawara
St. Louise King of France

Bl. Louis Maki
St. Louis Mary Grignion
Bl. Louis Naisen
Bl. Louis Nifaki
St. Louis of Omura
St. Louis of Toulouse
Bl. Louis Sasanda
Bl. Louis Shakichi
Bl. Louis Someyon
Bl. Louis Sotelo
St. Louis von Bruck
St. Louthiem
St. Lua
St. Lucerius
St. Luchesio
St. Lucian
St. Lucian
St. Lucian
St. Lucian of Antioch
St. Lucidius
St. Lucidius
St. Lucilla & Companions
St. Lucillian
St. Lucina
Bl. Lucio Martinez Mancebo and Companions
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius
St. Lucius I
Lucius II
Lucius III
St. Lucius of Cyrene
St. Lucretia
Saint Lucy
St. Lucy & Geminian
Bl. Lucy
Bl. Lucy Chakichi
Bl. Lucy de Freitas
St. Lucy Filippini
St. Ludan
St. Ludger
St. Ludmilla
St. Ludoiph
St. Ludolf
St. Ludolph
St. Ludwin
Bl. Luigi Talamoni
Bl. Luigi Talamoni
Bl. Luigi Orine, Blessed
Bls. Luis Flores, Pedro de Zuniga, and Companions
Saint Luke
Bl. Luke Belludi
St. Luke Banabakiutu
St. Luke Kiemon
St. Luke Kirby
St. Luke Loan
St. Luke the Younger
St. Lull
St. Lupercus
St. Luperius
St. Lupicinus
St. Lupicinus
St. Lupicinus & Felix
St. Lupus
St. Lupus
St. Lupus of Bayeux
St. Lupus of Chalons
St. Lupus of Lyons
St. Lupus of Sens
St. Lupus of Soissons
St. Lupus of Verona
St. Lutgardis
St. Luthfild
St. Luthgard
St. Luxorius
St. Lybe
St. Lycarion
St. Lydia Purpuraria
St. Lydwine
St. Lythan
St. Lyutis

St. Mabyn
St. Macaille
St. Macanisius
St. Macarius
St. Macarius
St. Macarius
St. Macarius & Julian
St. Macarius of Jerusalem
St. Macarius the Ghent
St. Macarius the Great
St. Macarius the Wonder-Worker
St. Macartan
St. Maccalin
St. Maccallin
St. Macedonius
St. Macedonius
St. Macedonius
St. Macedonius
St. Machabeo
St. Machai
St. Machan
St. Machar
St. Machudd
St. Macra
St. Macrina the Elder

St. Macrina the Younger
St. Macrobius & Julian
St. Madalberta
St. Madeleine Brideau
St. Madeleine Lidoine
St. Madelgisilus
St. Madeline Sophie Barat
St. Madern
St. Madoes
St. Madrun
St. Maedhog
St. Mael
St. Maelmuire O' Gorman
St. Maelrhys
St. Maelrubius
St. Magdalevus
St. Magdalveus (Mauve)
St. Magenulf (Meinulf)
St. Maginus
St. Magnericus
St. Magnobodus
St. Magnus
St. Magnus
St. Magnus
St. Magnus
St. Magnus
St. Magnus
St. Magorianus
St. Maharsapor
St. Maharsapor
St. Maichus
St. Maiduif
St. Maimbod
St. Maine
St. Majolus
St. Majoricus
St. Malachy O' More
St. Malard
St. Malchus
St. Malchus
St. Malo
St. Malrubius
St. Mamas
St. Mamelta
St. Mamertinus
St. Mamertius
St. Mamilian
St. Mamilian
St. Manaen
St. Manakus
St. Mancius
Bl. Mancius Araki
Bl. Mancius of St. Thomas
Bl. Mancius of the Holy Cross
Bl. Mancius Shisisoiemon
St. Manechildis
St. Manettus
St. Manirus
St. Mansuetus
St. Mansuetus
St. Manuel
St. Maolruain
St. Mappalicus
St. Marana and Cyra
St. Marcarius of Jerusalem
St. Marcella
St. Marcellin Champagnat
St. Marcellina
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
St. Marcellus
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marcian
St. Marciana
St. Marciana
St. Marcian of Auxerre
St. Marcian of Ravenna
St. Marcian of Syracuse
St. Marcius
St. Marculf
St. Mardonius
St. Mareas
St. Marek Krizin
St. Margaret
St. Margaret Bourgeoys
St. Margaret Bourgeoys
Bl. Margaret Fontana
St. Margaret of Antioch
Bl. Margaret of Castello
Bl. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello
St. Margaret Clitherow
St. Margaret of Cortona
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
St. Margaret of England
St. Margaret of Hungary
Bl. Margaret Pole
St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Margaret the Barefooted
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys
St. Marguerite D'Youville
Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist
Bl. Maria Christina Brando
Bl. Maria Christina Brando
Bl. Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala
Bl. Mmaria Ludovica de Angelis
Bl. Maria Repetto
Bl. Maria Teresa Ferragud Roig, and Blesseds Maria Jesus, Maria Veronica, and Maria Felicidad Masia
St. Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa
St. Maria de Cerevellon
St. Maria Dominic Mazzarello
St. Maria Francesca Gallo
St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello
St. Maria Goretti
Bl. Maria Liberata Pallota
St. Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi
St. Maria Magdalen of Canossa
St. Maria Michaela Desmaisieres
St. Marian
St. Mariana
St. Mariana de Paredes
St. Marianus
St. Marianus
Bl. Maria Pilar Martinez Garcia & Companions
St. Maria Soledad
Bl. Marie Rivier
St. Marie Claude Brard
St. Marie Croissy
St. Marie Dufour
St. Marie Hanisset
St. Marie Magdalen Desjardin
St. Marie Magdalen Fontaine
St. Marie Magdalen Postel
St. Marie Meunier
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation
Bl. Marie Rose Dorocher
St. Marie St. Henry
St. Marie Teresa Couderc
St. Marie Trezelle
St. Marina
St. Marina
St. Marinus
Sts. Marinus and Astyrius
St. Marinus
St. Marinus
St. Marinus
St. Marinus
St. Marinus
St. Marinus & Asterius
St. Marinus, Vimius, & Zimius
St. Marius
St. Marius (May)
St. Mark
St. Mark Chong Ui-bae
Bl. Mark Fantucci
Bl. Mark of Modena
St. Mark 2
St. Mark
St. Mark
St. Mark
St. Mark
St. Mark
St. Mark & Marcellian
St. Mark & Stephen
St. Mark & Timothy
Bl. Mark Barkworth
Bl. Mark Caldeira
Bl. Mark Criado
St. Mark of Galilee
St. Mark of Lucera
Pope Mark

St. Marnock
St. Maro
St. Maro
St. Maroveus
St. Martha
St. Martha
St. Martha
St. Martha Wang
St. Martial
St. Martial
St. Martial
Pope Saint Martin I
St. Martina
St. Martina
Bl. Martin
St. Martin Cid
St. Martin de Aguirre
St. Martin de Hinojosa
St. Martin de Porres
Bl. Martin Gomez
St. Martin I
St. Martinian
St. Martinian
St. Martinian
Martin IV
St. Martin Loynaz of the Ascension
St. Martin Manuel
St. Martin of Arades
St. Martin of Braga
St. Martin of Leon
St. Martin of Tongres
St. Martin of Vertou
St. Martin of Vienne
St. Martin Tho
St. Martin Tinh
Saint Martin of Tours
St. Martius
Martyrium Polycarpi
St. Martyrius
St. Martyrius & Marcian
Martyrologium Carthaginiense
Martyrology of Tallaght
Martyrs of Alexandria
Martyrs of Amorion
Martyrs of the Serapeum
Martyrs Under the Lombards
Bl. Martyrs of the Carthusian Order
Martyrs of the Dominican Order in Vietnam
Martyrs of Africa
Martyrs of Alexandria
Martyrs of Antioch
Martyrs of Arabia
Martyrs of Ararat
Martyrs of Armenia
Martyrs of Bulgaria
Martyrs of Campania
Martyrs of Cappadocia
Martyrs of Cardena
Martyrs of Chalcedon
Martyrs of China

Martyrs of Constantinople
Martyrs of Corfu
Martyrs of Crete
Martyrs of Croyland
Martyrs of Damascus
Bl. Martyrs of Douai
Martyrs of Ebsdorf
Martyrs of Egypt
Martyrs of England
Forty Martyrs of England & Wales
Martyrs of Ephesus
Martyrs of Gorkum
Martyrs of Japan
Martyrs of Korea
Martyrs of Laval
Martyrs of Lesbos
Martyrs of London
Martyrs of Lyons
Martyrs of Mesopotamia
Martyrs of Mount Sinai
Martyrs of Nagran
Martyrs of Nicomedia
Martyrs of Orange
Martyrs of Palestine
Martyrs of Pannonia
Martyrs of Paraguay
Martyrs of Persia
Marytrs of Raithu
Marytrs of Rome
First Marytrs of Rome
Marytrs of Samosata
Marytrs of Saragossa
Marytrs of Scillitan
Bl. Marytrs of September
Marytrs of Sirmium
Marytrs of Syria
Marytrs of Tarsus
Martyrs of the Abrahamites
Marytrs of Thrace
Bl. Marytrs of Toulouse
Marytrs of Trier
Marytrs of Tyre
Marytrs of Uganda
Marytrs of Valeria
Martyrs of Vietnam
Marytrs of the Theban Legion
St. Maruthas
St. Mary
Bl. Mary Bartholomea of Florence
Bl. Mary Angela Truszkowska
Bl. Mary Tokuan & Mary Choun
St. Mary Cleophas
St. Mary Di Rosa
Bl. Mary Guengoro
Bl. Mary MacKillop
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota
St. Mary Magdalen Postel
St. Mary Magdelene
St. Mary Margaret d'Youville
St. Mary Salome
Bl. Mary Tanaura
St. Mary the Consoler
St. Mary the Slave
Bl. Mary Tokuan & Mary Choun
Mary the Blessed Virgin
St. Massa Candida
St. Mateo Correa Magallanes
St. Maternus
St. Maternus
St. Mathias Mulumba
St. Mathilda
St. Mathurin
St. Matilda
St. Matrona
St. Matronian
St. Matthew
Bl. Matthew Flathers
St. Matthew Alonso Leziniana
Bl. Matthew Alvarez
Bl. Matthew de Eskandely
Bl. Matthew Gam
St. Matthew of Beauvais
St. Matthew Phuong
Saint Matthias
St. Matthias
Bl. Matthias Araki
Bl. Matthias Kosaka & Matthias Nakano
St. Matthias Murumba
Bl. Matthias Kosaka & Matthias Nakano
Bl. Matthias of Arima
St. Matthias of Meako
Ven. Matt Talbot
St. Maughold
St. Maura
St. Maura
St. Maura & Britta
St. Maura Troyes
St. Maurice
St. Maurice of Carnoet
St. Maurice of Carnoet
St. Maurilius
St. Maurilius
St. Maurilius
St. Maurinus
St. Maurontus
St. Maurontus
St. Maurontus
St. Maurus
St. Maurus II
St. Maurus
St. Maurus
St. Maurus
St. Maurus
St. Maurus
St. Maurus & Companions
Bl. Maurus Scott
St. Mavilus
St. Mawes
St. Maxellendis
St. Maxentia of Beauvais
St. Maxentiolus
St. Maxentius
St. Maxentius
St. Maxima
St. Maxima
St. Maxima
St. Maximaian
St. Maximian
St. Maximian of Constantinople
St. Maximian of Ravenna
St. Maximian of Syracuse
St. Maximilian
St. Maximilian
St. Maximilian
St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Maximilian of Lorch
St. Maximinus
St. Maximinus of Aix

St. Maximinus of Trier
St. Maximus
Sts. Maximus and Olympias
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Maximus & Olympiades
St. Maximus & Victorinus
St. Maximus of Aquila
St. Maximus of Jerusalem
St. Maximus of Nola
St. Maximus of Padua
St. Maximus of Reiz
St. Maximus of Turin
St. Maximus the Confessor
St. Mbaga Tuzinde
St. Mechtildis
St. Mechtildis of Helfta
St. Medana
St. Medard
St. Medericus
St. Medrald
St. Medran & Odran
St. Megingaud
St. Meingold
St. Meinrad
St. Meinuph
St. Mel
St. Melan
St. Melangell
St. Melania
St. Melania the Elder
St. Melanie
St. Melanius
St. Melas
St. Melas
St. Melas
St. Melasippus
St. Melchoir Garcia Sampedro
St. Meldon
St. Meletius
St. Meletius
St. Meletius
St. Meletius of Antioch
St. Melitina
St. Melitina
St. Melito of Sardis
St. Mella
St. Mellitus of Canterbury
St. Mellon
St. Melorius
St. Memmius
St. Memorius
St. Menas
St. Menefrida
St. Menehould
St. Meneleus
St. Meneus & Capito
St. Menignus
St. Menna
St. Mennas
St. Mennas
St. Menodora
St. Menuas
St. Menulphus
St. Mercurialis
St. Mercurius
St. Mercurius
St. Merewenna
St. Merewenna
St. Meriadoc
St. Meriadoc
St. Merililaun
St. Merinus
St. Merinus
St. Merryn
St. Mesrop
St. Messalina
Sts. Cyril and Methodius
St. Methodius I
St. Methodius of Olympus
St. Metranus
St. Metrophanes
St. Meugant
St. Meuris & Thea
St. Mewrog
Bl. Michael Giedroyc
St. Michael the Confessor
St. Michael, the Archangel
St. Michael Febres Cordero
St. Michael de Sanctis
Bl. Michael Diaz
Bl. Michael Fimonaya
St. Michael Garicoits
Bl. Michael Ghebre
St. Michael Ho-Dinh-Hy
Bl. Michael Jamada
Bl. Michael Kinoshi
Bl. Michael Kiraiemon
St. Michael Kozaki
St. Michael My
Bl. Michael Nakashima
St. Michael of Synnada
St. Michael of the Saints
Bl. Michael Shumpo
Bl. Michael Takeshita
Bl. Michael Tomaki
Bl. Michael Tozo
Bl. Michael Ulumbijski
Bl. Michael Yamiki
St. Midan
St. Migdonius & Mardonius
Blessed Miguel Pro
St. Milburga
St. Mildgytha
St. Mildred
St. Mildred
Bl. Miles Gerard
St. Milles
St. Miltiades
St. Minervius
St. Minias
St. Minnborinus
St. Mirocles
St. Mitrius
St. Mochelloc
St. Mochoemoc
St. Mochoemoc
St. Mochta
St. Modan
St. Modanic
St. Moderan
St. Modesta
St. Modestus
St. Modestus
St. Modestus
St. Modestus & Ammonius
St. Modestus & Julian
St. Modoaldus
St. Modomnoc
St. Modwenna
St. Moelray
St. Molagga
St. Moling
St. Moloc
St. Molonachus
St. Monaldus of Ancona
St. Monan
St. Monas
St. Monegundis
St. Monennaa
St. Monessa
St. Monica
Bl. Monica Naisen
St. Monitor
St. Monon
St. Montanus
St. Montanus
St. Montanus & Maxima
St. Morand
St. Moroc
St. Morwenna
St. Moses
St. Moses
St. Moses
St. Moses the Ethopian
St. Moseus & Ammonius
St. Movean
St. Mucius
St. Mugagga
St. Muirchu
St. Mukasa Kiriwawanyu
St. Mummolinus
St. Mummolus
St. Mummolus
St. Mun
St. Munchin
St. Mundus
St. Mura McFeredach
St. Murtagh
St. Musa
St. Mutien-Marie Wiaux
Bl. Mykola Charnetsky
St. Myron
St. Myron
St. Myrope

St. Nabor and Felix
St. Namadia
St. Namasius
St. Namatius
St. Namphanion
St. Namphasius
Bl. Narcisa De Jesus Martillo Moran
Bl. Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran
St. Narcissus
St. Narcissus and Crescentio
St. Narcissus and Felix
St. Narnus
St. Narses
St. Natalia
Sts. Natalie & Aurelius
St. Natalis
St. Natalis
St. Natalis
Bl. Natalis Pinot
Bl. Nathalan
St. Nathanael
St. Nathy
St. Nazarius
St. Nazarius and Celsus
St. Neachtian

St. Nebridius
St. Nectan
St. Nectarius
St. Nectarius
St. Nectarius
Bl. Nemesia Valle
St. Nemesian, Felix, and Companions
St. Nemesius
St. Nemesius and Lucilla
St. Nennius
St. Nennoc
St. Nennus
St. Neophytus
St. Neopolus
St. Neot
St. Nepotian
St. Nepotian
Sts. Nereus & Achilleus
St. Nereus and Achilleus
St. Nerses

St. Nerses (Narses) and Joseph
St. Nerses Glaietsi
St. Nerses Lambronazi
St. Nerses the Great
St. Nestor
St. Nestor
St. Nestor
St. Nicaeas and Paul
St. Nicander
Sts. Nicander and Hermas
St. Nicander and Hermas
St. Nicander and Marcian
St. Nicanor
St. Nicarete
St. Nicasius
St. Nicasius Jonson
St. Nicephorus
St. Nicephorus
Bl. Niceta Plaja Xifra de San Prudencia and Companions
St. Niceta and Aquilina
St. Nicetas
St. Nicetas of Remesiana
St. Nicetas
St. Nicetas
St. Nicetas
St. Nicetas
St. Nicetas of Pereaslav
St. Nicetas of Remesiana
St. Nicetius
St. Nicetius of Trier
St. Nicetius
St. Nicetius
St. Nicetius of Besancon
St. Nicholas
Bls. Nicholas and Anne Giustiniani
Bl. Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung
Bl. Nicholas Fortiguera
Bl. Nicholas Puglia
St. Nicholas, Alexandra, and Companions
St. Nicholas Chrysoberges
Bl. Nicholas Dinnis
St. Nicholas Factor
St. Nicholas I
Nicholas II
Nicholas III

Nicholas IV
St. Nicholas Owen
St. Nicholas Peregrinus
St. Nicholas Pieck
St. Nicholas Poppel
St. Nicholas Studites
St. Nicholas Tavigli
St. Nicholas the Mystic
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
St. Nicholas V
St. Nicholas von Flue
St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountian
St. Nicomedes
St. Nicon
St. Nicon
St. Nicostratus, Antiochus, and Companions
St. Nilammon
St. Nilus the Elder
St. Nilus the Younger
St. Nina
St. Ninian
St. Nino
St. Nissen
St. Nithard
St. Nivard
St. Neol
St. Neol Chabanel
Bl. Noel Pinot
St. Noe Mawaggali
St. Non
St. Nonossus
Saint Norbert
St. Nostrianus
St. Notburga
St. Notburga
St. Notburga
St. Nothlem
St. Nouna
St. Novatus
St. Noyala
St. Numerian
St. Numidicus
St. Nunctu

St. Obdulia
St. Obitius
St. Octavian
St. Octavius, Solutor, and Adventor
St. Oda
St. Odhran
St. Odilia
St. Odilo
St. Odilo of Cluny
St. Odo
St. Odo
St. Odo of Beauvais
St. Odo of Urgell
Bl. Odoric of Pordenone
St. Odo the Good
St. Odran
St. Odrian
St. Odulf
St. Oduvald
St. Offa
St. Ogmund
St. Olaf
St. Olaf of Norway

St. Olaf of Sweden
St. Olga
St. Oliva
Bl. Olive
St. Oliver
St. Oliver Plunkett
Bl. Olivia
St. Ollegarius
St. Olympiades
St. Olympias
St. Olympius
St. Omer
St. Oncho
St. Onesimus
St. Onesimus
St. Onesiphorus
St. Onouphrius
St. Opportuna
St. Optatian
St. Optatus of Milevis
St. Ordonius
St. Orentius
St. Orentius

St. Orentius and Patientia
St. Orestes
St. Oriculus and Companions
St. Ormond
St. Orsisius
Bl. Osanna of Cattaro
St. Osburga
St. Osmanna
St. Osmanna
St. Osmund
St. Ostianus
St. Oswald
St. Osyth
St. Othmar
St. Otteran (Odhran)
St. Otto of Bamberg
St. Oudaceus
St. Ouen
St. Owen

St. Pabiali
St. Pabo
St. Pachomius
St. Pacian
Bl. Pacificus of Cerano
St. Padarn (Paternus)
St. Padre Pio
St. Paduinus
St. Paganus
St. Palaemon
St. Palatias and Laurentia
St. Paldo, Tato, and Taso
St. Palladius
St. Palladius
St. Palladius
St. Palladius
St. Palladius
St. Palmatius
St. Pambo
St. Pammachius
St. Pamphilus
St. Pamphilus
St. Pamphilus
St. Pamphilus
St. Panacea

St. Pancharius
St. Pancharius
Saint Pancras
St. Pandwyna
St. Pantaenus
St. Pantagathus
St. Pantaleon
St. Pantalus
St. Paphnutius
St. Paphnutius
St. Paphnutius
St. Paphnutius
St. Papias
St. Papias
St. Papias and Maurinus
St. Papinianus
St. Papinianus
St. Papulus
St. Paramon and Companions
St. Pardulphus
St. Paris
St. Parisius
St. Parmenas
St. Parmenius, Chrysoteins, and Helimenas
St. Paschal
St. Paschal Baylon
Paschal I
Paschal II
St. Pascharius
St. Paschasia
St. Paschasius
St. Paschasius
St. Paschasius Radbertus
St. Pastor
St. Pastor
St. Pastor
St. Patapius
St. Paterius
St. Patermuthius
St. Paternian
St. Paternian
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Paternus
St. Patiens
St. Patiens
St. Patricain
St. Patricia
Saint Patrick
St. Patrick
St. Patrick
Lorica of Saint Patrick
St. Patrick of Prusa
Bl. Patrick Salmon
St. Patroclus
St. Patroclus
St. Patto
St. Paul
St. Paul and Companions
St. Paul and Companions
St. Paul Loc Van Le
St. Paul the Simple
St. Paula
St. Paula
St. Paula
St. Paula Frasinetti
St. Paul and Companions
St. Paul and Cyriacus
St. Paul and Juliana
St. Paul and Ninety Companions
St. Paul and Tatta
St. Paul Aurelian
St. Paul Aybara
St. Paul of the Cross
Bl. Paul Fimonaya
St. Paul, Gerontius and Companions
St. Paul Hanh
St. Paulhen
St. Paul, Heraclius, and Companions
St. Paul I
Paul II
St. Paulinus of Aquileia
St. Paulinus of Aquileia
St. Paulinus of Antioch
St. Paulinus of Aquileia
St. Paulinus of Brescia
St. Paulinus of Capua
St. Paulinus of Nola
St. Paulinus of Sinigaglia
St. Paulinus of Trier
St. Paulinus of York
Bl. Paul Lieou
St. Paul Loc
St. Paul Lucius, and Cyriacus
St. Paul Miki
St. Paul My
Bl. Paul Navarro
St. Paul Ngan
St. Paul of Constantinople
St. Paul of Cyprus
St. Paul of Gaza
St. Paul of Latros
St. Paul of Narbonne
St. Paul of Prusa
St. Paul of St. Zoilus
St. Paul of Trois Chateaux
St. Paul of Verdun
St. Paul I, Pope
Bl. Paul Sanchiki
Bl. Paul Shinsuki
Bl. Paul Tanaka
Bl. Paul Tcheng
St. Paul the Hermit
St. Paul the Simple
St. Paul Tinh
Bl. Paul Tomaki
St. Paul Tong Buong
Bl. Pavel Djidjov
St. Pavoni, Anthony
Bl. Pedro de Alcantara Villanueva Larrayoz
Bls. Pedro Ruiz de los Panos y Angel and Jose Sala Pico
St. Pega
St. Pelagia
St. Pelagia of Antioch
St. Pelagia of Tarsus
St. Pelagius
St. Pelagius
St. Pelagius
St. Pelagius, Arsenius, and Sylvanus
Pelagius I
Pelagius II

St. Pelagius of Laodicea
St. Peleus
St. Peleusius
St. Pelinus
St. Pens
Bl. Pepin of Landen
Bl. Pere Tarres I Claret
St. Peregrin
St. Peregrine Laziosi
St. Peregrinus
St. Peregrinus
St. Peregrinus
St. Peregrinus
St. Peregrinus
St. Peregrinus, Maceratus, and Viventius
St. Perfectus
St. Pergentinus and Laurentinus
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
St. Perpetuus
St. Perseveranda
St. Peter
Bls. Peter and Susanna Araki Chobyoye
St. Peter Ch’oe Hyong
St. Peter de Betancur
Sts. Peter Dung Van Dinh, Vincent Duong, and Peter Thuan
Sts. Peter Hong Pyong-ju and Paul Hong Yong-ju
Bl. Peter Igneus (“The Fiery”)
St. Peter of Canterbury
St. Peter of Canterbury
Bl. Peter of Pisa
Bl. Peter of Tiferno
St. Peter of Trevi
St. Peter Orseolo
St. Peter Orseolo
Bls. Peter Snow and Ralph Grimston
St. Peter the Tax Collector
St. Peter the Tax Collector
Sts. Peter Tu Van Nguyen and Jose Canh Luong Hoang
Bl. Peter Vigne
St. Peter Yi Ho-Yong
St. Peter
St. Peter, First Pope
St. Peter
St. Peter
St. Peter of Alcantara
St. Peter and Hermogenes
Bl. Peter Araki Kobjoje
St. Peter Arbues
Bl. Peter Armengol
St. Peter Baptist
Bl. Peter Berna
St. Peter Canisius
St. Peter in Chains
St. Peter Chanel
St. Peter Chrysologus
St. Peter Claver
St. Peter Damian
Bl. Peter de Duenas
Bl. Peter de la Cadireta
St. Peter Domoulin Bori, Peter Khoa, and Vincent Diem

St. Peter Duong
St. Peter Fourier
St. Peter Francis Neron
St. Peter Gonzales
St. Peter Gonzalez
St. Peter Hieu
St. Peter Igneus
Bl. Peter Ikiemon
St. Peter, Julian, and Companions
St. Peter Julian Eymard
St. Peter Khanh
Bl. Peter Kufioji
Bl. Peter Lieou
St. Peter Martinez
Bl. Peter Nangashi
St. Peter Nolasco
St. Peter of Alexandria
St. Peter of Anagni
St. Peter of Asche
Bl. Peter of Avila
St. Peter of Braga
St. Peter of Canterbury
Bl. Peter of Castelnau
St. Peter of Chavanon
St. Peter of Damascus
St. Peter of Juilly
St. Peter of Luxembourg
St. Peter of Mount Athos
St. Peter of Nicomedia
St. Peter of Osma
St. Peter of Pappacarbone
St. Peter of Pavia
St. Peter of Perugia
Bl. Peter of Poitiers
Bl. Peter of Seville
St. Peter of Tarantaise
Bl. Peter of the Assumption
Bl. Peter of the Holy Mother of God
St. Peter of Trevi
Bl. Peter Onizuko
Bl. Peter Ou
St. Peter Pareuzi
St. Peter Pascual
St. Peter Paul of St. Claire
St. Peter Quy
St. Peter Regulatus
St. Peter Rene Roque
Bl. Peter Rinshei
St. Peter Rodriguez and Companions
Bl. Peter Sampo
Bl. Peter Sanga
Bl. Peter Sanz
St. Peter of Sebaste
St. Peter, Severus and Leucius
St. Peter Shukeshiko
Bl. Peter Tecelano
St. Peter the Deacon
Bl. Peter the Hermit
St. Peter the Scribe
St. Peter the Spaniard
Bl. Peter the Venerable
St. Peter Thi
St. Peter Thomas
St. Peter Truat
St. Peter Tu
St. Peter Tu
St. Peter Tuan
St. Peter Tuy
St. Peter Urseolus
St. Peter Van
Bl. Peter Vasquez
St. Peter of Verona
Bl. Peter Wright
Bl. Peter Zuniga
St. Petroc
St. Petronax
Bl. Petronax
St. Petronilla
St. Petronius
St. Petronius
St. Petronius
St. Phaebadius
St. Phanurius
St. Pharaildis
St. Phelim
St. Philaster
St. Phileas
St. Philemon
St. Philemon
St. Philemon and Domninus
St. Philetus
St. Philibert
St. Philip
St. Philip
St. Philip
St. Philip
St. Philip Benizi
St. Philip the Deacon
Sts. Philip Evans & John Lloyd
St. Philip Howard

St. Philip Minh
Saint Philip Neri
St. Philip of Agirone
St. Philip of Gortyna
St. Philip of Heraclea
St. Philip of Jesus
St. Philip of Vienne
St. Philip of Zell
Bl. Philip Powell
St. Philo and Agathopodes
St. Philogonius
St. Philologus and Patrobas
St. Philomena
St. Philomena
St. Philomenus
St. Philoterus
St. Phocas
St. Phocas the Gardener
St. Phocas
St. Phocas and Antioch
St. Phocas the Gardener
St. Phoebe
St. Photina
St. Piaton
St. Pierius
St. Pierius
St. Pierre-Francois Neron
Bl. Piety of The Cross
St. Pigmenius
Bl. Pina Suriano
St. Pinnock
St. Pinytus
St. Pionius
St. Pior
St. Piran
St. Pirmin
Pius I
Pius II
St. Pius V, Pope
St. Pius X
St. Placid
St. Placid
St. Placide Viel
St. Placidia
St. Plato
St. Plato
St. Plato
St. Platonides
St. Plautilla
St. Plechelm
St. Plegmund
St. Plutarch
St. Podius
St. Poemon
St. Pollio
Saint Polycarp
St. Polycarp and Theodore
St. Polycarp of Alexandria
St. Polycarp of Smyrna
St. Polychronius
St. Polychronius
St. Polydore Plasden
St. Polyeuctus
St. Polyeuctus, Victorius and Donatus
St. Pompeius
St. Pompeius Maria Pirotti
St. Pomponius
St. Pomposa
St. Pontian
St. Pontian
St. Pontian Ngondwe
St. Pontian Pope
St. Pontianus
St. Pontius
St. Pontius of Cimella
St. Agapitus
St. Pope John I
St. Poppo
St. Porcarius
St. Porphyrius
St. Porphyrius
St. Porphyrius
St. Porphyrius and Seleucus
St. Porphyry
St. Portianus
St. Possessor
St. Possidius
St. Potamioene the Younger
St. Potamius and Nemesius
St. Potamon
St. Pothinus
St. Potitus
St. Praejectus
St. Praetextatus
St. Praetextatus (Prix)
St. Pragmatius
St. Praxedes
Prayer to St. Francis of Assisi
St. Primael
St. Primitiva
St. Primitiva
St. Primus
Sts. Primus and Felician
St. Primus and Donatus
St. Primus and Felician
St. Principia
St. Principius
St. Prior
St. Prisca
St. Priscilla
St. Priscilla
St. Priscillian
St. Priscus
St. Priscus
St. Priscus
St. Priscus
St. Priscus, Crescens, and Evagrius
St. Privatus
St. Privatus
St. Prix
St. Probus
St. Probus
St. Probus
St. Probus and Grace
Bl. Proceso Ruiz Cascales and Companions
St. Processus and Martinian
St. Prochorus
St. Proclus
St. Proclus and Hilarion
St. Procopius
St. Procopius
St. Proculus
St. Proculus
St. Proculus
St. Proculus
St. Proculus
St. Prosper
St. Prosper of Aquitaine
St. Prothadius
St. Protogenes
St. Protus and Hyacinth
St. Protus and Januarius
St. Provinus
St. Prudentius
St. Prudentius Galindo
St. Psalmodius
St. Ptolemy
St. Ptolemy
St. Publia
St. Publius
St. Publius
St. Publius, Victor, and Hermes
St. Pudens
St. Pudentiana
St. Puicheria Augusta
St. Pusinna

St. Quadragesimus
St. Quadratus
St. Quadratus
St. Quadratus
St. Quadratus
St. Quadratus
St. Quaratus
St. Quaratus and Quintus
St. Quentin
St. Quinidius

St. Quintian
St. Quintian
St. Quintian
St. Quintian and Irenaeus
St. Quintilis
St. Quintius
St. Quintius
St. Quintius
St. Quintus
St. Quiriacus

St. Quiriacus
St. Quiriacus and Julitta
St. Quirinus
St. Quirinus
St. Quirinus
St. Quirinus
St. Quiteria

Bl. Rabanus Maurus
Bl. Rabanus Maurus
St. Rachilidis
St. Racho
St. Radbod
St. Radegund
St. Radegunde
St. Rainbold
St. Ralph
Bl. Ralph Ashley
Bl. Ralph Corby
St. Ralph Crockett
Bl. Ralph Milner
St. Rambert
St. Ramirus and Companions
St. Ranulphus
St. Raphael
St. Rasyphus and Ravennus
Bl. Raymond Lull
Bl. Raymond Lull
St. Raymond Nonnatus
St. Raymond of Barbastro
Bl. Raymond of Capua
St. Raymond of Fitero
St. Raymond of Toulouse

St. Raymond of Pennafort
Bl. Raynald de Bar
St. Raynald of Nocera
Bl. Raynald of Ravenna
St. Raynerius
St. Raynerius
St. Raynerius
St. Raynerius of Spalatro
St. Redemptus
St. Regimbald
St. Regina
St. Regulus
St. Regulus
St. Regulus
St. Regulus
St. Reineldis
St. Reinold
St. Relindis
St. Remaclus
St. Rembert
St. Remedius
St. Remigius
St. Remigius
St. Remigius
St. Renatus
Sts.Isaac Jogues and Rene Goupil
St. Renovatus
St. Reparata
St. Restituta
St. Restituta of Sora
St. Restitutus
St. Restitutus
St. Restitutus
St. Reverianus
St. Rhediw
St. Rheticus
St. Rhian
St. Rhipsime
St. Rhuddlad
St. Ribert
St. Ribert
St. Richard
Bls. Richard Hill, John Hogg, and Richard Holiday
Bl. Richard Kirkman

Bl. Richard Whiting
Bl. Richard Bere
Bl. Richard Featherstone
St. Richard Gwyn
Bl. Richard Herst
St. Richardis
Bl. Richard Kirkman
Bl. Richard Langhorne
Bl. Richard Langley
Bl. Richard Leigh
St. Richard Martin
Bl. Richard Newport
St. Richard of Andria
St. Richard of Chichester
Bl. Richard of St. Ann
St. Richard of Vaucelles
St. Richard Reynolds
Bl. Richard Rolle de Hampole
Bl. Richard Thirkeld
Bl. Richard Whiting
St. Richard of Wyche
St. Richrudis
St. Rigobert
St. Rigobert (Robert)
St. Rigobert (Robert)
St. Rigoberto
St. Rioch
St. Riquier
St. Rita
St. Rita Amada de Jesus
St. Rita of Cascia
St. Ritbert
St. Rixius Varus
Bl. Rizzerio
Bl. Robert Sutton
Bl. Robert Anderton
St. Robert Bellarmine
Bl. Robert Dalby
Bl. Robert Johnson
St. Robert Lawrence
Bl. Robert Morton
St. Robert of Newminster
Bl. Robert Bruges
St. Robert of Bury St. Edmunds
St. Robert of Chaise Dieu
St. Robert of Frassinoro
St. Robert of Molesmes
St. Robert of Newmister
St. Robert of Syracuse
Bl. Robert Salt
St. Robert Southwell
Bl. Robert Sutton
Bl. Robert Watkinson
Bl. Robert Widmerpool
Bl. Robert Wilcox
St. Robustian
St. Roch
St. Roderic
St. Roderic and Salomon
St. Rodingus

St. Rogatian
St. Rogatus
St. Rogellus
St. Roger
Bl. Roger Filcock
Bl. Roger of Ellant
Bl. Roger of Todi
Bl. Roger James
Bl. Roger of Todi

Bl. Roland de'Medici
St. Romana
Bl. Romanus
St. Romanus and Barula
St. Romanus Aybara
St. Romanus of Condat
St. Romanus of Le Mans
St. Romanus of Nepi
St. Romanus of Rouen
St. Romanus of Subiaco
St. Romanus Ostiarius
St. Romanus the Melodist
St. Romaric
St. Romlua
St. Romuald
St. Romulus
St. Romulus
St. Romulus
St. Romulus and Companions
St. Romulus and Conindrus
St. Romulus and Secundus
St. Ronald
St. Ronan
St. Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz
St. Rosalia
Bl. Rosalie Rendu
Bl. Rose
Bl. Rose Chretien
St. Rose of Lima
St. Rose Phillipine Duchesne
St. Ruadan
St. Rudesind
Bl. Rudolf Acquaviva
Bl. Rudolf Aquaviva
St. Rudolph of Gubbio
St. Ruellinus
St. Rufillus
St. Rufina
St. Rufinus
St. Rufinus
St. Rufinus
St. Rufinus
St. Rufinus
St. Rufinus and Martia
St. Rufinus and Rufinian
St. Rufinus and Secundus
St. Rufinus, Silvanus, and Victalicus
St. Rufus
St. Rufus and Avignon
St. Rufus and Carpophorus
St. Rufus and Companions
St. Rufus and Zosimus
St. Rufus of Metz
St. Rufus of Rome
St. Rumold
St. Rumon
St. Rumwald
St. Rupert
St. Rupert of Salzberg
St. Rusticula
Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius
St. Rusticus
St. Rusticus
St. Rusticus
St. Rusticus
St. Rutilius
St. Rutilius and Companions

St. Sabas
St. Sabas
St. Sabas
St. Sabas of Serbia
St. Sabina
St. Sabinian
Sts. Sabinian & Potentian
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
St. Sabinus
Sts. Sabinus & Cyprian
St. Sacer
St. Sacerdos
St. Sacerdos
St. Sacerdos
Bl. Sadoc & Companions
St. Sadoth
St. Sadwen
St. Saethryth

St. Sagar
St. Peter of Alcantara
St. Salaberga
St. Salaun
St. Sallustian
Bl. Salomea
Sts. Salome & Judith
St. Salvatore
St. Salvator of Horta
St. Salvinus
St. Salvinus
St. Salvius
St. Salvius
St. Salvius
St. Salvius
St. Salvius of Albi
St. Samson
St. Samson
St. Samthan
St. Samthann
St. Samthann
St. Samuel
St. Samuel of Edessa
St. Sanctan
St. Sanctinus
St. Sanctinus
St. Sandila
St. Sandratus
Sts. Sarbelius & Barbea
St. Sarmata
St. Saturnina
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus
St. Saturninus & Companions
Sts. Saturninus & Lupus
Sts. Saturninus & Sisinius
Sts. Saturninus, Theophilus, & Revocata
Sts. Saturninus, Thrysus, & Victor
St. Satyrus
St. Satyrus
St. Sava
St. Savina

Bl. Savina Petrilli
St. Sawl
St. Scannal
St. Scholastica
St. Schotin
St. Seachnall
St. Sebald
St. Sebastian
Bl. Sebastian Kimura
Bl. Sebastian Montanol
Bl. Sebastian Newdigate
St. Sebbi
St. Sebbi
St. Secundel
St. Secundian
St. Secundina
St. Secundinus
St. Secundinus
St. Secundinus, Agrippinus, Maximus, Fortunatus, & Martialis
St. Secundus
St. Secundus
St. Secundus
St. Secundus & Companions
St. Secundus, Fidentian, & Varicus
St. Sedna
St. Seduinus
St. Seiriol
St. Seleucus
St. Selyf
St. Senach
St. Senan
St. Senan
St. Senan
St. Senator
St. Senator
St. Senoch
St. Senorina
St. Sequanus
St. Seraphim of Sarov
St. Seraphina
St. Seraphina
St. Seraphinus
St. Serapia
St. Serapion
St. Serapion
St. Serapion
St. Serapion the Scholastic
St. Serapion the Sindonite
St. Serena
St. Serenidus & Serenus
St. Serenus
St. Serenus the Gardener
St. Sergius
St. Sergius
St. Sergius & Bacehus
St. Sergius
St. Sergius I
Sergius II
Sergius III
Sergius IV

St. Sergius of Radonezh
St. Servan
Sts. Servandus & Cermanus
St. Servatus
St. Servulus
St. Servus
St. Severa
St. Severa
St. Severian
St. Severian
St. Severian
St. Severian & Aquila

St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus
St. Severinus Boethius
Sts. Severinus, Exuperius, & Felician
St. Severus
St. Sexburga
St. Sidney
St. Sigfrid
St. Silas
St. Silas
St. Silverius
St. Simeon Barsabae and Companions
St. Simeon the Stylite
St. Simeon the Stylite
St. Simeon Metaphrastes
St. Simon
St. Simon de Rojas
Bl. Simon Kiyota Bokusai and Companions
St. Simon Stock
St. Simon of Zealot
St. Simplicius
St. Sisebut
St. Sixtus I
Sixtus II
Sixtus IV
St. Slyvester
St. Sofia
St. Solange
St. Solanus
St. Sophronius of Jerusalem
St. Soter
St. Soteris
St. Speciosus
St. Spyridon of Tremithius
St. Stanislaus
St. Stephen
St. Stephen Min Kuk-ka
St. Stephen Min Kuk-Ka
St. Stephen of Grandmont
St. Stephen of Mar Saba
St. Stephen of Obazine
St. Stephen of Surosh
St. Stephen the Great
St. Stephen I
Stephen III
Stephen IV
Stephen V
Stephen VI
Stephen VII
Stephen VII/VIII
St. Sulpice II
St. Sulpicius
St. Susanna
St. Swithbert (Suitbert)
St. Swithun
Sylvester II
Sylvester III
St. Sylvia
St. Symmachus
Sts. Syncletica

St. Tabitha
St. Talacrian
St. Talida
St. Tanca
St. Tanco
St. Tarasius
St. Tarbula
St. Tarsicia
St. Tarsicius
St. Tarsilla
St. Tarskius
St. Tassach
St. Tathal
St. Tatiana
St. Tatiana
St. Tation
St. Tatwine
St. Taurinus
St. Teath
St. Teilo
St. Telemachus
St. Telesphorus
St. Telga
St. Tenenan
St. Terence

St. Terence
St. Terence of Metz
St. Terentian
St. Teresa Kim Im-i
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa de los Andes
Bl. Teresa Fantou
St. Teresa Margaret Redi
St .Teresa of Calcutta
St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars
St. Teresa of Portugal
St. Ternan
St. Ternatius
St. Tertullian
St. Tertullinus
St. Tetricus
St. Tetricus
St. Tetta
Bl. Thaddeus Maccarthy
Bl. Thaddeus Lieu
St. Thais
St. Thalassius & Limuneus
St. Thalelaeus
St. Thalelaeus
St. Thalelaeus
St. Thamel & Companions
St. Tharacus
Sts. Thea & Valentina
St. Thecla
Bl. Thecla Nangashi
St. Thecla of Kitzingen
St. Themistoeles
St. Theneva
St. Theobald
Bl. Theobald
St. Theobald of Marly
St. Theobald of Vienne
St. Theoctiste
St. Theodard
St. Theodard
St. Theodemir
St. Theodichildis
St. Theodora
St. Theodora & Didymus
St. Theodora
St. Theodora
St. Theodora
St. Theodore
St. Theodore
St. Theodore
St. Theodore
Theodore I
Theodore II
St. Theodore of Bologna
St. Theodore of Cyrene
St. Theodore of Egypt
St. Theodore of Studites
St. Theodore of Sykeon
St. Theodore of Tabenna
St. Theodore of Tarsus
St. Theodore and Pausilippus
St. Theodore of Pavia
St. Theodore, Philippa, and Companions
St. Theodore Stratelates
St. Theodore and Theophanes
St. Theodore the Sacrist
St. Theodoret of Antioch
St. Theodore Trichinas
St. Theodore Tyro
St. Theodoric
St. Theodoric
St. Theodoric
St. Theodoric of Emden
St. Theodoric of Orleans
St. Theodosia
St. Theodosia

St. Theodosia & Companions
St. Theodosius
St. Theodosius
St. Theodosius
St. Theodosius of Antioch
St. Theodosius Pechersky
St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch
St. Theodota
St. Theodota
St. Theodota
St. Theodotus
St. Theodotus
St. Theodotus
St. Theodotus, Rufina, and Ammia
St. Theodulphus
St. Theodulus
St. Theodulus
St. Theodulus
St. Theodulus
St. Theodulus
St. Theofrid
St. Theofrid (Chaffre) of Orange
St. Theofrid
St. Theonas
St. Theonas of Egypt
St. Theonestus
St. Theopemptus and Theonas
Sts. Theophanes
St. Theophanes and Companions
St. Theophane Venard
St. Theophilus
St. Theophilus
St. Theophilus
St. Theophilus
St. Theophilus
St. Theophilus of Alexandria
St. Theophilus & Helladius
St. Theophilus of Corte
St. Theophilus the Lawyer
St. Theophilus the Penitent
St. Theophylact
St. Theorigitha (Tortgyth)
St. Theotimus
St. Theotimus & Basilian
St. Theotonius
St. Theresa Coudere
Saint Therese of Lisieux
St. Thespesius
St. Thethmar
St. Theusetas
St. Thiemo
St. Thiento & Companions
St. Thomais
St. Thomas
Bl. Thomas Atkinson
Bl. Thomas Corsini
Bls. Thomas Hunt and Thomas Sprott
Bls. Thomas Palaser, John Norton, and John Talbot
Bl. Thomas Percy
Bl. Thomas Abel

Bl. Thomas Akafuji
Bl. Thomas Alfield
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Becket
Bl. Thomas Bosgrave
Bl. Thomas Cottam
St. Thomas Danki
St. Thomas De & Companions
St. Thomas Dien
St. Thomas Du
Bl. Thomas Felton
Bl. Thomas Ford
St. Thomas Garnet
Bls. Thomas Green, Thomas Scryven, and Thomas Reding
Bl. Thomas Guengoro
Bl. Thomas Hemerford
Bl. Thomas Holford
Bl. Thomas Holland
Bl. Thomas Johnson
Bl. Thomas Kotenda and Companions
Bl. Thomas Koyanangi
St. Thomas Kozaki
Bl. Thomas Kufioji
St. Thomas More
St. Thomas of Antioch
St. Thomas of Dover
St. Thomas of Farfa
St. Thomas of Hereford
Bl. Thomas of St. Hyacinth
Bl. Thomas of the Holy Rosary
Bl. Thomas of Tolentino
St. Thomas of Villanueva
Bl. Thomas Percy
Bl. Thomas Pickering
Bl. Thomas Plumtree
Bl. Thomas Reynolds
Bl. Thomas Sherwood
Bl. Thomas Somers
Bl. Thomas Thwing
Bl. Thomas Toan
Bl. Thomas Tomaki

Bl. Thomas Tsughi
Bl. Thomas Tunstal
Bl. Thomas Vinyemon
Bl. Thomas Warcop
Bl. Thomas Welourne
Bl. Thomas Whitbread
Bl. Thomas Woodhouse
Bl. Thomas Zumarraga
St. Thomian
St. Thordgith
St. Thorfinn
Sts. Thorlac Thorhallsson
St. Thraseas
St. Thyrsus & Projectus
St. Thyrsus, Leucius, & Callinicus
St. Tiberius
St. Tiburtius
St. Tiburtius
St. Tigernach
St. Tigides & Remedius
St. Tigridia
St. Tigrius
St. Tigrius
St. Tigrius & Eutropius
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
St. Tilbert
St. Tillo
St. Timolaus & Companions
St. Timon
St. Timothy
St. Timothy
St. Timothy
St. Timothy
St. Timothy & Diogenes
St. Timothy & Faustus
Sts. Timothy & Martha
Sts. Timothy, Polius & Eutychius
Sts. Timothy, Thecla, & Agapius
St. Titian
St. Titian
St. Titus
St. Titus
Bl. Titus Brandsma
Bl. Tobias Borras Roman
St. Tochmura
St. Tola
Bl. Torello
St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo
St. Torpes
St. Torquatus
St. Tranquillinus
St. Trason
St. Trea
St. Tremorus
St. Tressan
St. Triduna
St. Trien
St. Trillo
St. Triphina
St. Triphyllius
St. Triverius
St. Troadius
St. Trojan
St. Trophimus
St. Trophimus
Sts. Trophimus & Eucarpius
Sts. Trophimus & Theophilus
Sts. Trophimus & Thalus
Sts. Trophimus of Arles
St. Trudo
St. Trudo (Trond)
St. Trudpert
St. Trumwin
St. Trumwin
St. Trypbaena
Sts. Trypbaena & Tryphosa
St. Tryphon
St. Tryphon & Companions
St. Tryphonia
St. Tuda
St. Tudno
St. Tudwal
St. Tudy
St. Tudy
St. Turiaf
St. Turibius of Astorga
St. Turibius of Palencia
St. Turketil
St. Turninus
St. Tutilo
St. Tychicus
St. Tychon
St. Tydecho
St. Tydfil
Sts. Tyrannio & Silvanus
Sts. Tysilio

St. Ubald Baldassini
Bl. Ugolino (Hugolino) of Cortona
St. Uguzo
St. Ulehad
St. Ulfrid
St. Ulphia
St. Ulric
St. Ulrich
St. Ultan
St. Ultan
St. Uni
St. Urban
St. Urban I
Urban II

Urban III
Urban IV
St. Urban of Langres
Urban V
Urban VI
St. Urbitius
St. Urbitius
St. Urciscenus
St. Urpasian
St. Ursicinus
St. Ursicinus
St. Ursicinus
St. Ursicinus
St. Ursicinus

St. Ursicius
St. Ursinus
St. Ursmar
St. Ursula
Bl. Ursulina
St. Ursus
St. Ursus
St. Ursus
St. Ust
St. Usthazanes

St. Vaast (Vedast)
St. Valens
St. Valens
St. Valens
Bl. Valentin Paquay
Bl. Valentin Paquay
St. Valentina & Thea
St. Valentine
Valentine 2
St. Valentine
St. Valentine
St. Valentine
St. Valentine
St. Valentine
St. Valentine Berrio-Ochoa
St. Valentine & Hilary
St. Valentinian
St. Valeria
St. Valeria
St. Valerian
St. Valerian
St. Valerian
St. Valerian
St. Valerian
St. Valerian

St. Valerian
St. Valerian, Niacrinus, & Gordian
St. Valerie
St. Valerius
St. Valerius
St. Valerius
St. Valerius
St. Valerius
St. Valerius
St. Valerius & Rufinus
St. Varus
St. Vasius
Bl. Vasyl Velychkovsky
St. Vedast
St. Veep
St. Velleicus
St. Venantius
St. Venantius
St. Venantius
St. Venantius
St. Venantius
St. Venantius Fortunatus
St. Venaranda
St. Venerandus
St. Venerius
St. Venerius
St. Venturino of Bergamo
St. Veranus
St. Veranus
St. Veranus
St. Veranus
St. Verecundus
St. Veremundus
St. Verena
St. Vergil of Salzburg
St. Veridiana
St. Verissimus, Maxima, and Julia

St. Veronica
St. Veronica Giuliani
St. Verulus and Companions
St. Verus
St. Verus
St. Viator
St. Viator of Tremble-Vif-Sologne
St. Viator
St. Vicelin
Bl. Vicente Soler
St. Victor
St. Victor3
St. Victor
St. Victor
St. Victor
St. Victor
St. Victor
St. Victor
St. Victor, Alexander, and Marianus
St. Victor and Companions
St. Victor and Corona
St. Victoria
St. Victoria of Tivoli
St. Victoria of Tivoli
St. Victorian
St. Victorian
St. Victorian of Asan
Blessed Victoria Strata
St. Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian
St. Victor in Paris
St. Victorinus
St. Victorinus
St. Victorinus of Pettau
St. Victorious
St. Victor Maurus
St. Victor of Piacenza
St. Victor of Vita
St. Victor and Stephen
St. Victor, Stercntius, and Antigones
St. Victor the Moor
St. Victor and Ursus
St. Victricius
St. Victurus
St. Vigilius
St. Vigilius
St. Vigilius
St. Vigor
Bl. Vilana of Florence
Bl. Villana
St. Villanus
St. Villicus
St. Vimin
St. Vincent
St. Vincent of Agen
St. Vincent
Bl. Vincent de Cunha
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent Diem

St. Vincent Ferrer
St. Vincentia Maria Lopez Y Vicuna

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St. Vincent Kadlubek
St. Vincent Kaun
St. Vincent & Laetus
St. Vincent Liem
St. Vincent Madelgarus
St. Vincent of Agen
St. Vincent of Bevagna
St. Vincent of Collioure
St. Vincent of Digne
St. Vincent of Leon
St. Vincent of Lerins
St. Vincent of Porto
St. Vincent of Troyes
St. Vincent, Orontius, & Victor
St. Vincent Pallotti
St. Vincent Pallottiano
St. Vincent, Sabina, & Christeta
St. Vincent Saragossa
St. Vincent Strambi
St. Vincent the Deacon
St. Vincent Yen
St. Vincenza Gerosa
St. Vincenza Mary Lopez y Vicuna
St. Vindemialis, Eugene, & Longinus
St. Vindician
St. Vintila
St. Virgil
St. Virgil of Arles
St. Virgilius
St. Virgilius of Arles
St. Virila
St. Vissia
St. Vitalian
St. Vitalian
St. Vitalian
St. Vitalicus
St. Vitalina
St. Vitalis
Sts. Vitalis and Valeria
St. Vitalis
St. Vitalis
St. Vitalis
St. Vitalis
St. Vitalis of Gaza
St. Vitonus
St. Vitus
St. Vitus
St. Viventiolus
St. Viventius
St. Vivian
St. Vladimir
St. Vodoaldus
St. Voloc
St. Volusian
St. Votus, Felix, & John
St. Vouga
St. Vulganius
St. Vulgis
St. Vulphy
St. Vulpi

St. Waccar
St. Walbert
St. Walburga
St. Waldalenus
St. Waldebert
St. Waldebert, Abbot
St. Waldetrudis
St. Walericus
St. Walfrid
St. Walfrid
St. Walhere
St. Walstan
St. Walter
St. Walter
St. Walter
Bl. Walter Pierson
St. Walter of Pontoise
Bl. Waltheof
Bl. Wando
St. Wandrille
St. Waningus
St. Warinus
St. Wastrada
St. Wenceslaus
St. Wenceslaus

St. Wendolinus
St. Wenog
St. Werburg
St. Werburga
St. Werenfrid
St. Wiborada
St. Wicterp
St. Widradus
St. Wigbert
St. Wigbert
St. Wilfretrudis
St. Wilfrid
St. Wilfrid the Younger
St. Wilfrida
St. Wilfrid the Younger
St. Wilgefortis

St. Willehad
St. Willehad of Denmark
St. Willeic
St. William
Bl. William Carter
Bl. William Ireland
Bl. William Tempier
Bl. William Thomson
St. William, Abbot
Bl. William Andleby
St. William Arnaud
St. William of Bourges
St. William Breteuil
Bl. William Browne
Bl. William Dean
St. William of Dijon
St. William of Eskilsoe
Bl. William Exmew
Bl. William Filby
St. William Firmatus
St. William Freeman
St. William of Gellone
Bl. William Greenwood
Bl. William Guntei
Bl. William Harcourt
Bl. William Harrington
Bl. William Hart
Bl. William Hartley
Bl. William Horne
Bl. William Howard
Bl. William Ireland
Bl. William Lacey
St. William of Maleval
Bl. William Marsden
St. William of Norwich
Bl. William Patenson
St. William of Penacorada
St. William of Pontoise
Bl. William Richardson
St. William of Rochester
St. William of Roeskilde

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St. William of Saint-Brieuc
St. William of Vercelli
Bl. William Ward
Bl. William Way
St. William of York
St. Willibald
St. Willibrord
St. Willigis
St. Willigod & Martin
St. Wiltrudis
St. Wiltrudis
St. Wiltrudis
St. Winaman
St. Winebald
St. Winebald
St. Winewald
St. Winifred
St. Winifred
St. Winnow, Mancus, & Mybrad
St. Winoc
St. Winwaloc
St. Wiomad
St. Wiro
St. Wiro
St. Wisdom
St. Wistan
St. Withburga
St. Wivina
St. Wojciech
St. Wolfgang
St. Wulfhade & Ruffinus
St. Wulfhilda
St. Wulfram
St. Wulfric
St. Wulfstan
St. Wulmar
St. Wulsin

St. Xantippa & Polyxena

St. Ymar
St. Yrchard
St. Yrieix

St. Ysarn
Bl. Yvette
St. Ywi

St. Zacchaeus
St. Zachariah
St. Zachary
St. Zachary2
St. Zachary
St. Zama
St. Zambdas
St. Zdislava of Lemberk
St. Zdislava of Lemberk
St. Zdislava of Lemberk
St. Zebinus
St. Zeno
St. Zeno
St. Zeno
St. Zeno
St. Zeno

St. Zeno
St. Zeno
St. Zenobius
St. Zenobius
St. Zenobius
St. Zenobius & Zenobia
St. Zeno & Chanton
Ven. Zepherin Namuncura
St. Zephyrinus
St. Zephyrinus
St. Zita
St. Zita
St. Zoe
St. Zoe
St. Zoellus
St. Zoilus

St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus
St. Zosimus & Athanasius
St. Zoticus
St. Zoticus
St. Zoticus
St. Zoticus
St. Zoticus

Surrounded by so great a Cloud of Witnesses, let us lay aside every weight of sin which doth easily beset us....." Hebrews

If I start with the premise that the Bible alone is the source of all truth then I must take my Bible and try to live what it says to the best of my ability as I travel every Sunday to my imperfect church until I discover that there is something or someone which isn't quite right, and leave that church and for another one down the street. If I believe instead that “The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth” 1 Timothy 3:15, then there is only one place for me to go….Rome.
